جنگ جنگ تا دیوثی


جنگ جنگ تا دیوثی
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

یعنوان یکی‌ از پیر و پاتول‌های باقیمانده از جنگ ایران و عراق، خدمت محترم شما عرض می‌‌کنم که: در خاورمیانه همیشه جنگ بوده، هست و خواهد بود.

چرا؟ چون فرهنگ ما تشنه جنگه. چون مذهب ما خواهان جهاد است. چون روحیه و ژ‌ن ما طالب جنگیدن و منازعه می‌‌باشد.

وقت بذارید و شاهنامه فردوسی‌ رو بخونید. بجز یک دو داستان جانبی، بقیه‌اش ذکر جنگ و آدمکشی است. بقول استاد: "این بکش و اون بکش - این بگا و اون بگا."

برید قرآن کریم، سیره محمد مصطفی و یا نهج البلاغه رو مطالعه کنید. بغیر از چند قصه و روایت حاشیه ای، بقیه تشویق به جهاد، کشتار و تجاوز است.

تشریف ببرید و از نزدیک مشاهده کنید مردم ایران و عرب و خاورمیانه را. ملتی می‌‌بینید دعوأیی، گستاخ و متجاوز به حقوق یکدیگر ... قومی مترصد چپاول خویش و بیگانه.

این عطش جنگ از اول تاریخ تا صد و پنجاه سال پیش در منطقه می‌‌سوخت و می‌‌سوزاند. ولی‌ ۱۵۰ سال قبل، دولتهای منطقه از ترک و تازی و پارسی‌، همه به گدأیی و دیوثی افتادند و تحت نظارت عالیه کشورهای استعمار گر غرب، صلحی‌ ظاهری بر آنها تحمیل شد.

اما با رشد قیمت نفت از ۵۰ سال پیش و متواری شدن اربابهای استعماری، ثروت یامفت و پترودلار بی‌زحمت، مثل باران کویری باعث رشد سریع انواع خار و خوارکسده، سوسک و سوسمار در منطقه گردید.

کشور ما ایران، از سال ۱۵۰۰ میلادی تا ۱۸۵۰ با عثمانی در جنگ بود - پس نگید تقصیر امپریالیست هاست. أزبک و تاتار و افغان از هزار سال قبل با هم در حال جنگ و ستیز بودند؛ پس اسرائیل رو مسئول ندونید. تمام قبایل عرب از اول تاریخ "جاهلیت" تا تمام طول دوره اسلامی، با یکدیگر و همسایه‌ها در حال نزاع بوده و هستند ... پس کار انگلیسیا نیست.

همیشه همین بوده که می‌بینید؛ با این تفاوت که حالا به "میمنت" پول باد آورده نفت، آن آتش زیر خاکستر مشتعل شده و نیم قرنی است که دوباره تمام منطقه، بلکه همه دنیا رو تهدید میکنه.

بنده یعنوان یک متخصص امور جانور شناسی‌، خدمت شما عرض می‌کنم که: حالا حالا‌ها منتظر پایان یافتن این جنگها و جدال‌ها نباشید. تا نفت خاورمیانه هست (یعنی‌ ۷۰ سال دیگه) مردم وحشی ما پول پترول رو خرج اسلحه می‌‌کنند و می‌‌افتند به جون همدیگه.

هر کدومشون هم که پیروز شد و دم در آورد (مثل صدام)؛ غربیها همچین میزنند تو سرش که "به گربه بگه شاه غلام". بنابراین، پیغام من به امام خامنه‌ای: "اگه باسنت میخاره ... بمال به درخت چغاله"!


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Mehraban khanom: excellent story and example of the ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... the cultural and value divide which has been created between the closed and fascist society of IR Iran and the rest of the world.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

دانشجوی عزیز

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Good point about the non-instinctive behaviors ... but unfortunately the ME people surely haven't had much luck in the "learned behaviour" department either.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Fatollah dear: thanks, you are very kind

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

"Harf Hesab" reminds me of a short satirical column that Hadi Khorsandi had before the revolution in the Kayhan newspaper. Or was it the Ettela'at?


