نماز فارسی من,ملايه با حال سلسبيل و بچه بازا


by samsam1111

سلسبيل..بوستان سعدي.قصرالدشت دوازده متری رو اگه بشناسيد ميدوني که پايتخت تهرانه من تا چهارده پونزده سالگی سيتيزن دوازده متري بودم ..بيشتر پسرو دختر دايی و خاله عموها هم تو اين منطقه بودن و دانش اموز   بعدشم رفتيم اميراباد ..تو دوازده متری يه مسجد بود که کليد دار و امامش يکی بود بنام حاج مغصودی که ملايه ميون ساله با حال و اهل جوک بود.ترک همدونی بود ..خلاصه هفت هشت سالم بود نميدونم فضايه اروم و روحانی مسجد بود  يا تکيه رفتن و شربت الو و قيمه مفت کار دستمون داد و نماز خون  روزه بگيرشدم و چرت همسايه هايه  محله رو باعربده  اذون هايه  بی موقع ظهر می پروندم و فحش بی پدر مادر نصيبم  ..حالا تويه خانواده ارتشی غير مذهبی اين ديگه سرامد عجاعب بود..البته سال به سال ميگذشت و من هم نماز روزم بجا بود هم فوتبال و کتک کاری و کتک خوری ودختربازی وچک کردن کاتالوگ لباس نيمه لخت که خواهرم از المان مياورد..اين کاتالوگها با روغن نباتی چه حالی داشت

...يادم مياد پونزده سالم بود که رسوبات کتاب زرين کوب و کسروی عمويه اکسنتريکه کوچيکم کار دستم داد و نماز رو ديگه  فارسی خوندن تا يه روز که گير اين حاج مغصود افتادم..اين مسجد امام صادق در اصل پاتوق يه عده پير مرد بود و بچه بازاری ..از ديگرون هم اگه کسی ميومد يا واسه اب خنک بود يا فرار از گرما..مشد مغصود هم با اينکه سالها منو از بچگی تو مسجد و تکيه و شام غريبان ميديد هنوز به شوخی و بذله  با لهجه ترکيش سر بسرم ميذاشت و ميگفت "ايی تکم سک تا شبی عالافی دوونبال مينی جووب مال حرام بعدی عاميدی مسجيد مغرب عشا ميکونی واسه توبه  " ولی من باهاش حال ميکردم و شوخی و فيلم بازی .بهش ميگفتم اگه ملايه خوبی باشه واسش فيلم سکسی ميارم و فحش بود که ميداد..داشتم ميگفتم.. من گه و گاه به مسجد ميرفتم برايه نمازام که بيشترش قضا بود.. يه روز چون من نماز رو معمولان زمزمه ميکردم يه بچه مقدس بازاری شنيد و لوم داد به حاجي..بعد نماز حاج مغصود{که زمونه انقلاب شد حجت ال اسلام} صدام زد و بی مقدمه گفت به شوخی ای اکمل ال کافرون ..گفتم که چی .با مزاح گفت که توله ادم اين نمازت نماز کفره که داری فارسی ميخونی در حالی که عربيت از من بهتره ..بهش گفتم حاجی کجايه قران گفته نمازتو به عربی بخون ..گفت اخمق اين به تو نيومده از احاديثه و اياته .گفتم نشونه بيار از قران..يادش نيومد چيزي..گفتم مگه خدا تنها عربي بلده که من عربی بگم و تازه اين يه نوع بی ادبيه که با خدات نييايش کنی بدون اينکه دوزاريت بيفته چ داری ميگی و بعدم از سوره يا ايهالناس انی خلقناکم من ذکرن و انسا و جعلناکم شعوبان و قباعل لتعارفو  واسش نشونه دادم که خداوند ميفرمايد که شما را افريديم از زن و مرد و نژاد گوناگون که لذت بريد ..پس هر کی به زبون خودش. بعد ازش پرسيدم مشکله اين چيه؟,,. حاجيت نباشه مش مغصود هاج و واج شد و زد زير خنده و گفت ""اخی گرمساق ميخوای فارسی بيگی دوکوون ما رو تخته کني, اينجوری باشی که سعوال شرعی ديگی يووختو..همه خوودشوون ميشن ايمام زادي"". ديدم بنده خدا حرفش حسابه..بهش قول دادم تو مسجد نمازو عربی بخونم....يسال بعدم که انقلاب ش من که تو محله نبودم شنيدم حاجی شده رييس شورا و کميته اسلامی محله و نون و اب به راه..نوش جونش ملايه با حالی  بود  


