تخمم یخ زد

تخمم یخ زد
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

زنگ زدم تورنتو، فرمودند که ۲۰ درجه بالای صفره. ایمیل اومد از وینی پگ، که اونجا هم ۱۶ درجه سانتیگراده. فقط تخم ما بود که تو تهرون مثل دنبلان فریزری یخ زد!

نوروز بی‌ نوروز. سرمای زیر صفر که نوروز نداره! تموم جادهٔ‌ها هم برف بود و بوران. پلیس راه قربون صدقه ملت میرفت، که از جاشون جوم نخورن. اینکه نشد عید.

یه مشت کانادائی گرما دوست مثل من هم، اومده بودند زیارت مرقد امام، ولی‌ تخم و تخمدون اونها هم یخ زد. تا ما باشیم و پول یا مفت ندیم واسه دید و بازدید.

خدا همه پدرهای پرزیدنت احمدی نژاد رو بیامرزه (یه قبرستون شو خودم خبر دارم) - و گر نه با اینهمه گرونی و مصیبت، از خنده منده هم خبری نمیبود. خوار کسده رفت تو مجلس و گفت: "بیست چیه؟ به این دولت من اگه کمتر از ۱۰۰ بدین، نامردیه!"

میگن خامنه‌ای صبح تا شب تو قصرش عقب و جلو میره و زمزمه میکنه: "عجب گهی خوردم ... عجب گهی خوردم". البته، ما که به چشم خودمون ندیدیم ... ولی‌ میگن تا قبر رهبر، اه اه اه اه.

زنده باد اسرائیل ... مرگ بر آخوند!

ریدم تو سر نیاک خایه مال.

نوروز پیروز!


Recently by Shazde Asdola MirzaCommentsDate
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I am sorry, but we may be dead.
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more from Shazde Asdola Mirza
Shazde Asdola Mirza

Mamoor is back ... quelle surprise

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

As the great German quote goes:

"Beche akhond zier ker mimone, vali zier harf nemimone!"


ایول ایول......


از لات بازی و لوطی گری فقط حرف زدنش بلدید!!
تا بگی فِ داداشمان الفرار فرحزاد ه..


I wear an Omega watch


Dear Shazdeh: You seem to smell the shiat Rat better than I do..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

"Where are the men in opposition, who have not been decried as Lumpen by the female opponents? Where is the opposition female, who has not hurled back the branding of Lumpenism, against their more advanced penis owning adversaries?"

Could not agree with you more.

As for the Lumpens Manifesto itself, we surely need the help of our learned friend Mash Ghasem. Where the heck is he when we need him?....

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Lumpens of the World, Unite!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

You are right Roozbeh; one simple hello to a fellow Lumpen can turn anyone into a leper.

But this gives me an idea about establishing a sort of Lumpenist Society. Must first start with a Lumpenist Manifesto ... perhaps with the following opening:

"A spectre is haunting the world -- the spectre of Lumpenism. All the powers of old maids have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Abji Komandos, Chadori Basij, Ghamar Khanom and the Fem-Nazi.

Where are the men in opposition, who have not been decried as Lumpen by the female opponents? Where is the opposition female, who has not hurled back the branding of Lumpenism, against their more advanced penis owning adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

1. Lumpenism is already acknowledged by old-maid powers to be itself a power;

2. It is high time that Lumpenists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views and their aims; and meet this old-wife tale of the spectre of Lumpenism with a manifesto of the party itself.

... to be continued?"

Shazde Asdola Mirza


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Even in Arabic!

Don't they have any minimum literacy standards for the IRI agents?

At least Shah had Akaber classes for his Savak!


no no u u u

by مآمور on

it is arabic and this is how is being spelled in arabic

I wear an Omega watch


Shazdeh, you are right, there is an obsession...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

with you and your blog. I believe I was attacked because I said hello to you. And apparently, after that salam o aleik, and ahval porsi, I turned into another "lumpen" just like you! Talk about guilt by association!

BTW, excuse mamoor savak eslami, she has been assigned someone new to help her with Farsi translation.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Roozbeh: you are lucky that she didn't bit the whole thing off

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Don't worry about the blood ... all they need is some Donbalan and Donbalan adjacent. That's the main reason for their attraction to this blog!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

صبب نه : سبب

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Ok, and I will teach you one correct Persian word, every time that you make a fool of yourself ... Mamoor!


بی همگان بسر شود بی تو بسر نمیشود


آره شازده جان من هم فکر میکنم شما می بایستی مشغول نوشتن بلاگ یا شاید مقاله بشوی! من هر موقع گل از گلم میشکفت می رفتم مزاحم آقا فرد می شدم! ایشان هم که خیلی جدی هستند!! اطلأ اهل شوخی هم نیست!
من با اجازت هر موقع شما نوشته ای به زبان شیرین فارسی  فصیح عربی یا به روز شده انگلیسی درج کنی در خدمت ات خواهم بود. باد داشته باش صبب اگر تو باشی مصبب من هستم!!

I wear an Omega watch


Some of IC users...

by Disenchanted on

...have become "most delightful" by seeing a coule of naked a$$es in the snow! :-)


"Fem Nazi Variety" :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Tell me about it shazdeh, the bite mark is still there! But hey, It had been quite a day on this site today. I think the Niaco-Femi-etelaati alliance is on an all out attack. They want blood! It's all to do with this Israeli/Iran Love affair thing. On the other blog, they are asking for G. rahmanian's head! I think i am going to listen to your advice and go low profile a bit.....


Shazde Asdola Mirza

آقا مازیار

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Good point, but I offered to Emam's Aameh ... she just had dinner and was too full of eggs!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Tokhmi ke dar sarmaye

 3 inchi barf tehran yakh bezaneh

be dard aameh emam mikhoreh.

happy nu rooz and long time no see.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Oon Yaroo dear: you are lucky ... a lesser man couldn't survive

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

She probably didn't have her castrating equipment handy, otherwise you would have needed a name change to Oon Khanom!

