نگفتمت نرو


 نگفتمت نرو
by Soosan Khanoom

به گوش پرده پاره شاعری که کم نشستو ایستاده با دهان باز و نعره در فشنگ شعر عاصی و تصور ترانه لای پایه خایه جایه پوتین و سیل سیلی روی ریش و ریش جوانه‌های خون روی لب خراشو زیر جان

نگفتمت نرو گلایول این زمین به قدر یک کفن کفاف ریشه نمی‌دهد
نگفتمت که جز بوی چرک چاک سینه‌های خالی از قلب در فضا نمی‌دمد
نگفتمت که این جماعت جریده با خط و رد وحشیه نگاهت غریبه‌اند
نگفتمت که جای بوسه آلتی کریه بر دهان سرخ آتشت می‌نهند
نگفتمت نرو نرو نگفتمت نرو نرو...

نگفتمت هر آنچه گفتی و نوشته‌ایم کشک بود
نگفتمت نرو که رفتنت نتیجتن اشک بود
نگفتمت تو هم به گور جد خلق گشنه بخند
نگفتمت که حال کن طبیعتا میان این همه جسد بگند
که خرشو، که کر شو، که کور شو، دهان را ببند، دهان را ببند، دهان را ببند...
این چنین هوا پس است و هر که سوی خویش داره، دم نزن سکوت کن که گفتن تو نیش داره
این چنین هوا پس است و هر که سوی خویش داره، دم نزن سکوت کن که گفتن تو نیش داره

نگفتمت بشین کنار من، کنار گود، بوس هست، بوس هست، شب زفاف جمعی و، عروش سیاسی و، جاسوس ان، ان تو لک تو لک، مبارز مدافع حقوق حشر هست فقط اعتماد کن بمان
نگفتمت نرو بمان کنار هم بشین به حال هم بغض می‌کنیم

نگفتمت چگونه در میانه ول معتلیم، ببین چگونه در زیر آب زار می‌زنیم
نگفتمت هر آنچه گفتی و نوشته‌ایم کشک بود
نگفتمت نرو که رفتنت نتیجتا اشک بود
نگفتمت تو هم به گور جد خلق گشنه بخند
نگفتمت که حال کن طبیعتا میان این همه جسد بگند

ولی تو خر نمی‌شوی، ولی تو کر نمی‌شوی
تو نبض و حلق خلق هر ترانه‌ای، که بر باد، بر دار می‌شود

Shahin Najafi - Nagoftamat Naro - YouTube


more from Soosan Khanoom
Soosan Khanoom

If you think about it ... it is under construction

by Soosan Khanoom on

Hopefully these days of dustful pains and sorrows will be soon over for everyone.   


maziar 58

Iran under construction

by maziar 58 on

taghdim to all  that can go and leave when ever they please.

thank you.


Soosan Khanoom

I have come to appreciate the Rap music

by Soosan Khanoom on

I have come to appreciate rap music may be because I like poetry. Rappers are poets and are one of the wittiest most clever writers with incredible punch lines as well as having versatility with their words...... I love the beats. A good one soothes the ear and distresses the mind. Of course it depends on what they rap about, so I should say that I am also very selective and do not just fall for any rap....  Shahin Najafi is truly an incredible artist .... I especially love this song of his .  FIrst time ever I heard it , I kept playing it over and over to the point that I could have sung the entire thing soon after ...  I attended a concert of his at Georgetown University and since then I became a fan ... His songs covers sexism, child labour and poverty.
But it is not just Shahin there are many good ones out there ... This is the music of Iranian youth today.  For the majority of them these poets are speaking their hearts.  A vibrant and soulful culture does not just follow its traditional roots but also steps into new and forbidden genre.  I am going to post another of my favorite in a separate blog ... 

Soosan Khanoom

Iran Khan

by Soosan Khanoom on

You got it .... I thought of Namjoo as well but also in his last lines he sounded so much like Farhad who is one of my favorite singers of all time ... 

Albaloo and DNSM thanks for the comments.

: ) 

Soosan Khanoom

Afsaneh jan thanks for the delightful rumi

by Soosan Khanoom on

I simply adore that specific poem of rumi. It had spoken to me through some difficult days that I had in the past and it still does ..... No one and nothing on this earth can ever be compared to Rumi and his words of wisdom....  .... 

Do Not Shoot Me

Already a fan of your blogs. keep it up girl !

by Do Not Shoot Me on

listen im a tell u sumthin rappers rap about that stuff becuz thats wats happening in the world.  


iraj khan

شعر عاصی

iraj khan

One needs to listen to the song twice, the second time to focus on the music.

It's hard to catagorized this song as a certain style of music such as American rap music.

One can detect many influences in this music including traditional Iranian music, 'Naghali' style of story telling and Namjoo's music mixed with the sound of modern jazz keyboard and guitar as the main instruments. 

Nagoftamat Naroo is a reble's song looking to find his own original sound. Nagoftamat is entertaining and thought provoking at the same time, thanks for posting it.

Hafez for Beginners


by Hafez for Beginners on

SK jan - so interesting!  Although I'm not a fan of Iranians using the very simple rythms of rap - the rythms are interesting, but too primitive for me. Sad when the Italians and French copy it too - as their own music I find to be far more sophisticated than the simple Yek-Do Yek-Do Yek-Do rhythm - sadly all these countries assume if the US is doing it, so should they!

Another "Nagoftamat" from Rumi: 




Interesting song

by Albaloo on

Interesting song

Soosan Khanoom

Tehran Under Construction

by Soosan Khanoom on

Picture taken back in Dec.