Account blocking issues related to user Nur-i-Azal

by sophia

Why has Nur-i-Azal been blocked, and numerous other users (including parties associated with the Baha'i organization) engaging in defamation against this person have not?



Well dont leave it too long!

by Gavazn on

We're all eagerly awaiting the trial! When is it scheduled?



by Xvarnah on

I can let you scumbags hang yourselves even more and thereby collect twice-three times the damages as a result when it finally does come. But breaking US Federal privacy regulations isn't something I'm bringing. The FCC itself will be reviewing the matter as that's what they're there for.


So why have you not sued?

by Gavazn on

You threatened last year. Why the wait?



by Xvarnah on




by Xvarnah on

Other people seem to be aware of what is really going on and are probably telling the schoolmaster a shameless little bacheh-nonor twerp like you keeps complaining to, that perhaps he is making himself look like a total creep and this site look utterly like a joke if he keeps bending over backwards on the every whim and command of you corrupt cultist scumbags who are the ones who have actually consistently broken IC policies and gotten away with it! Not to mention there is a legal liability issue that has emerged for this site since it appears a US Federal privacy law might have been deliberately broken.



by Gavazn on

If this guy has been blocked why is he able to continue as if nothing has happened on this website, still call people profanities, threaten them and behave with no respect for you? Why are the policies on IC not carried out in the case of this person?


Also for baraadar-e-Basiji Faryar

by Xvarnah on

واعظان کین جلوه در محراب و منبر می کنند

چون به خلوت می روند آن کار دیگر می کنند

مشکلی دارم ز دانشمندان مجلس باز پرس

توبه فرمایان چرا خود توبه کمتر می کنند


Aham/Ego.Lying: The Bahai article of faith

by Xvarnah on

(Aham = Ego, i.e. the Universal Ego of Brahma Who created the world. ) "All who  authentically say 'I' (aham) say it by the leave of Brahma,  since Atman (soul) is Brahman (God) as it it is said in scripture 'Thou art That' (tat tvam asi) " - Shankaracharya, Brahma-Sutra Bhashya (Brahma Sutra commentary)

"To destroy the Ego is folly, for the Ego cannot be destroyed, and the more attempt there is to destroy the ego, the more one shall be mired in it. To feed the ego is danger, for it can never be satiated, and to feed it endlessly is to fall deeper into the trap of Maya/illusion and suffer thereby the turning of the wheel of Samsara/the cycle of birth and rebirth. Seek the path of the Ego's refinement between its destruction and satiation, for such is the Path to the Luminosity of Buddha-Mind for the Buddha-Mind itself is Ego" - (Dzogchen discourse)

See also Asrar-e-Khodi (the Secrets of the Self) of Muhammad Iqbal Lahori,



The foundation of Bahaism was built upon a lie and the core  operative article of faith of Bahaism is to lie. Here is the evidence:

Susan Stiles Maneck,
WRITINGS: The Use and meaning
Hikmat in the Baha’i Writings


"In many cases hikmat calls for the apparent suspension of a
Bahá'í principle in order to ensure the protection of the Faith

Comment: In other words Baha'is may lie under any circumstance to ensure
the protection of their organizational cohesiveness

as well,

Haifan Baha'is lied about the late Ayatollah
Montazeri's 2008 fatwa





Nima,No one is interested in you except yourSELF and your Ego..

by faryarm on



The only reason your "interests" were quoted, was to demonstrate to those who don't know you yet , how highly you think of yourself. 

You had linked your Facebook page on your wahid azal site/blog..and was open and public  for all to have probably changed your settings by now as a result..or gotten rid of the facebook logo...

The only reason your "interests" were quoted, was to demonstrate to those who don't know you yet, how highly you think of yourself.

 You think too highly of yourself; No one is interested in you  or activities except your own EGO... your degree of credibility takes care of all your lies, conspiracy theories, machinations and hatred as shown by hundreds of web entries you have with your various aliases....