But I can't be too negative with her. Last time that she came to my blog: it rose to the 10,000+ level. A personal best for me so far!


Oon Yaroo

Shazdeh, oh boy, I almost got double

by Oon Yaroo on

castrated the other night!

Shazdeh, you were called the ugly head of IC lumpoonist or something like that!?

BTW Shazdeh, what the heck is that? Is there any correlation between that and lumbaar (.)!?Please come to my defense if I get attacked by you know whom!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Fanoos: happy Norooz

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

It's good to be among friends.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

روزبه عزیز: آسه برو، آسه بیا، که گربه گازت نگیره

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Talk about pussy with teeth!

You are lucky to leave that other blog with your nuts unroasted, brother. She is not your kind of "chapi", but the Fem-Nazi variety.

Yet don't worry; you can never make a friend on IC, without making two enemies.


Dear S.A.M. we missed you!

by fanoos on

Is the photo taken in northern Tehran? Welcome back.


Roozbeh jaan aghazaadeh khoediti!

by Disenchanted on

     Pleeeease! I am objecting to the excessive obscenity in the post! 


Doctor Love is in the air :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

عجب دو سه‌ خط طنز شازده  به این آقا زاده‌ها بر خورد! عجب عصبانیتی! یکیشون فحاشی میکنه، یکیشون "شاعر" شده (شاعر که تویی‌...)، اخریش از ادمین کمک میخواد!

کیف کردم :)


Could someone wake up the admin!

by Disenchanted on



اول از همه کسی


اول از همه کسی لازم نیست من را به شازده معرفی کند ما از ایام قدیم با هم راه و رفتار داریم!!
برای دوست عزیزم شازده که خواسته بود از برادرم احمدی بگم این هم آخرین قند افشانی ایشان در تاجیکستان
"فردوسی مکتب پیامبر گرامی اسلام را نجات داده و بار حقیقی این مکتب را از دوش نااهلان برداشته و بر دوش ملت ایران گذاشت و این ملت نیز الحق به خوبی از عهده ایفای این مسئولیت برآمد."
شاید برای همین است من لبنانی اینقدر خوب فارسی بلدم که لازم نیست ایرانی بودن خودم را با انگلیسی نوشتن ثابت کنم!! آره اگر طرف دکتره خوب چه باک من ۳ زبان بلدم
این هم چند خطی شعر (سراینده و نویسنده خودم) برای عشاق اسرائیلی
خواستی مکه میرم حاجی میشم
خواستی جوادیه میشینم اخراجی میشم
خواسی پولدار میشم برج سازی کنم
خواستی گدا میشم دوره گردی کنم
خواستی لاس و گاس میرم قمار بازی کنم
خواستی افغانستان میرم جنگ بازی کنم
تعارف نکن !!
اگر خواستی خر میشم خراط اول پایتخت میشم
بخوای ملا میشم نقال عزا و عروسی میشم
خار میشم ذلیل  میشم سکه یه عباسی میشم..........
فقط!! فقط از من نخواه

هالو بشم شکل هلو و زردآلو بشم
عاشق عروس هرزه بشم
یا داماد صهیونیست بی سر پا  بشم 

I wear an Omega watch

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks Vildemose : happy Norooz

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Thanks for your hints regarding our two new resident IRI retards.

Best wishes for Norooz and the new year.



 Welcome back shazedeh

by vildemose on

 Welcome back shazedeh jan. Happy to see you. You were missed. Noroozetan sabz.

Just to give you a heads up, Mamoor seems to be a lebanese hezbollah.  There is also another Vevak agent of palestinian origin that goes by the name of "iloveiran".

 I think everyone should boycott these two trolls.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

شازده شراب سرخ عزیز

Shazde Asdola Mirza


عید امسالم سفر زی شهر تهران بود
شوق دیدارم به جان وین شوق هرمان بود
شادمان بودم که بودم در هوای دوست
شادمان جز در هوای دوست نتوان بود
عید بود و سال نو بود و امید وصل
شکر نعمت گر نمیگفتیم کفران بود
آسمان از سوی خاور دیده میشد گاه
وز سوی دیگر به ابر تیره پنهان بود
نور و ظلمت بر فراز آسمان گفتی
روی رخشان بود و زیر زلف افشان بود
بود نوروز جم اما در میان برف
بسکه خون گفتی که آنجا عید قربان بود
روز وانفسا که میگویند بود آنروز
هر کسی از مرد و زن در آه و افغان بود
در تمام راهی آنسان سهمناک و صعب
هر کسی را چنگ محکم بود و دندان بود

مجتبی کیوان اصفهانی

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Faramarz jan ... the Hallaj had nothing on me!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Ahamdi is such a hoot in the old country! Without him, the political system would have bored the people to death.

Norooz Pirooz for you and yours too ... with a million happy wishes for the new year.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مامان امید - عید تو هم مبارک

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Who says that I hate NIAC? I love everything about them!

The way it took them 10 years to tongue-in-cheek acknowledge human right "issues" in Iran!

The manner in which they demonize the Iranian opposition forces.

How they constantly are trying to relieve the pressure from the poor IRI regime.

What is not to love about NIAC?


Good to see you back

by Mamane-Omid on

Happy No-Rooz Shazdeh,

I still don't know why you hate NIAC so much? Their mission statement is to lobby for the Iranian-American interests. As , like many others, it does not believe McCain and Bibi's bomb, bomb, bomb Iran is the solution. NIAC's position is not appeasment as the organization has always been highly critical of the IRI's human rights record.