قطع پارازیت با بطری پلاستیکی

 قطع پارازیت با بطری پلاستیکی
by Shorts

چند روز پیش که این ایمیل به دستم رسید اول فکر کردم که سر کاریه ولی از آنجایی که واقعا از پارازیتهای ماهواره خسته شده بودم وضمنا انجام روش پایین کلا پنج دقیقه وقتم رو می گرفت این کار رو انجام داد. در ابتدا باورم نمی شد که این همه هزینه برای ارسال پارازیت توسط دولت مهر ورز با یک بطری پلاستیکی آب معدنی به باد فنا بره ولی از انجایی که تو این دوره و زمونه چیزی غیر ممکن نیست مخصوصا اگر تو ایران باشه این کار جواب داد. هنوز هم باورش برام سخته ولی امتحان کنید و حالشو ببرین و ایمان بیاورید که گاهی برای مسایل پیچیده لزوما نباید دنبال راههای پیچیده بود فقط لازمه که دانش اون کار رو داشته باشیم.

From Amir


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Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

From the explanation regarding plastic being almost lossless, I gather you can just rubber band a whole bunch of empty bottles around the horn, instead of cutting one up. Also, I have asked this expert to market a one-piece horn attachment designed around the idea to optimally minimize the jamming signal. I think the profits would be enough to bail him out of Evin or at least get him a good lawyer.


Ari jan

by IRANdokht on

Thanks for asking an expert, but doesn't the graphic show the middle section of the bottle being cut out? How do we fill it with any liquid, water or beer?



This is getting serious

by divaneh on

This is now getting serious. Someone please hide this page from Nokia and Siemens.

Ari Siletz

Consulted with satellite communcations designer

by Ari Siletz on

Ari: Is this for real?

Designer: Theoretically when one loads the horn with the dielectric [water, plastic], especially close to the wall [of the horn], it shifts the center frequency a bit! (also it brings the "unwanted side-lobes" higher, make the system wider-band or wider-angle)! That might be enough shift to get a better reception from the satellite as opposed to tuning exactly on the center frequency (or pointing exactly on the direction of the satellite) where usually the jammer power is maximized! These guys are geniuses dude!

Ari: Does it make much difference if the bottle is full [water is a good dielectric] or not?

Designer: Yes; but water is very lossy in general, depends of the operation frequency; the loss might be so high that it prevents one from the reception; it also drastically change the horn electric behavior!

The cool thing about mere plastic is that it is almost lossless! But I am not sure if the frequency shift or the angular widening [is enough to] make the reception better!


It should work. Try it with different amounts of water (or beer) to find the maximum effect.


Shorts, ey baba. Khayli salari.

by pedro on

Iranian inginiuity. I am going to try it.

Hey Russia, go ahead and sell the Islamist a new f*****g gadget for 500 million dollars, the old one is no good any more.


I don't know

by cyclicforward on

I can't find any reason as to why this may work but more power to you if it does.




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by Kareem on

Ma ke too khomari moondim.