Any one who cares to google your nameS starting with Wahid Azal will quickly catch on and feel the same pity as the rest who have been exposed to your agenda. 


Who are you talking to?

by Xvarnah on

Do you even know? If you are addressing me, address me. If you're addressing Sophia, either address her, or look her up in the Chicago Yellow Pages under lawyers/attorneys and address her that way directly yourself.

roushan boodam


by roushan boodam on

(Nur? Zulfiqar? Sophia?), I already told you I'll be posting here about Nur's blocking after concerns over the Uprising anniversary subside a bit, which I am going to do, and I already told you if you want to get rid of me the best way would be to ignore me, which at this point it's too late for. Finally I already told you to have a pleasant weekend. If frothing and foaming and spewing and railing at me is your idea of pleasure, fine, enjoy. I promise to read you raptly and post again some time next week about the blocking issue. Not just for you, btw. Blocking in general is an important concern. So don't get a swelled head.



by Xvarnah on

Mind your own business. Your thoughts have zero credibility and carry zero weight on this issue, nada, niente. Your only interest in this matter is nothing more than to poke your little sword, get your little revenge from last year, and so justify yourself to yourself and make yourself feel better. You don't know anything about JR Cole or the greater issues involved so go away!!!


roushan boodam


by roushan boodam on


Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Uprising. I am not going to comment on this issue broadly until things settle down a bit. I did not intend to say anything else, actually (as I stated in my post below), but since you have replied to me, xxxxxxx, I will. As I said I have a LOT of thoughts on Nur's blocking. For now just these observations concerning your reply to me:


1) If you want someone to get lost, the best thing to do is ignore them. Especially me.

2) For the information of others, the message I sent you through the site was right after you posted your foul-mouthed, aggressive post to the publisher, and I suggested you edit it because you were asking to be blocked too, and then who would  there be to argue your 'side' of the story?. (Assuming we don't all think Juan Cole is a liar or moron, there must be two sides of the story...please no one jump down my throat on this one, people. I haven't explained yet and Anvar and others KNOW which 'side' I'm on...but my real concerns about the 'side' to be argued are about Nur's blocking).

I sent an e-mail to you, xxxxxxxxxx, because like I said, I didn't want to post (beyond my current blog). Not because I cherished hopes of becoming your pen pal.

3) xxxxxxxxxxxx, if you think the post you just wrote me helped argue your 'side' I draw your attention to the fact that Juan Cole would never write a post like that (or an e-mail like the one you sent me...). Also, it is one thing to discuss possible problems with Bahai ideology, organizational structure and/or 'tactics' for recruiting and maintiaining membership. It is another to engage in rabid, venom-spewing, paranoiac, racist hate speech about people that have already suffered more than enough because of this kind of nonsense.

(see video at end of this post)

4) As I mentioned below, 'nur' is part of your e-mail address. You probably didn't realize that if you answer a message sent to you through the site your e-mail address will be displayed.

That one just for the record.

5) If by my meddling and so on, you mean the types of things I said and did above, and things like carefully explaining to people how to recover materials that have been deleted from the site, well, what can I say? Chacun a son gout. Or as my mother would put it, 'that's what makes horse racing'.

6) Whether you are Nur or not, if you do happen to get blocked before I write my thoughts on him and his blocking, please keep posted.




(if you don't have time to watch the whole thing, go  about two/thirds of the way through)

Have a pleasant weekend.





They do because it is ITC/BIA policy

by Xvarnah on

 I think a few folks here may
be thinking that: ‘there is a certain group on this site that, once
fed-up, resorts to retaliations in-kind by revealing the other side’s
private information.’

