Posting Voices of the Middle East & North Africa for Readers

Posting Voices of the Middle East & North Africa for Readers
by Shuka


We at Voices of the Middle East and North Africa
(VOMENA) Radio
are starting to post links to our radio show here when
it pertains to Iran. Otherwise it probably wouldn't make much sense to
post it on, huh? I'm glad you agree. VOMENA reports on
everthing from Iran politics to art, music and culture of the
international Iranian community.

Click here to listen to our archive of Iran-related news. And please feel fre to leave a comment! -either on this blog or our own. 

You can follow us on Twitter at

And we'll have a Facebook page. Soon. I just have to create one...




Thanks for the warm welcome

by Shuka on

@Shazde & @Red Wine: Thank you!

@MPD: If my mind gets Tiffany-twisted, I shall escape via my Mercedes Benz. But I think I'll be OK. ;)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Welcome Shuka dear

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Please ignore MPD's "welcome" and words of caution. We are all ok, as long as you don't get too close to us ... or the electric cage!

Multiple Personality Disorder

Welcome to Hotel California

by Multiple Personality Disorder on


Please read this blog:


And try to get out while you still have a chance.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Thank you Shuka for info .