In memory of the Iranian patriots massacred in Camp Ashraf


In memory of the Iranian patriots massacred in Camp Ashraf
by Simorgh5555

April 8th, marks one year to the day when 36 Iranian souls perished as a result of a dawn raid by the Islamic Republic Terror Regime Shia puppet Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki. The Shia -Fascist government of Al-Maliki, in direct orders from the Mullah Terrorists in Iran used large fast-moving trucks to mow down unarmed men and women as well as shooting them point blank in their head. The majority of those murdered in this evil terrorist operation were not involved in combat operations and bore no responsibility for Maryam Rajavi's crimes. Many of those killed in the raid were small children or were not even born during the nineteen- eighties when Rajavi's group betrayed Iran to Khomeini and launched an armed struggle against the Terror Regime they brought into power. Some of those that were brutally murdered last year had lived all their life in Camp Ashraf and were kep virtual prisoners. Some of them  were patriotic Iranians who put misplaced loyalty and trust in Maryam Rajavi. . The US should have reigned in on the camp, took it under their control and sever all links to Rajavi. 

The fact that there are thousands of Iranians in Camp Ashraf ready to put their lives at stake in order to liberate Iran from the Evil Terror Regime should remind us of the necessary sacrifices that need to be made. Instead of shutting down Camp Ashraf and transferring its residents to former US Base Camp Liberty, the US should use them and retrain them to carry out military operations including target asssassinations against the Islamic Republic and severing the links with Maryam Rajavi. The entire camp which reportedly held tanks, munitions and even armoured fighting vehicles should have been assigned directly to US command and re-establish it as an opposition central headquarters.

We saw the stupid mistake the US did when it disbanded Saddam Hussein's army and police bofore regretting its decision when there was no one to maintain law and order. Stupid moves. No lessons learned. Same mistake with Camp Ashraf. 

When Alexander conquered Persia in 333BC he did not destroy  his enemies entirely but assimilated them into his own army and made the Satraps his servants. As Iranians today we must using some of Alexander's cunning and instead of humbling these MEK types we ought to recruit them and use their assets under a new banner. In business this would be called a 'hostile takeover'. Rajavi as a politican is irrelevant today just as she was thirty years ago but she happens to have a strong organised network of support and determined followers who are willing to pay the price in blood. Rajavi is easily disposable and its members can be used as apart of a secular military army for the purpose of liberating Iran.  Closing Camp Ashraf was not just a colossally stupid move, but the  US government has played into the hands of the IR Terror Regime and allowed itslef to be dictated by an evil regime which is in defacto control of a country which it claimed to have liberated. By closing down Camp Ashraf the US is taking orders from a regime which killed 241 American servicemen in a bomb barrack in Beirut in 1983 and is currently funding and supporting militias who kill US servicemen currently fighting in Iraq. Shame on Obama for letting Iran down as well as the United States. 


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