She is Irani

She is Irani
by عموجان

she been blessed by Rahbar himself and his bodies here is the picture   


more from عموجان
Red Wine


by Red Wine on

عمو جان،دستت درد نکند،اینجور محفل کم نور ما،این بزم بی‌ شگون ما،منور شد و بلکه منزه !


مفصلا سپاسگزاریم.



خانوم جان کم مونده ملاخور شه




This is really funny!

by Gavazn on

She is actually Italian, that's the irony of the whole thing. JJ thought he'd put a topless Iranian woman as top news on Womens Day, he got all this stick for it, and it turns out she is not even Iranian.

Was it divine justice for JJ and the fact that he is smitten with Ms Mellons....


why not they have heart to

by عموجان on

Even Rahbar wants to know they real or what