100,000 Signatures / Tapesh 2012

by shima


The Islamic Republic of Iran still systematically and brutally ignores and violets the Human Rights >>> www.tapesh-2012.com

Stoning, amputating, ripping eyes out, raping, burning, and other torture methods are still practiced as a punishment in Iran.

At the Moment over 100 adolescents under 18 are threatened by death penalty.

Say NO to: Islamic Republic of Iran and its human rights violations.

Say NO to: War against Iran.

Say YES to: Democracy, secularism, and Freedom in Iran.

On December 10st, 2008 we will hand over the collected signatures to the European Union.

Thank You for your support.

100,000-Signatures is organized, and led by Tapesh-2012 as German-Iran project managers.

The band intensively speaks with music, videos and concerts for human rights in Iran.
For details please visit: www.tapesh-2012.com


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