حزب‌اللهی مادر قحبه


حزب‌اللهی مادر قحبه
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

تو دبیرستان، شهرام تنها کسی‌ بود که دائم مجله سکسی داشت. از خونه می‌‌آورد و یواشکی تو ردیف آخر کلاس دید میزدیم.

خونه شون در محله گیشا تازه ساز بود و شهرام با مادرش طبقه بالا، اجاره نشین یه زن و مرد یهودی بودند. راه پله شون اما مستقل بود، و می‌‌شد پنهونی سیگار کشید.

بابای شهرام کارمند راه آهن بود، ولی‌ خیلی‌ وقت پیش مادر‌ش رو طلاق داده بود. بتول خانم سی‌ و چند ساله میزد - قد بلند و تو‌پر، با موهای روشن و پوست گندمگون.

ما هنوز ۱۵-۱۶ سالمون بود و خیلی‌ سرمون نمی‌‌شد، اما تعجب بودم که چرا رو دیوار اتاق خواب مادرش، عکس لختی چسبیده بود. ترافیک خونه هم زیاد بود؛ مردای جور و واجور می‌‌اومدند و می‌رفتند! ظاهراً ننه شهرام فالگیری میکرد.

خیلی‌ شبها، به یاد سایه هوس انگیز هیکل بتول خانم که از زیر پیرهن چیت‌اش معلوم بود، جلق میزدم تا خوابم ببره. ولی‌ ابوی خبر شد، و رفت و اومد به خونه شهرام رو ممنوع کردند.

بعد از انقلاب، شهرام حزب اللهی دو آتشه شد. تنها دوست دوره دبیرستانم که سرباز خمینی از آب در اومد. دوباره که دیدمش، کاملا عوض شده بود؛ با یه کپه ریش و پشم و لباس کمیته. خواستم بخندونمش و یاد گذشته کنیم، ولی‌ دیدم یارو خیلی‌ جدی یه.

از مادرش سراغ گرفتم، که گفت: "تو گشت منکرات مشغول هستند". از احوال صاحب خونه شون پرسیدم، که جواب داد: "جاسوس اسرائیل بودن - خونه رو مصادره کردیم!"



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Has deleted my comment.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Reminder ... again

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

All my stories are fictional.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

فرامرز جان

Shazde Asdola Mirza

"We come from a very rich and ancient culture!" - well said.

But we are often so closed and unnatural about our inner feelings and urges ... which as you have correctly pointed out, has resulted in a lot of frustrated and abusive behavior towards sex and women.


Dear Shazde

by Faramarz on

Most of these Basiji types were either abused as children or have witnessed abusive relationships between their parents. That's the reason that I believe violence, especially against women comes so naturally to them.

Speaking of other people's sexy moms, in our high school, whenever someone's good looking mom showed up in mini skirt and smelling great, the entire school of several thousand students would stop and watch her as she went across the yard and walked up the stairs. A few brave ones would even go under the stairs and report back on the color of her underwear!

We come from a very rich and ancient culture!

Babak K.

Shazde Asdola Mirza, This

by Babak K. on

Shazde Asdola Mirza,

This guy was a typical Iranian Aryan thing, no surprizes there.  How were you able to see Batool Khanoom's bed room?  I guess you were Shahram Khan's friend???!!!  Well, you were not so decent yourself, if you were jaghing while fantasizing about your friend's mother .  You see you were not or are not better than him, at least in my view. 



Normal?? Please.

by comments on

Please don't undermine our fun-loving activities.  Are you an ayatollah?

It's perrrfect and fantastic, which enhances ones creativity and imagination.  Also, for the information of health freak people it's really healthy and related scientific articles could be found easily on the net.

For younge boys and girls?  Who said so?  It usuallyl intensifies and becomes more pleasurable when one reaches his/her 50s.  It's all because you know what exactly you should imagine.  You target right people in your community.  You know your likes and dislikes.  You don't waste time for something that doesn't worth the time to think about.  It minimizes the risk of different types of cancer, and if you stopped it, you should start it ASAP.


Maryam Hojjat

Dr. Fara M. You Are Absolutely Right

by Maryam Hojjat on

Your comment was very appropiate for this blog.


ease up folks

by RostamZ on

    The story is not disgusting and it is just a the view of 16 years old and the mentality of Hezbo guys. If you don't like it, don't read it. As a matter of fact don't even watch a HollyWood movie either so you don't get offended.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Masterbation is normal ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... for all young boys and girls



by Sera on

What a piece of crap! absolute lack of decency!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

In this story his mother was actually WORKING

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

The fact that he became a Hezbollah later on ... made the title as it is.

It is better to read the story carefully, before commenting.


Not A Good Choice

by darius on

I am just wondering, why  the son's affiliation make a mother a whore!?

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on