  بچه بازا

سلسبيل پايتخت بچه بازا و فاعلين و مفعولين ايران بود ..از قنادی محل تا خياط تا پسر خياط .از مکانيکی تا مش قفل ساز بايد وجب وجب ميکردی تو سن هشت نه سالگی که گير فاعلين و مفعولين نيفتي..فاعلين هم معمولان همون ابنه به اصطلاح مظلوم ويکتيم سابق بودن که حالا شده بودن ظالم..من و پسر داييم تو نه سالگی گربه رو دم حجله کفن کرديم با سيم ترمز تو کله محسن بچه باز پسر اوستا معمار که خود مفلسش هم بچه باز بود{که بعدان شنيدم بعد انقلاب به عنوان لواطچي اعدامش کردن..اين يکي ملا کارش درست بود} ...بعدم به پسر دايی بزرگه گفتيم که يه کتک مفصل نوش جون محسنه کرد..بعد اون همه حساب کارشونو کردن ..موندم اسم سلسبيل الان چيه ..عجبا..سرزمين عجايب


ميگن بدی ملا رو گفتی خوبيشم بگو

دمه اخوندا گرم تو يه مورد..حتی اگه ظاهري.کاسه کوزه تجمل پرستی و کاخ سازی رو جمش کردن..و يه درس ديگه که اون پخی نيستی که خودت ميگی بلکه اونی که همسايت ميگه..ملاها ما ملتو خوب ميشناسن..دمشون گرم حکومت حقشونه..تو برو صدايه امريکا هی زر زر ايدولوژی کن..زپرشک



more from samsam1111
ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on


Admitting to a wrong act is a sign of maturity.

by samsam1111 on


thx to all & keep well..Peace!



by Souri on

Thanks again...we already know you. Don't worry, at least I, for one, believe you are great !

Please contact me through  IC, althoug I have an idea who you are, but can't contact you directly.

Peace to you dear old friend...



I am not as bad as you think :o)

by Critic (not verified) on

Doostane aziz

Your words made me 5 inches taller (no more Napoleonic syndrome :o)). Well, here is my way of saying thanks:

Ebi Jaan,
You are a Scholar and a Gentleman,

Souri Khanom,
You are a Lady and a Peace Maker,

You are Magnanimous and a Sage,

You are a True Iranian Patriot and a Noble Khan.

Best to you all,


ebi amirhosseini

You made my day !!

by ebi amirhosseini on

Dear Souri,Samsam & Critic ?,you guys brought a big smile to my lips this morning,tnx.That is the true nature of what we all preach.Regardless of our beielfs,.....it is always helpful to have a constructive dialogue,since we really cannot know the true feelings of one another just through reading some blogs or comments.It is funny that sometimes we find out that our common interests overcome our differences!. Keep up the dialogue please.

Sepaas Bikaraan

For you:


Critic..Suggestion :

by Souri on

Just a nice smile :D)

Thanks for your kind words.


Samsam You Win (on this occasion)

by Critic (not verified) on

I am a fair critic or at least I am trying to be. My beef with Samsam started when he wrote a piece about Bakhtiaris and I responded by reminding him that he was making an unbalanced judgment and that not all Bakhtiaris were carrying a halo around their heads as he was trying to portray them. He removed that blog as a result. The same glorification of Bakhtiaris re-appeared very recently and I raised the same points. This time he chose to respond by calling me this or that. Anyway, I am not anti-Bakhtiari as there were many honorable Bakhtiairis (and I am sure there are many now) who served Iran with pride. Examples are: Dr Abolghassem Bakhtiar, Dr Shahpur Bakhtiar and Dr Abbasgholi Bakhtiar who sadly passed away recently.

But let me go back to the article in this blog. On my first read, it sounded very un-Samsam-like. So I stated my reaction to it without much thinking. But on my second read, I noted (if you don't mind my saying so) that it was not of such a crtically acclaimable quality (no offense intended)and I had made a rash assessment of it.

So Samsam,

I have no problem with withdrawing my previous comment and say I am sorry for any upset I may have caused. Mistakes happen but that is the nature of our work.


Thank you for your much valued opinion and also for allowing me to continue to post my comments on your site.


Thank you for your interest in my comments/ I am a fan of your writings. You have a very delicate and pure soul and it shines through your words.

ps - now that am being compared with Napoleon, I guess I should go about and find my Josephine! Any suggestions anyone?



by Souri on

I'd already read your Nimkate khaalie kelase sevvom, and I must say, it was wonderful. It made us sad of course, but was truly nicely said.

I didn' t send any comment, as many other friends had done it for me with better English and better expression. I usually try to read most of the blogs here (unless they are too repetitive) but don' t think everybody in every blog, need my opinion :O)

Keep posting more of this style please, we like it..


