Islamophobia: In response to " There is No Such Thing as a "Moderate Muslim" by Piyalechi

Soosan Khanoom
by Soosan Khanoom


In response to " There is No Such Thing as a "Moderate Muslim" by Piyalechi

 I suggest you expand your horizon ,information and knowledge before making remarks that is nothing but a propaganda. Your contribution does not make life any easier for Iranian inside Iran as well million of Iranians who are living abroad and are facing discrimination against their faith, their country of origin ,their middle eastern look and even their names. You are suffering from Islamophobia by condemning the entire book and the religion; denying the existence of a moderate Muslim and regarding Islam as a problem for the entire world . This new phenomena of Islamophobia is exactly like the antisemitism of the 1930s ... I suggest you read a few books for dummies to help you with this phobia and once you are familiar with the idea then read " Devil's Game "by Robert Dreyfuss. It explains how the U.S helped in unleashing of the fundamentalism.

Now watch this ... This will make you feel better knowing that you are not alone ..... 



more from Soosan Khanoom

I agree VPK.

by pedro on

I rather be put out there to be eaten be vultures than buried under the ground, what if you are not dead, people assumed you are dead and you are buried. Many were buried alive just because people thought they were dead. that is why in old days christians tied a string to a bell and to the finger of the dead in case the assumed deceased was not totaly dead, henc, the bell woud ring, then the relatives would rush and dig him/her out.

It sucks being alive under 4 foot of dirt.

VKP, where can i get my hand on Zoroastrian Gathas in english to rad with children? thanks

Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisions

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom part II

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thanks. A few things:

  • The Sassanid version of Zoroastrian religion was very different than the original version in Gathas. The core of Zoroastrian is very different from what the Sassanids practiced.  
  • I rather have no organized religion at all. I do not go to church; mosque or fire temple. 

But some people need religion and I mean organized religion. I have spoken to people who flat out said: their church is their whole social life. Power of Mullahs in Iran is a problem. It has to be broken to free the people. In many ways Mollahs now are like the Mobeds {Zoroastrian priests} at the end of Sassanids. They too overreached and gave Zartoshti a bad name. The best way is to replace Islam; specially the Mollah powered Shia with something else. There are a few realistic choices. I told you my preference.

The other issue is children. If kids are not provided with a moral compass we take a risk. I do not want my kids to go in the world a blank slate. Then every charlatan will be able to take advantage of them. It is the duty of all of us to prepare our children. What do we teach them. I am not going to teach them that the ideal human was Mohammad. Then have to explain why the "ideal man" would have sex with a nine year old girl.  To me Islam is just a non starter as a religion. So do I teach them to avoid religion?

I am willing to teach them the basics of  Gathas. You need to read them before you criticize them. I am not talking about the Sassanid modification. The three main ideas of "Good thoughts"; "Good words" and "Good deeds" is as valid today. Other ideas lik:e "Happiness comes to those who make happiness for others" are valid. I am comfortable teaching these to my kids. And to tell them that these were the ideas that made Cyrus great. Abandoning them made the Sassanids fall. 

Religion of love is too ambiguous. My kids are not up to Rumi yet. Nor are many grown up people. We need a moral compass and I told you what I like. Take my word: it will appeal to the Iranian youth. And no one will call it Westoxification :-)


More Zealous than the Inventors

by Cost-of-Progress on

OK, you want to exclude gender, fine have it your way if it makes you happier as in no joosh!

The problem we're having in our non-arab land is that we pretend to be more muslim than the inventors of this religion.   all while they tell us that we're actually pseudo muslims in their minds.

As long as we say this is a religion of billion+ people, it's great, but it is hijacked by a small bunch of extermists and cling to its ideology as if it is the best thing since Christianity (how about that), then we will get what we've gotten for the past 14 centuries. Nothing will change.

I'll leave you to your personal thoughts now, but while you're at it, think about why the billion muslims you talk about are not outraged by the action of the few that everyone claims have hijacked their beloved religion.

Muslims have been killing each other by the boatloads for crying outloud. Where is the rage??




Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

thanks for your comments ... I may not be agree with them all ... but thanks anyway is if you are for religion or not ?  but going back to Zoroastrian ...Oh please .... do you know how many wives Khosroparviz had ..... something around 4000  ......  and do you know black Chadoor is from Zoroastrians era...... it has nothing to do with islam .......actually pre islamic arabs were butt naked and topless ... talking about nude beaches kind of thingy .... but then iranian women were forced to be covered head to toe during practicing ages of Zoroastrians....  Iran before islam was not much kinder to women... Zorasterian would not even sit or eat with their women while they were having their periods ...... they would not even bury their dead people ...... it was a custom to put them somewhere up in the air on the air to be eaten by the birds concerning body to be so unclean to be burrried ........  this is still practicing today and has raised great international concerns ...... This religion when it comes to interpretation of its law if not worse is not for sure better than Islam ......  and i am not saying to blame the religion it self .... I am saying that these religions are all subjected to wrong interpretations and that is so sad ......    that is why  as long as we have this problem no religion should ever get involved with politics ........  but you can not force people to like  a religion or dislike it or choose this over that .... this is insane ...just leave them alone ... Moosa be deeneh khod ..eesa be deeneh khod .....

I am all for RUMI ...... I am so tired of political religions and organized one ..... Rumi is what we need today .....I only should say the only time i feel that I am proud to be an Irnain is when i read poems of Rumi and yes he was Iranian and he wrote everything in Farsi.........  

do you know what is my religion? is the religion of love

Be Certain, in the religion of love, there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I agree that they should not impose their idea and way of life on anyone ...i am 100 percent for that ........ That is why I do not get along with them ....... they make you want to say if this is Islam then I am not muslim ....... but then why should i let their ignorance make me so ignorant as well?

Soosan: it is not ignorance; it is knowledge. They know by experience what Islam is. You and I got a sugar coated version thanks to the Shah. Now they are living the real thing. 

.......  most of people who are very conservative  have kids with almost no religion values because these kids  hate it when

This is where my past post comes handy. I just explained other fine religious choices. Personally I think we should go back to Zoroastrian values. Maybe a reform version of it. They will not hate it because it is wonderful. The youth will accept it with open arms. It gives you all the values; in fact the best. If you read the Gathas you will find far better values than I have seen anywhere. Plus it is Iranian to its core. When I heard a prayer start with "Be nameh Izadeh Bkhshayandeyeh Bakhshayeshgareh Mehraban" it connected to me. Far more than either Latin or Arabic prayers would. In short: we need not go without a religion. Iran is home to the best religion of them all. We just need to open our heart and mind and it is there. It never left us; we left it.

their parents force them to do this and do that or
wear this or wear that ..... when they can not stand their own parents how can they stand others with that attitude whom absolutely have no rights over them?  that is why 99.9 percent of the youth in  Iran today hate this religion all because of IRI ...  When it comes to Islam I always say with friends like IRI who needs enemy

Glad you realize and admit it. Onece again I repeat:we have much better options than Islam. 

Soosan Khanoom

Thank you dear Rozbeh and

by Soosan Khanoom on

Thank you dear Rozbeh and thank you for taking your time and reading my blog. I always enjoy reading you insights and comments on various topics here on this site .... thank you for being such an open minded person . truly  appreciate it : )


COP I say goodbye and you keep saying hello ... I keep saying gender is not a factor here and you keep saying oh yes it is many times should i tell you me being a woman has nothing to do with my thoughts .......  I am starting to boil over this . daaram joosh meeyaaram  baba  :)

I agree that they should not impose their idea and way of life on anyone ...i am 100 percent for that ........ That is why I do not get along with them ....... they make you want to say if this is Islam then I am not muslim ....... but then why should i let their ignorance make me so ignorant as well? .......  most of people who are very conservative  have kids with almost no religion values because these kids  hate it when their parents force them to do this and do that or wear this or wear that ..... when they can not stand their own parents how can they stand others with that attitude whom absolutely have no rights over them?  that is why 99.9 percent of the youth in  Iran today hate this religion all because of IRI ...  When it comes to Islam I always say with friends like IRI who needs enemy 

thank you both for taking your time and reading my blog

peace : ) 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

COP thanks

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You said it very well. I will add that Islam is not a personal religion. Islam by nature wants to micromanage the whole society: regardless of their religion. It is impossible to have Islam keep its hands out of peoples' lives. If it does then it will be something new. A new system unlike today's Islam which will share little with it.

