سایت سپاه را مختل نمائید

سایت سپاه را مختل نمائید
by Shorts

با استفاده از لینک زیر وب سایت سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی را مختل نمائید تا نتوانند عکسهای ایرانیان مبارز را منتشر و شناسائی کنند. این کمترین کاری است که میتوانید برای مبارزه انجام دهید. چگونگی انجام کار به قرار زیر است
1- وبسایت زیر را باز کنید:


2- یکی از آدرسهای زیر را کپی کنید



3- در قسمت آدرس یکی از صفحات را همانگونه که در تصویر نشان داده شده است وارد نمائید

پس از آن نیازی نیست کاری انجام دهید، تنها کاری که میکنید آنست که این صفجه را پس از شروع باز نگهدارید تا در هر ثانیه خود را تازه کند

این کار باعث بالارفتن ترافیک وب سایت میشود و آنرا از کار میاندازد

From: Rostam Pahlavan


more from Shorts

The Gerdab site has blocked the Pagereboot URL

by farrad02 on

They're on to you. That's why you get the Forbodden message.


i get forbidden as well

by Princess on

both on pc and mac.


Doustan salam

by Hajminator on

I've tried a lot of hack and shutdown programs and this program (from Nedasites) works very well on MAC/Windows/Linux


At each of my sessions, I launch this program three times in background.


عرض خود بردن و زحمت مردم دادن


Neither this bizarre Islamist cutthroats republic’s version of top most wanted list nor all its thugs can change the eventuality, traction has been gained.


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

From the point of view of my eyes, your thinking on the translation subject is whole.


hacking experts

by IRANdokht on

Gerdab is the site that hacked so many of the opposition sites and left a message there claiming success. They're the ir hackers. Apparently they just haven't figured out a way to stop the western geeks who use Mac (sorry J couldn't help it ;-)  )


Anonymous Observer

They've Done Something to Prevent This For Sure

by Anonymous Observer on

I just used another automatic page reboot service and got the same message.  Here it is:


Anonymous Observer

I get the same message.

by Anonymous Observer on

Forbidden.  Perhaps they saw this on Iranian.com and did something to their page to prevent it from being refreshed.  May be JJ succeeded before they saw the blog posting and took action.  I just tried doing the same to www.kahmenei.ir and it worked. 


another point for MAC!

by IRANdokht on

I am using firefox on PC too...  I'll just ask my son to do it on his Mac ;-)


ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on

 Firefox on my pc,the same message???

Ebi aka Haaji

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Works on Firefox on my Mac. It's refreshing the gerdaab site every second.



by IRANdokht on

I tried the page reboot on some of the IR press websites and it worked, but it doesn't work when I enter gerdab's URL. 


Jahanshah Javid

Try this

by Jahanshah Javid on

ebi amirhosseini

I get the same message...

by ebi amirhosseini on

Forbidden ......


Ebi aka Haaji

Jahanshah Javid

By the way

by Jahanshah Javid on

... doesn't the text of this blog look like a translation from English? Is an English-speaking person writing these and then asking someone to translate them into Persian?

I'm asking because it looks like the text is in formal/bureaucratic language. I won't speculate further :o)


it doesn't let me

by IRANdokht on

and I get this message:


You don't have permission to access this server.



Jahanshah Javid

I did it

by Jahanshah Javid on

So easy to do. Right now the sepah site is rebooting every second on a separate page on my browser. I thin if as little as 100 people did this, their server will choke :o)