Behaving badly on IC and getting away with it.

Behaving badly on IC and getting away with it.
by Siamak Asadian

As it might be public knoweledge by now, I've been involved in an exchange with supporters of a certain Iranian political fomation, for the past couple of days. In the process one of the 'comments' posted on that thread called me, " an interrogator in jails of Islamic Republic," and a few other insults that is not necessary to repeat here. And when in response I pointed this obviously uncouth behaviour, my comment was flagged (by we all know who), and the whole thred blocked and shut down.

So based on this simple procedure, future exchanges would be very simple. Anyone who deson't like your point of view, could post insults ands harass you, and if you dare to mention this breach, you, not the offender will get flagged, and the whole thread blocked and shut down! What's wrong with this picture?

But it's not just that.

Two days ago, on another thread Mash Ghasem was called a: "goat herder," " a camel jockey,"...and the entire Iranian nation was also called a few choice expletives. But MG was blocked, because he responded by saying nothing more than his usuall response; that he is a proud horse jockey and calling IR apologists hiding behind Old Glory, obtuse.

What gives?

Last but not least, as a public announcment I feel obliged to share with all just how fed up I'm with all of this, and all it would take right now is just one last straw.

So if you all don't see me around here no more, you'll know exactly what has taken place and what's going on . Cheers

It's been real. 




by Truthseeker9 on

Please do not react to these people and get into further exchanges, or address them by their name. You can make your point without giving power and  importance to such individuals. Are they really that important in the scheme of things? 

The comments and actions of these people, and their history of actions and drama, is for all to see and whatever Admin does in protecting them and their reputation (they may be valuable to the site), will not prevent people to use their own eyes and judgment.