Behnoud Shojaee lives another month


SCE Campaign
by SCE Campaign


The Iranian judiciary postponed the execution of Behnoud Shojaee, a young man sentenced to death for having killed a man in a street brawl in Tehran in August 2005 when he was a 17 years old minor. He was initially scheduled to be put to death at 5:00am today (May 7th 2008).

Today, Ayatollah Shahrudi the head of the Islamic republic judiciary system gave one month to Behnoud to ask the victims family to pardon him . By shifting the responsibility of execution to the family of the victim ,when under international pressure, the Islamic Republic judiciary often tries to relieve itself from responsibility of ordering the death penalty of a juvenile.


Following a report in an Iranian newspaper, Behnoud's death order was first brought to international attention by Stop Child Executions Campaign on December 23, 2007 CTRL + Click to follow link">which was followed by an urgent call by Amnesty International on January 8, 2008 .

In a letter to the the head of Iran's judiciary dated April 27th 2008 , Behnoud's new co-attorney Mohammad Mostafaei broke the news of Behnoud's imminent execution in 10 days. Immediately SCE and Nazanin Afshin-Jam contacted Amnesty International, World Coalition Against Death Penalty, The United Nations, Canadian government and other resources in Europe.

Amnesty International quickly responded by publishing another urgent call on April 29th, 2008 which resulted in many letters worldwide being written to the Iranian officials. On May 2nd we also posted an article published in Iran's Etemaad-Meli newspaper by Behnoud's attorney questioning the validity of Behnoud's execution order which was in violation of Iran's commitment to International conventions of the rights of the child.

Thanks to the contacts with the Swedish Parliament members and the presidency of the European Union by our European laison , Pia Atiabi, the EU presidency in a strong letter to Iranian officials demanded a halt to the execution two days prior to the scheduled execution

Many Iranians such as TV and Cinema Actors also pleaded the Iran's judiciary and victims family to stop Behnoud's execution.

Today we were pleased to be informed that faced with international pressure the head of Iran's judiciary has delayed Behnoud's execution for one month pending the victims family's pardon. According to prevailing laws in Iran, victims' families can either demand the implementation of the death sentence or receive blood money instead. So far the victim's family have not been responsive to the pleas to stop execution of Behnoud.

Stop Child Executions and Nazanin Afshin-Jam , thank Behnoud's attorneys Mohammad Mostafaei and Mohammd Oliyaee-Fard, Amnesty International, European Union and its presidency, Pia Atiabi, Iranian actors and each and every organization and individual who made a difference by making direct pleas to the Iranian officials pressuring them to abide by UN treaties, the ICCPR and CRC, to which they are state-party.

Please sign the petition to Stop Child Execution to stop Iran's violation of children Rights. Please visit SCE news blog For further action on behalf of Behnoud and the 100+ other minors on death row at the moment .


more from SCE Campaign
Azarin Sadegh

Thank you!

by Azarin Sadegh on

One more month is like thirty more sunrises, thirty more moons.

Thank you EU and thank you SCE! Life is so beautiful today! 


Jahanshah Rashidian

Effective Pressure

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for your effectively humanitarian campaigns. Also, we have to thank the EU presidency for vehemently demanding the IRI's judiciary to revise the verdict.

Among all, ONLY LIMITED NUMBER OF IRI supporters on this site were angry with the EU's "interference in Iranian affairs."


Well done!

by Parthian on

I really admire your hard work, and want to command you on all your effort, and persistance against the tyranical regime in Tehran. Your work is most humane, and in a sense most divine, which should put all those uncivilzed mullahs screaming about Allah and faith to shame! Keep up the excellent work. Aside all political and economical problems, what we face these days as far these executions are the most important task on hand.


This is good news...

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

This is good news... maybe never know next month something will come up agar khoda bekhhad and he will be spared.
Please don't jump down my throat for the agar khoda bekhahad, to me, it is the most real thing in my life.

Nazy Kaviani

A lot could change in a month

by Nazy Kaviani on

Khasteh nabasheed!

Young people are redeemable and correctible. Sparing a young life is a responsibility bestowed upon all humanity. Everyone has worked very hard to bring international awareness about this case and other similar ones. This work will have to continue until death penalty for all, and particularly for children, is abolished worldwide. Thank you for all the hard work and for this news.