حرف حساب


به این میگن حرف حساب


maziar 58

amirparviz khan

by maziar 58 on

To substantiate that part of the American crimes I have to add an encounter with a WWII navy ret's account in Guam the following weeks after the END of the war.....

They were instructed by higher up to search for any holes and shoot just in case there were any japanese left !!

and sure in some you could hear their last......



Dear SAM

by daneshjoo on


I would like to differentiate between instinctive and non instinctive behaviors. Some psychologists believe that 100 percent of our non instinctive behaviors are learned.  If we accept this then we should emphasize more on our educational system. I really believe that we are not different from the people of other parts of the world. It seems our best brains should serve in our educational system in future for fostering a desired well educated new generation.


Of pursuit of happiness

by Mehrban on

At college in a literature group when asked why you read books an American student responded for pleasure.  Less than a year out of Iran and an avid reader myself, I was stunned by his answer.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

دوستان با تشکر از یادداشت‌های شما

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Hoshang: you are right to point out the current wave of positive energy in ME ... I hope that it will prevail.

Truthseeker: yes, self correction and improvement is always a slow and painful process ... but it is the most rewarding too!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Hitler was generally loved in Iran during WWII

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Our love for strong-man dictators like Hitler, Stalin and Khomeini is not incidental.

Our hatred toward the soft and "sosool" English and American is not an accident.

Those are clear reflections of our inner feelings towards dominance and violence, and against leniency and pursuit of happiness.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

We need to be disheartened and discouraged ... we need a spit

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

We need to be disheartened and discouraged ... we need a spit in the face.

When a nation has collectively been so callous, arrogant and violent for the past 32 years against the rest of humanity ... when a culture rejects all the other cultures and even other Muslims as infidels who need to be taken over and taken care of ... when a country is hell bound to plunge itself, the Mid East and the whole world into the fire of "holy war" ... then it needs a good wake up "spit in the face".

Shazde Asdola Mirza

گربه ناجنس اگر پر داشتی - تخم گنجشک از هوا بر داشتی

Shazde Asdola Mirza

There is a difference between being able to do damage vs. being willing to do damage.

I am arguing that the WILL to do harm and inflict pain is present in all men, but some of us (let's say for historic and cultural reasons) have turned out to be more violent, less forgiving and more prone to inflicting pain and harm on "others".

The common thread among all the monsters of the 20th century (e.g. Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Khomeini) is their apathy, hatred and violence towards "others". That is typical xenophobia.

We Iranians are predominantly xenophobic ... to the degree that we even hate our own peoples (Lor, Turk and Rashti) who do not appear to conform to the mental image that we have of ourselves (Persian Princes).

It is not that we aren't willing to inflict massive damage and killing on the "others" - it is that we are not currently able to do so. In our glorious history, whenever we have been able to do so ... we have committed unimaginable atrocities even to "others" within Iran (political, social and religious minorities) let alone when we have been able to take over India or Georgia.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Amirparviz jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes history is written by the winner. If Germany had won you bet the allies would have been tried. Churchill and Stalin most likely executed watched by cheering crowds. Including Russians; Iranians and Indians.

Now "we" are supposed to have "courage" to bash ourselves for things we did not do. I am so sick of it that is getting boring. I think I will go watch a B movie. Around here courage means self hate. The more you hate Iran the more popular you get on IC.

I used to be popular up to a year ago. Then when I dared question some of the self hate started by Fesenjoon I got in the dog house. So glad I did it because I so much do not want to be with the "in" crowd. I bet the love it if I move on so IC becomes 100% "in crowd". 



by Truthseeker9 on



Amir Sahameddin Re Hitler/Stalin/History

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

History is written by the Winner and it's usually done in a rather self serving way no matter who is the winner, there are a few rare exceptions of victors who have no need to write history in a self serving way.  If the late Shah had not been betrayed or murdered with cancer and iran had peacefully succeeded in becoming a developed nation, the shah would have been among the few who would have had no reason to rewrite history as he would have reached his goals peacefully, while honoring human rights.