Thx Souri for your feed back.

by samsam1111 on

I get bored sitting in my office in my business some times and some times just shoot a few lines on a blog..I don,t claim it to be a masterpiece ..blogging is a  phase i,m going through like every body else..before it was learning guitar..2 years ago was learning to fly(which i never finished :)..this year is blogging..it,s just passing time and most times for fun or spreading some of my views on different subjects that I like.. like history/language/cultures or even ya women ::))..When I write a positive piece on Bakhtiaris, it,s for folks to read and have some light moments...for some disturbed person to come in and call us brit agents or thieves is realy uncalled for...

btw * in a way for him to call it Plagarirism is a form of flattery for me because it must have looked like a cool piece...& yes Souri this is mine and if you have checked my last few personal blogs which i deleted couple of them you will see it talks about the same neiborhoods,,the same khajoo geda,,reading namaz from 7,,arteshi family,,and many more that i expanded on this one..ahhh what is this? it,s only some memories yara yara not shahnameh..read my "nimkateh khalieh klasseh sevom" blog and check for yourself how it,s my writing and my childhood memories..

thx & keep well


I liked it....

by Souri on

Weather it was originally from Samsam or someone else this was a very nice and funny story. But when someone says : the story is mine,
why not to believe him ? What is this need to spreading rumours all the

Critic, I usually read your comments and sometimes even I
liked them, but honestly, this kind of accusation without any proof is
neither healthy nor morally correct. You will discredit yourself if
you continue in this way. If you have something to say, then bring it
up. What are you afraid of ? Instead of saying half way and sitting
back to let some paranoia fly in the air, come true and say : Samsam, I believe you forgot to name the author who was....or something like this at least that we can count on your argument.

, I always asked you and repeated my request every two other weeks,
please suppress this form of random commenting. This anonymous commenting is really not healthy and no good for the site. The other day, Samsam brought a good blog about the Bakhtiaris, I came back to his blog to
say something very nice about the Bakhtiari families I knew personally
and also as family friends, but there was such a bad climate on there, that
I preferred to hold back and not adding any salt to the drama.

Now, I say it here, all the Bakhtiari families and persons I knew in my life
as Ardalan, Bani-Ardalan and also Khosravi's family were the great,
respectful and human people I encountered.



JJ, I thank You Sir for your impartiality!!

by samsam1111 on


The fact that one goes out of his way to fabricate a charge on some one,s blog or follow him on every blog to insult & demean his ethnicity (Bakhtiari) as buncha conmen or him personaly  shows the dude suffers from unresolved personal issues. I write from my personal life to share with others and if He doesn,t like it then be a man and challenge my views rather than baseless lies to demean one,s character like a coward behind PC.


Before it didn,t click!!

But now I truly sympathize with your argument while back about folks refusing to send articles because of idiots who get a high on shock & awe personal attacks. Napoleonian syndroom sufferers

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Where is your proof that Samsam's piece is copied from somewhere else? Maybe you have none or else you would have mentioned where the original is. Please enlighten us.


Critic & JJ..either show me where did I copy this or you must

by samsam1111 on

remove your insulting comment...You can,t come out and make a baseless charge and get away with it...JJ ..It,s only fair ..now that you print this nonsense from this hater ..be impartial enough to ask for proof or remove the dumb comment...Critic I know who you are. you been doing it on all my blogs .you mr varjeh vourjeh..your naser al din shahi style of writing tells me you suffer from napoleonian syndrom. no surprize from a guy who harrass people on the street to get attention...you and your editorial buddies can try to belittle folks pieces but readers are not dumb and know who is the Shayyad..


Be discreet!

by Critic (not verified) on

When you copy someone else's writing at least be discreet enough to mention your source. Plagiarism is an offense.



by Sarzamine man (not verified) on

Dorood bar to doste aziz, vaghean bozorgtarin chyzy ke az iraniha az dast dadim badaz amadane dostane Madineh be joz servathaye keshvar on farzanegy va kherad Iranian hast, omidvaram ba talashe zeyad yekroze digar betonim anchenan ensanhaye farzanee bashim.

Ba sepas


آقا صمصام گو


آقا صمصام گو گل داری ولی‌ خیلی‌ عقبی بچه محل!

وجب به وجب تهرون رو سیاحت کن، از اسکندری تا 

چهار راه

 وثوق تا جیحون و کارون.

ولی‌ یه چیزی رو راست گفتی‌، سلسبیل پایتخت بود و هست 



Ihave Google Earth..why didn,t I think of it...thx

by samsam1111 on


ebi amirhosseini

Samsam Jaan!!

by ebi amirhosseini on