Fact 1: existence of a BAHAI INTERNET AGENCY


On another blog Faryar posted my facebook info from my profile. Pray tell, since Faryar is not on my friend's list on fb, and since facebook monitoring is explicitly stated as BIA policy, how in the world did he obtain my info from my profile (and probably my photos as well)? I've set my fb privacy setting so only friend's can have access to this information. That means that someone on my fb friend's is there under false pretenses and is spying on me over there on behalf of the Bahai organization and is passing off my info over to Faryar. Since families are encouraged to spy on one another inside the Haifan Baha'i cult, I've now defriended and blocked a whole bunch of zealot Bahai religious lunatic relatives from my account, one of whom had a direct hand in this whole episode with me and the lady in question, and whom (i.e. the Bahai lunatic relative) I know for a fact has a deputized responsibility (ma'moreeyat) on behalf of the BIA, not to mention BH and OH.


Fact 2: keeping an eye on enemies of your cult is stated ITC/UHJ policy

A Document Prepared by the Universal House
of Justice

January 29 2001

"The need to protect the Faith from the attacks of its enemies may not be
generally appreciated by the friends, particularly in places where
attacks have been infrequent. However, it is certain that such
opposition will increase, become concerted, and eventually universal.
The writings clearly foreshadow not only an intensification of the
machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in the hostility and
opposition of its external enemies, whether religious or secular, as the
Cause pursues its onward march towards ultimate victory. Therefore, in
the light of the warnings of the Guardian, the Auxiliary Boards for
Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye" on those "who are
known to be enemies, or to have been put out of the Faith", discreetly
investigate their activities, alert intelligently the friends to the
opposition inevitably to come, explain how each crisis in God's Faith
has always proved to be a blessing in disguise, and prepare them for the
"dire contest which is destined to range the Army of Light against the
forces of darkness".


Fact 3: lying about your activities is also a directive from your cult's highest bodies

Susan Stiles Maneck,
WRITINGS: The Use and meaning
Hikmat in the Baha’i Writings


"In many cases hikmat calls for the apparent suspension of a
Bahá'í principle in order to ensure the protection of the Faith

Comment: In other words Baha'is may lie under any circumstance to ensure
the protection of their organizational cohesiveness


Many more facts can be spouted off. Now, what is my Fatimiya Sufi Order to you NWO cultists? Do you scumbags feel competitive with me because perhaps my ideas are far superior to yours and that your socially and theologically bankrupt false, criminal, comprador-lackey ideology simply cannot compete with mine? Or does the fact burn you up that for all your attempts to try to silence me and my ideas, there are folks out there who are gravitating towards it, regardless of what you say and do? They say no publicity is as good as bad publicity. Had you people ignored me, leaving me to my own devices (like your 2000 uhj directive proclaimed), we wouldn't be here right now. But you can't, and we know why ;-)



by Xvarnah on

I don't like you and you have a history of being a busy-body sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and giving advice where it's not asked for or appreciated. You sent me unsolicited mail yesterday with a patronizing subject header and in as nice a way as possible, I told you to get lost! The Baal Shem Tov would've done exactly the same, and I am not a careerist nor is my name Bhaghwan Shree Rajneesh Osho.                      

roushan boodam

Okay, I will help out on one point

by roushan boodam on

A couple of people have recommended tracking Nur's (aka..aka..aka..) writings. You cannot track the writings of a contributor whose account has been deleted because you won't find them under Contributors (at the bottom of the home page). However the materials exist.

If you know the approximate titles of the blogs--and I all say this mostly for you, yes, you, NUR, darling dearest--there are a couple of ways you can find  them. You can use your screen name and approximate title and add 'archive' and do a site search, and you will find many, but not all, there in the i.c. archive. You may be lucky and be directed to the blog itself. Or you may be directed to a page of the archive where there are many items by others who posted. In this case if you know the approximate date of the blog, you will have to 'flip through the pages' (so to say) of the archive, and again, if you're lucky it'll be there. But it might not be, because, again, not all the blogs exist in the archive.