Some people are so overwhelmed by misinformation they can not even see what i am saying.  Had the USA and UK lost ww2 their top generals would have all been executed for committing war crimes according to the geneva convention. Murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians intentionally in Germany and Japan, their top generals even admitted as much.  Killing millions of people involves a dance between more than one leader, which is how you can tell if you are off.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Hitler

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


But the point here is to bash Iranians and make us hate ourselves. Hitler was not an Iranian although before long the Iran haters will blame his acts on us too. Maybe to get Iran to pay reparations for his actions! 

When it comes to hating Iran there is a group on IC which will not stop. The goal is to dishearten us and break our will so Iran will break with it. The good news is that it will not  work. Keep up the work Iran bashers as my father says "tofe sar bala"


هيچ بخشی از جهان در مقايسه اين چنين ايستادگی نکرده است.

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

میرزا جان البته شما صحیح میفرمایید ، اما استاد پری اندرسون نیز  نکات در خور تاملی  در مورد منطقه ما دارد ، که بد نیست بدانها توجه شود:


"شورش های عربی سال 2011 نوعی نادر از رويداد های
تاريخی است: زنجيره ای از خيزش های سياسی که مانند جرقه ای از يک کشور به
کشور ديگر سرايت کرده و مجموعه مناطق جهان را شعله ور ساختند. يک چنين
مسئله ای در گذشته تنها درسه مورد شناخته شده اند: جنگ های استقلال طلبانه
آمريکای جنوبی بين سال های 1810 تا 1825 و انقلاب های اروپائی بين 1848 تا
1849 و فروپاشی اروپای شرقی بين سالهای 1989 تا 1991. هر سه اين وقايع در
تاريخ از جايگاه مشخص و زمان مشخص برخوردارند. وقايع اخير جهان عرب هم به
همان گونه جايگاه خويش را در تاريخ خواهند داشت

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

That is the lack of humanity or

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

         Hitler killed over 50,000,000 people. Stalin killed over millions of people. Even if Staling was from Georgia or old Iran, Hitler has nothing to do with Middle East? That is lack of humanity, greed, dictatorship, love of sex and money which guide the people to be cruel. So we are the same as other people not better and not.... worst? Catholics also killed the Protestants or? So we are killing, too like other people. Shia kills Sunni and Sunni kills Shia , Arabs kills Persian if they can and Persian will kill them if they can? Moslems killed 30, 000 Babi and recently over 200 Bahai?  Bahai do not like Azali ,nd Bayani, and so on and on. And in the USA the business people the banks and the insurance companies robe people very badly.     

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Rahmanian and onlyamerica: thanks for your comments

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Dear Rahmanian: thanks for your proposition and good ideas. However, my situation is past the "elder" point, and closer to "foggie", but nevertheless I find your points very valid.

Onlyamerica: I am glad you have enjoyed.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

فرامرز جان

Shazde Asdola Mirza


مردم جاهای مختلف این کرهٔ خاکی، مجبور بوده‌اند که با شرایط و عوامل متفاوتی سازگاری یابند و تطابق حاصل کنند.

بنابراین، برخی‌ زیر آفتاب سوزان آفریقا سیاه پوست شدند، و گروهی زیر آسمان ابری اروپا سفید پوست.

شاید ما هم بخاطر "چهار راه تمدن" بودن  منطقه خاورمیانه و "جبر جغرافیایی" آن به سمت عصبیت و خشونت رفتیم.



Thanks Shazede, you really made me laugh, damet garm

by onlyinamrica on

اما با رشد قیمت نفت از ۵۰ سال پیش و متواری شدن اربابهای استعماری، ثروت یامفت و پترودلار بی‌زحمت، مثل باران کویری باعث رشد سریع انواع خار و خوارکسده، سوسک و سوسمار در منطقه گردید.

هر کدومشون هم که پیروز شد و دم در آورد (مثل صدام)؛ غربیها همچین میزنند تو سرش که "به گربه بگه شاه غلام".

