عارف و ملا‏

by sobh

 یک ملا و یک درويش كه مراحلي از سير و سلوك را گذرانده بودند و از ديري به دير ديگر سفر مي كردند ، سر راه خود دختري را ديدند در كنار رودخانه ايستاده بود و ترديد داشت از آن بگذرد. 

وقتي ان دو نزديك رودخانه رسيدند دخترك از آن ها تقاضاي كمك كرد. درويش بلا درنگ دخترك را برداشت و از رودخانه گذراند.

دخترك رفت و آن دو به راه خود ادامه دادند و مسافتي طولاني را پيمودند تا به مقصد رسيدند. در همين هنگام ملا   كه ساعت ها سکوت كرده بود خطاب به همراه خود گفت:« دوست عزيز! ما  نبايد به جنس لطيف نزديك شويم. تماس با جنس لطيف بر خلاف عقايد و مقررات مكتب ماست. در صورتي كه تو دخترك را بغل كردي و از رودخانه عبور دادي.» درويش با خونسردي و با حالتي بي تفاوت جواب داد:

« من دخترك را همان جا رها كردم ولي تو هنوز به آن چسبيده اي و



Source: Unknown


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Thank you

by Souri on

Ok !! Now, I got it . It means the young man (or Mullah) keep the  (bad thought) in their mind !!


The real source of this story is: Zen teachings & Wisdom!

by Zen Wisdom (not verified) on

Dear Souri & Sobh,

An old monk and a young monk were walking through a forest when they came to a river bank and saw a beautiful young woman standing at the edge of the bank.

The woman told the monks that she was afraid to cross the river because she might slip and be carried downstream. She asked if one of the monks might help her across.

Now it so happened that these 2 monks were members of a sect which practiced celibacy and they had both taken vows never to touch a member of the opposite sex. But the old monk, sensing the extreme anxiety of the young woman, lifted her onto his back and carried her to the other side of the river.

The young woman thanked him and went on her way. The 2 monks continued on their journey, but the young monk was shocked and disturbed at having seen his older companion break his vow so nonchalantly.

Finally, after 3 hours of walking and thinking, he could contain himself no longer and he burst out, "Tell me, old man, what did it feel like to break your vow of so many years? What did it feel like to allow sensuality to tempt you from your spiritual path? What did it feel like to have her smooth warm thighs wrapped around your waist, her breasts brushing against your back, her arms around your neck and her soft cheek almost one with your own? Tell me, old man, what is it like to carry such a beautiful young woman?"

The older monk remained silent for several steps and then said, "It is you who should tell me what it is like to carry such a beautiful young woman. You see I put her down 3 hours ago at the river, but you are still carrying her."


Souri and Pope

by Mehrban on

If you don't think of it as a joke, it may become a lot clearer.


Me too

by ThePope on

Souri khaanoom, you're not the only one...

Manoucher Avaznia

زیبا سخنی گفتی

Manoucher Avaznia

زیبا سخنی گفتی ای صبح جهان آرا


Manoucher Avaznia

زیبا سخنی گفتی

Manoucher Avaznia

زیبا سخنی گفتی ای صبح جهان آرا



by Souri on

You will find me too dumb, but this is the second time I hear this joke, and I still don't get it!!

Would you explain it please (if you can) thanks


Wise man and Mullah

by IranWrites on

How true!