If you can't find the blog in the archive, you can do a regular  google search and between the two ways, and with patience, you will find most, but not all, of your submissions. You should include '' in your search. In fact, Nourie dearie, I located your unforgettable Sourcewatched blog just the other day because I wanted to link it to someone offsite. Googling for the blog will not always be easy. Sometimes you will have to search a bit down the google pages. Other times the item will come up in the excerpt that appears on google but it will be under another item's title. In this case if the whole URL is appears you can copy paste it into the browser and usually it will take you there.

Obviously if you don't remember the title, you can try your luck using key words from the body of the blog.And if you happen to be lucky enough to remember the exact title of the blog, it's easiest. You just type the URL into the browser in the following format: Notice the 'minor' words (here 'a') are omitted.

As far as individual postings go they remain intact on the corresponding threads.


As regards the rest of all this I have a LOT to say--and very objectively--but I won't because I've resolved to post very minimally here. Ah well. I only posted this so y'all know it's not such a simple thing to find the writings of a deleted account. And as for tracking as such, the concept no longer exists. I explained the process for you, Nurie-joonisimo, out of sheer unadulterated Eshgh.




I am diligent.


Regarding the individual (???) Xxxxxxxx, your e-mail in reply to mine yesterday was not appreciated, and if in fact you are Nur, which I highly suspect you are, due to both your language in general and the word 'nur' in your e-mail address, I hope you feel guilty about how you treated me when I still did all this for you, and in the past have also done for you, because a little humility would benefit you greatly on your (potentially truly impressive) spiritual and artistic path.

Ya Rosie.



Some helpful facts & possible misimpressions

by Anvar on

Despite all good intentions, I have a feeling that an incorrect impression may be forming by some readers.  I think a few folks here may be thinking that: ‘there is a certain group on this site that, once fed-up, resorts to retaliations in-kind by revealing the other side’s private information.’

This is a false Impression and conclusions based on this incorrect premise are most likely incorrect as well.

There are at least 2 factors to consider before making any judgments in this particular case:

1. To get a fuller picture, one must track the many user IDs of this one individual.  A partial list consists of: NUR, Zulfiqar110, Death_to_Fascism, Nur-i-Azal, Xvarnah, etc.   It’d also be helpful to read the writings of Covenant, Sophia, Ravian Biliani, and a number of others.

2. Through his own blogs, this individual (Nima Hazini aka Wahid Azal ) has revealed his own so-called “private” information.  He has promoted his own business and religion (which varies from time to time) by providing external links on IC.  Here are just a few (out of dozens) samples that he has publicized here:

It is good to stand up for the principle that ‘private information should not be revealed,’ but it is not good to leave or get the impressions that ‘Oh, well – both parties do it!’  That is not true.  So far as I know, only Wahid Azal has been revealing private information.  Others may have republished information that the individual had already shared on his own.

It is not a mathematical equation that, in order to maintain equilibrium, we must do to one side what we just did to the other.  Equating the deeds of the supposed opposing parties (forgive me, but due to laziness) is not really just.  I challenge anyone to find a Baha’i who’d advocate revealing private information about any IC blogger.  I offer my preemptive condemnation, just in case.

Making principled statements like ‘people should not do this or that’ is alright.  We should also take the time and make sure our statements do not implicate the innocent.  Let’s get all the facts first before making judgments.

Ambiguous verdicts are not fair.


P.S.: As a general rule, I object to: Revealing private information, Flagging comments, Deleting blogs or comments, and Banning user IDs.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Hi Shepesh

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I already said I am not that familiar with this thread. I support Bahai's right to practice their religion without being persecuted. I do not follow this so I have not seen the profanities. I supposed I won't since JJ deleted them which is his perogative.

My main beef is with the invasion of privacy. Regarding that I do not see  any sides. Privacy of all people should be respected.

As for this particular issue I don't know what the fight is about. I just don't have the bandwidth to read the whole history of this.