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Feck off rain

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

MPD dear; glad you have had good weather. Rain and high winds are killing us here.

Maziar jan: thanks for reminding us of "Marmulak" Bazi. Hope you have seen the very funny movie by that name.

Dear Divaneh: yes, accepting violence is a prerequisite for establishing any fascist regime. IRI calls its opponents "sosool" as a way of asserting that they are not brutes and hence vulnerable to violence.

Multiple Personality Disorder

هوای امروز خیلی خوب بود

Multiple Personality Disorder

حتی اینقدر خوب بود که آن هوا لبخند بر لبانم آورد.


Shazde Jaan

by Faramarz on

You are touching on a serious subject that we Iranians need to do some serious soul searching about. I do not necessarily agree that Iranians are violent people, but I do believe that we are unforgiving people and once we decide that we don’t like somebody, we will use all the tools in our arsenal to hurt them.

Turn the other cheek is not an Iranian motto!

G. Rahmanian

A Proposition To Our Democracy-Loving Elders!

by G. Rahmanian on

A Proposition To Our Democracy-Loving Elders on this thread and elsewhere. How about all moving to Washington DC or even NOT moving and starting a lobby? Not like all the existing "LOAABYS" to which nothing seems to stick, but a real LOBBY. Without a strong, democratic and anti-regime organization not much can be achieved. We need to change the government in Tehran, if we want any real progress politically, socioculturally and technologically.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

jenab shazdeh merci for the blog and fact finding.

Monda hit it right too

marmoolak bazi is in our genes unfortunatly.



Damn ME people

by divaneh on

Damn ME people and their bad habits. We
are brought up to accept violence as acceptable specially when is perpetrated
by the government. That implanted violence exhibits in different ways.


دقیقا، ولی‌...لطفا چند لحظه از فکرم رو بخونین ه


تا این تنبلیم بره کنار و یک بلاگ بنویسم. یک شب در کستا ریکا، زیر سایه مارمولک‌های پر صدای نارنجی رنگ روی سقفم، چند صفحه نوشتم. راجع به حسّ عدم اعتماد (خود دفاعی روانی‌) در روابط، در بعضی‌ از ما ایرانی‌ها. چه درون مرزی چه بیرون مرزی. به طور خلاصه، سلوک و وفق ما با هرج و مرج به موازات تداخل خارجین در طول تاریخ، مولد مصیبتهائی فردیست. از قبیل دغل بازی/ همان زرنگی، سؤ استفاده از محبت واقعیی‌، دورویی، و و... در نسل ما این جوانب ذاتی شده اند.

فکر می‌کنم در لحظاتی، در حضور آدمهای ناب، باید به این مساله توجه کرد که با دید بازتر از خودمون، میتونیم بدبختی‌های وارده جغرافیایی رو اقلا گاهی‌ فاکتور بگیریم. 

  دقیقا درست فرمودید، عادت به هرج و مرج در هر 


هست. کم و زیادیش، حد و حدودش - موضوع اصلیست.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

اون یاروی عزیز

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks for the alternate ending to that poem. It probably suits Imam Khamenei much better, because there are so many "adam bikareh" around him ;-)

The level of IRI belligerence is astounding. If it wasn't for the Oil Money, they would have already taken Iran down to the same level as Afghanestan.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Fanoos: good point about our tribal habits

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

And our religious habits are also born out of those tribal habits, and are even worse in terms of destroying any freedom and any place for individualism and innovation.

It is deeply rooted in a traditional and xenophobic M.E. society, where everyone had to obey strict rules or be destroyed by the ruler.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ماندای گرامی‌

Shazde Asdola Mirza

البته هرج و مرج طلبی در ذات همه هست، ولی‌ کم و زیاد داره.

عشق و مهر و محبت رو ما مردها گاهی با جاذبه جنسی‌ و شهوت قاطی‌ می‌کنیم. هر کدوم اونها جای خودشو داره، ولی‌ فکر نکنم که بشه یکی‌ رو جایگزین اون یکی‌ کرد.