Islamic republic take note!

Shahriar Zangeneh
by Shahriar Zangeneh

The succession of germinal technological advances claimed by the Islamic republic, mostly in the aerospace and its ancillary industries with military application is capturing all the International limelight. At the same time there are less noticed yet fully advanced leaps in other fields that the Islamic Republic should pay if not more at least as much attention to.

According to credible international organizations such as IMF and human rights monitoring organizations, Islamic republic of Iran has the highest rate of brain drain and child execution in the world.

There is also the distinction of being the world leader in grain import in some years and a major oil producer which imports over 42% of its gasoline. There are others such as the alarming drop in the age and fantastic rise in the number of millions of addicts and the ever increasing number of both male and female prostitutes. The road traffic accidents being the second highest cause of mortality in Iran and its world leadership in such category also beckons attention.

Last but not least, the combination of government sanctioned and administered human organ trade and the desperately needy young populace is fast making the Islamic Republic a major destination for moneyed patients in search of transplant.


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Islamic Republic, take note!
Oct 06, 2012
Islamic Republic, take note!
Sep 05, 2012
Islamic Republic, take note!
Jul 21, 2012
more from Shahriar Zangeneh
anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

yes, this IS true.  but there is not a surge of people trying to leave the US.  there is in fact a great number of people leaving iran.  and it's my observation that the ones who DO leave have the financial capabilities to leave.  those who do not leave, "generally" are unable to.  loyalty under those conditions is less by choice then a matter of survival.  this is my opinion only.

it is still also my opinion that the comments relating to brain drain in america is hypocritical in that these students from ALL over the world are seeking to come finish their higher education here.  that's all.


anonymous fish

by Mashty (not verified) on

It's true for all over the world including the US, that the less fortunates are more religious and more "patriotic". They are the majority of the military volunteers.

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

you really think the less educated poor show more loyalty to the country?  don't you think it has something to do with not being able to AFFORD to get the hell out of dodge?  you think it's loyalty?  puleez.

you have also conveniently reduced the intention of the proposed (i don't think it's passed yet but maybe so) law.  the intention is to allow automatic green cards to students PURSUING their graduate studies in SPECFIC fields with the INTENTION of staying IN the US after their phd studies are completed.

if you and others dismiss the "brains" of the US, then why do foreign students want to come here to study?  who do you think is going to be teaching these students?  that statement is too ridulous to even discuss.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Great writing

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Well done


Mhran, Toronto - sorry but what you just said is a bad example

by Anonymous_432156 (not verified) on

I was also involved and know a thing or two about the "SHAHRDARI" project at Karbaschi time. It was a waste of time and money and the best example of corruption. I don't disagree that Karbaschi's court and subsequent conviction was done for political reasons but in no way he was innocent.
Most of the problems of Tehran are rooted at his time as mayor of Tehran. He destroyed Shemiran and many other nice neighborhoods in Tehran. You could break any law at his time and get away with it by just paying the official bribe called fine (or KHALAFI). For example you had permit for building a two story house but you could build 10 stories and as long as you paid money, nobody cared.

Back to the Shahrdari project which at my time was called "PAM", it was a shame for all Iranian software engineers. Many municipality managers were also big shareholders of the contracting private companies so there was no real oversight and it was all corruption.


SZ: Please provide links to

by sickofiri (not verified) on

SZ: Please provide links to back up your assertions.


انحصار طلبی یک عده کوجک و بیرحمی آنان

حمید رضا، تهران (not verified)

فرار مغزها یا گریزنخبگان یکی از مهمترین پدیده هایی است که ازسالهای وقوع انقلاب سال ۵۷ تا امروز بعنوان یک مسئله اجتماعی، فرهنگی واقتصادی صدمات بسیاری را به جامعه درحال تحول ایران وارد کرده است.درحال حاضرجامعه ایران درصدر کشورهای مهاجر فرست جهان قرار دارد و علت آن هم بنظر میرسد این باشد که متاسفانه انقلاب به دلیل انحصار طلبی یک عده کوجک و بیرحمی آنان هنوزهم نتوانسته خود را تثبیت کند چون راهش را از راه مردم و منافع ملی آنها جدا کرده و تنها به منافع تنگ خود فکر میکند و در دست داشتن قدرت و ثروت همین


راندن مغزها

مهران، تورنتو (not verified)

آنچه در ايران شاهد آن هستيم فرار مغزها نيست بلکه راندن مغزهاست. من در رشته مهندسی نرم افزار در ايران تحصيل کردم و در کار خودم بسيار پرتلاش بودم. اما بارها و بارها پروژه هايم کنسل شدند بدون اينکه تقصيری متوجه من باشد. پروژه های مربوط به شهرداری در زمان آقای کرباسچی به دليل آن دادگاه مسخره حکومتي و مخالفت سياسی حکومت با شهردار تهران کنسل شدند! خلاصه اينکه اگر حکام ايران يک جو غيرت داشتند دست از بازی های سياسی که ضررش به مردم ميرسد برميداشتند و مانع راندن مغزها ميشدند.



by Mashty (not verified) on

Your logic is as simple as saying the poor and hungry should be fed then they won't be hungry!!!
How intelligent. Thank you.


Old but still spot on

by Frankly spoken (not verified) on

Maryam Hojjat

Lack of Freedom in IRAN

by Maryam Hojjat on

Been the cause of brain drain.  IRan is a country under dictatorship for more than 1400 years.  People somehow are oppressed and accumulation of wealth is in the hands of corrupted people. Therefore, a rich and resourseful country like IRAN losses its best brains to the west.  Problems are caused by the authoritarian government


What do you suggest we do?

by Daryush on

There are many issues here that needs to be addressed before jumping to the conclusion. The reason for the brain drain is not exclusive to Iran. But Iranians generally are fascinated by the outside world. This is what the government knows and has tried to deal with it in its own way.
Many people that are living in the better areas and are considered higher middle class have not been given the same opportunities as the less privilege in Iran by the government because of the same issue. Those who are less privileged have shown more loyalty to their country as a whole and have either stayed having the chance and oppertunities than those who are in a diff class.

let me explain it to you. The education in Iran is top noch comparing to the region. The world knows it. the US recently has passed a law to allow all those PHd's to enter that country with no problem. Kind of the problem that US and some western countries have is the lack of brain. So they attract Chinese, Indian and Iranians. Iranians have always been more willing to go somewhere else and because of the culture, that is diverse, they assimilate easier than those from India or China. So they are an attractive immigrants, the gifts that keeps giving. So what should we blame? the good education that the government has worked hard to establish? This is the reality.
Now if you think that having Shah people would stay in Iran, you are wrong again. It's all matter of money and income. The US is willing to pay a nice sum, that not many country can match. They do that specially for Iranians for people like you to think the way you do!
The economy is not all government's fault. If any country was pressed as Iran has been, they would fail also.
It's not all Iran's fault. I grant you this. Iran is not a easy country to live in. Iran is not a Western Democratic state and has many issues as we all know. Now would you want to encourage Iranian to leave or stay and fix whatever the problem?
I would want Iranian to stay, but money talks. If the Turkish, Israelis, or anyone else in the region were given the incentives to leave the country, they would have.

The level of problems exists mostly because of sanctions that most of the Iranians out of country support fully. Therefore you may want to approach the source problem first before jumping to the outcome.
In my recent trip to Germany, almost every single person that I met wanted to leave that country. They loved the US and if given the opportunity, they would fly out and never look back.
Most of the Iranian people suffering today is the direct result of the Western governments wanting Iran to fail. It's simply that.