Would you please enlighten me if possible with a few paragraphs. 




by Shepesh on

I agree in principle with what you say, but one has to judge by case basis. I am totally on the side of Bahais and JJ on this matter. I have seen the posts of this person under other IDs which have been blocked and they are not for the faint hearted. I have taken part in discussions with this man and know his attacking nature. One also needs to consider intent.

You need to familiarise yourself more with this person's history on this site and the material produced before you make judgements like "Neither side is clean on this"/ "Blocking one account in this debate is unfair" . You are watering down the level of abuse dished out by this individual to bahais, his language and HIS intent. This is something I find suspect about you. I hope that I am wrong and it is due to the fact that you did not read all his repulsive blogs. I strongly feel that bahais have been trying to defend themselves against slanderour stories and misinformation. And they are human and have their limits until they eventually break.

Have you been the Moderator here and seen all the profanities that have been deleted by JJ?

When you say "It would be nice if there was a filter we could apply to not see posts." - here you are implying bahais should just ignore and just accept vicious propoganda against them. Do you have the same view about IRI propoganda? I do not know where you come from or what your standards are but to most people that is unacceptable. We must stand up for justice. This is why I respect youth of Iran, they are a new breed and speak out against wrong.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am in agreement with hamsade ghadim. I disagree with any discolosure of personal identities. Including yours; mine; and Nur's. It is wrong and potentially dangerous. You had asked if there are limits to free speech. I think outing a private identity gets there. I don't care who it is. The point about being fair is that justice is "blind". I don't care if a person is on "my" side or not. Disclosure of private information is off limits. It is risky for the target and ones doing it. 

Regarding blocking: You know I oppose it. I don't like blocking people. My way of blocking people is to not read their posts. It would be nice if there was a filter we could apply to not see posts. However this is a private web site so JJ gets to block whomever he wants. 

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

my comment was in defense of all (including you) whose private information is divulged (whether true or not), not just the resident anti-bahai bigot.  a tit-for-tat strategy would only contribute to degeneration of the forums on this site. while there are gray areas between free speech and hate speech, slander and fact, there are instances that are obvious to a reasonable person such as 'outing' an anonymous person via name and picture.  the bigot and his detractors have used the same tactic.


JJ/ hamsade ghadimi / VPK

by Gavazn on


Just wanted to say about the disclosure of personal details that people are defending Nur-i-Azal for. He previously posted something about "Gavazn" in talk.religion.bahai about me in another blog, which is hilarious. but today I see this article (below), apparently "outing" my identity which is INCORRECT. I have told JJ to look at my IP address and see my location. I am not this man, but this man's details have been put on the net by this disturbed individual Nur-i-Azal.



hamsade ghadimi

posting private information

by hamsade ghadimi on

posting private information and pictures of people who would like to remain anonymous should not be acceptable, no matter how despicable (or seemingly sincere) they are.


VPK, I find you baffling sometimes

by Gavazn on

  • I also found the revealing of private information to be totally unacceptable.

But he is continuously doing it himself. He is alleging IDs of people without being able to prove who they are on this website.

  • Identity of Nur like the rest of us should be private. This is a very important matter since privacy protects more than speech. I protects lives.

How ironic is your comment, when he is wishing death on lives of Bahais all over the world and posting whatever he can to spam articles about their Human Rights. And you talk of protecting lives.

  • All these personal attacks do not help. They do come from both sides. Neither side is clean on this.

No they do not. But you cannot judge if you admit you have not followed things closely. JJ is the moderator and he is very tolerant with regards to free speech. In fact some of the stuff here would not be permitted on other websites and would be classified as hate Speech.

  • Blocking one account in this debate is unfair. Either stop the whole debate or lets have a free for all. … My choice is to have an open debate but remain respectful. However if we want to block one account then lets go all the way; block the whole thing.

Again, Who are you to judge if you admit you have not followed things closely? And you say be respectful,  when you can see the profanities and threats in his comments directed to bahais and me.  All the labelling he does.