To Roozbeh: Yes USA & Britain had everything to do with Islamic Fundamentalism. They did it for the reason you say. But Islam had all the ingredients they needed. A fanatic intolerant philosophy. Filled with violence and hate. Perfect for the West to exploit. All they had to do was to fan the flames now the genie is out of the bottle. The West is responsible for this tragedy specially Carter and his policies. And absolutely Muslims are the greatest victim. They have to live it.

So what do we do now? You either reform Islam or leave it. I think the right solution is to leave Islam. For 1400 years it has victimized Iranian; I say enough! Islam is a house built on the wrong foundation. Because of that it will never really be fixed. Best thing is for people to make the choice of leaving it. Openly in nations where it is possible; in hiding when necessary. Why: because there is no reason to stick to Islam. What does it offer us? Do we need a religion. If not then be honest and give it up. We can beleive in God without an organized religion without a lot of mumbo jumbo. 

Some people want organized religion. They get something out of it. For them there are far better religions to follow. Christianity has all the "sane" parts of Islam minus a lot of the real objectionable stuff. By any standard Jesus was a far better human being than Mohammad. They take converts with no problem. There are also other choices like going back to our Zoroastrian religion. It has the benefit of being very much a part of our culture. It is not some "Western" thing . So we get to be rid of Islam and keep our unique culture. They are reluctant to take converts. 

Now to the actual part of doing it: We all know the penalty for leaving Islam is death so it is a big risk. Now in the USA it probably won't matter. Specially if you don't go tell fanatical Muslims {fortunately a small minority of Americans}. Bit this is a big problem in"Muslim" nations.. I know many Iranians have opted to simply "stop believing" in Islam while "officially" remaining Muslim. This is a good and practical start. 


Personal you say?

by Cost-of-Progress on

I agree wholeheartedly. Only the islamsits do not agree, and that's the problem.

As long as [your] religion does not want to infringe upon my sovereignty as a human being, I am all for it. if you tell me what to do, how to wipe myslef, how to dress, whom to embarce and whom to hate (which is islam good at), and....and...then we have a problem.

The whole argument about political islam is that their idea of "laws" are those of the so called God, i.e., the 7th century Sharia born out of the deserts of Saudi Arabia. They do not believe in human laws  because they see them as "flawed".

Your gender has everything to do with it as does you upbrining! Heck, this is even your religion, it was shoved down your ancester's throat with a sword - unless you're Arab!





"U.S helped in unleashing of the fundamentalism."

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

More than just a help. US and Britain jointly. actively and strategically supported and funded the creation of what we call today "islamist fundamentalism".

The original and key aim was to stop the rise of socialism in the oil rich Middle East. The biggest casualty of this new form of Fascism, the Islamist Fundamentalism, have been no other than Ordinary Muslims.

Thank you for the good blog Soosan Khanoom.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


"God is an invention of Man..."

by LoverOfLiberty on

"God is an invention of Man. So the nature of God is only a shallow mystery. The deep mystery is the nature of Man."


Nanrei Kobori, late Abbot of the Temple of the Shining Dragon, a Buddhist sanctuary in Kyoto.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

If you think IRI is representing Islam then you need a serious help ......... Religion is a personal affair and i say it for all the religions.  Anyone who brings it to the politic is simply a politician who is very good at playing the devil's game and fooling people.

There are hard liners in Iran, Zionists in Israel , and Evangelists,Neo-con ,Armageddon! in the U.S 

Feel free to comment but do not use my gender  cause that has nothing to do with it  .....

and ,oh ,one more thing those with any phobia always think it is a real deal !!l  


Women make the strangest defenders

by Cost-of-Progress on

of the religion of peace.

If islam is so great, how come you're not back in Eutopic Republic enjoying your "rights" as a female? 

By the way, there's no such thing as Islamophobia. All the IR chest beaters use that word, but it is bogus. Phobia is a perceived fear - This one is very very REAL.



