Call for Submissions

Shiva Alipour
by Shiva Alipour

I am Shiva Alipour and I need the help of the Iranian community! I am graduate student at Pratt Institute working on my Masters in Communication Design. 

Dualism is part of my thesis project exploring the identity of Iranian-Americans through the use of object portraiture. The idea is to better understand the Iranian-American demographic through the objects that we keep around and associate as part of our identity. 

Please go to the website and submitted a photo! Tell your family and friends to participate! Let's see what the Iranian-American community looks like!  



Recently by Shiva AlipourCommentsDate
Iranian-American Research Project
Jan 19, 2011
more from Shiva Alipour
Kill Mouse Traps

Dear Shiva Alipour,

by Kill Mouse Traps on

I think hardly anyone in Iranian community would submit any pictures for your project.  We don't trust anyone, in general.  But, I might be able to help you a little; fancy furniture covered with clear plastic sheets, lots of hand woven Persian carpets, sometimes more than one layer, expensive jewelry that they can't afford, and lots of shoes by the front door.