The thing is he was blocked yesterday. And this other individual is intimidating and angry on his behalf. I know he/she is trying to get people he thinks are responsible for Nur being blocked ,to be blocked too. Truth is noone is responsible for him getting blocked but himself. This person has flagged a lot of my comments today  - he is provoking to get people blocked. You can check my comments out and see if I am an abusive person. But I will probably get blocked today because this person has made threatening comments to me and I have responded with answers which he has flagged. People have to accept why they get blocked and just blaming other people and being vengeful is not good for anybody.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

COP jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have the highest respect for you and appreciate your input.

I just like to see this bashing either calm down or stop. No, I am not trying to stifle debate. But just back and forth name calling is not doing anyone any good. On the other hand if it keeps going on I will just move my attention to other matters.


Bahai Bashing

by Cost-of-Progress on

I am not religious AT ALL. In fact, I am a firm believer that ALL religions are the cause of divison among us.

That said, I do respect others' rights (OK, not everyone's) in beleiving what they want to believe in. This character NUR has been abusive and anti bahai from the get go. I believe that the whole thing with the "open letter" and related communications stems from the fact that he continued to post anti-Bahai blogs, and the Bahai's here felt compelled to retaliate. I'm not saying either one is right, but that's how I saw it.

Oh BTW, most, if not all of this Bahai bashing is perpeterated by brianwashed muslims, even though this guy NUR's motives may be rooted in la la land somewhere.....





Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What is happening

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


here is very disturbing to me. I see attacks going back and forth. Accusations made and accounts blocked. What is needed is some light and not so much heat.

You all know that I am not a Bahai or a Moslem. I follow no religion but follow a philosophy most closely related to Zartosht. I have no axe to grind on the Bahai matter. I have not been following this matter closely. Rather it is like someone living in a neighborhood. I am hearing yells and watching my neighbors fighting to a degree that I feel I should at least comment. So here we go with my free and unrequested opinion and  advise:

  • I agree with NP that Bahai have been oppressed in Iran. I oppose that and have opposed it from day one.
  • I read the open letter to Nur on the other thread. I found it to be arrogant and frankly I would have not liked being the recipient of it. I rather see Nur speak for himself not some biased third party "describing" him for me.
  • I also found the revealing of private information to be totally unacceptable. Identity of Nur like the rest of us should be private. This is a very important matter since privacy protects more than speech. I protects lives.
  • All these personal attacks do not help. They do come from both sides. Neither side is clean on this. In the words of Rodney King:"People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?"
  • Blocking one account in this debate is unfair. Either stop the whole debate or lets have a free for all. My choice is to have an open debate but remain respectful. However if we want to block one account then lets go all the way; block the whole thing.
  • Lastly I like to see a summary of the whole history of this issue. Perhaps one written by  each side: The Bahai and Nur. Then we may read it and decide for ourselves what is going on here.



by Gavazn on

if someone does not approve of your values or simply does not like you it does not mean they are a bahai or have an agenda. You are the type of arrogant person who cannot accept that you are not perfect or have an attitude problem. You are obviously very spoilt as a person and used to getting what you want. It may be true that you are are wrong or not a nice person.  

And trying to "out" people  - what does that prove exactly? So you can target their homes, livelihoods, etc? 

Niloufar Parsi

bahai bashing

by Niloufar Parsi on

is hatemongering for the sake of itself.

bahais are the most oppressed group in iran, and it is beyond comprehension to see people joining this site simply for the purpose of attacking bahais even more.

the same user was promoting military attacks against iran. a bit of a disturbed character.

i understand jj's decision. even though one would never want to muzzle debate, there is a limit to how much hate garbage one would allow on a site that is dear to so many.



So you support violence? That's a surprsie!

by Gavazn on

"Gavazn is also the type of oghde'i bacheh nonor who always used to get their heads kicked in for good reason by the other kids after school."

What's with your new avetar - have you had a sex change?