Bacheh-baazi in Afghanistan

by Souri

In The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi (Behind Taliban Lines)
returns to his native land to expose an ancient practice that has been
brought back by powerful warlords, former military commanders and
wealthy businessmen. Known as "bacha bazi" (literal translation: "boy
play"), this illegal practice exploits street orphans and poor boys,
some as young as 11, whose parents are paid to give over their sons to
their new "masters." The men dress the boys in women's clothes and
train them to sing and dance for the entertainment of themselves and
their friends. According to experts, the dancing boys are used sexually
by these powerful men.

This report is really shocking.



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Souri jan: This is a very

by vildemose on

Souri jan: This is a very disturbing practice to say the least . It's a kind of slavery, prostitution and pedophilia all wrapped up together. No wonder, the Taliban hate women. I hope your blog gets the attention it deserves since I have sneaky suspicion that this practice goes on in the IRI behind close doors and in some ways might explain the mysoginstic proclivity of many of our men in our society.


صوفی و خراباتی



 سياباز قافيه باز و بچه باز

از سنايی و ابوسعيد و عطار و,اوحدي,جامي و شبستري گرفته تا شبلي و حافظ و مولانا همگي گزافه گو و پشمينه پوشاني هوسباز و بيکار و لاف زن. صوفيان زن نميگرفتند و در خانقاه ماهها با هم ميلوليدند و به گفته يکيشون بنام شيخ اوحددين کرمانی از مريدان مولانا شمس الدين در نفحات الانس"من نور مجاز الحقيقت خدا را در سينه برهنه پسران و جوانان مه روي ميبينم". در همان کتاب شيخ ميگه "چون در سماع گرم شدي ,پيراهن پسران صاحب جمال را دريدي و چاک کردي و سينه به سينه ايشان نهادي و بوسيدی و تبرک عشق نافنا به کرامت بگرفتي".. اينم از رابطه مولانا و مرادش شمس تبريزی که پنج ماه با هم در يک اتاق "خلوت کردند در کتاب تذکر الاولياي شيخ عطار فردوسي ستيز" : "....گفتا من شاهدي خواهم و مولانا خواهرش اورد. فرمود او خواهر جاني منست, نازنين پسر صاحب جمالي خواهم و او اورد . گفتا حاليا قدري شراب ده که ذوق کرده و مولانا بيرون امد و سبويي از محله جهودان پر کرده اورد و گفت قوت مطاوعت شيخ را امتحان کرديم و از هر چه گويي زيادتر است"..

يکی نيست بپرسه که يه مشت نره خر بيکار و بی عار ميرن تو يه اتاق سه چهار ماه "خلوت" ميکنن با پسران جوان که چی ..خواهر و پسر و برادر همديگر رو بهم پيشکش ميکنن و . "رياضت" کجا و باده ارزو کردن و پسر خواستن کجا...زپلشک امتيا..

مرسی برای بلاگ بانو سوري.


Is the Dancing Boy = Shaahed in Hafez's book?

by Souri on

What made me  post this blog (apart the miserable aspect of this practice) is the fact that I am  asking myself if this practice has not its root in the "old Persian culture"?

As Afghanistan represents the ancient Persian culture for me, I am wondering if all those poems about the 14 year "Shaahed" who has a little mustache and dances with Kereshmeh, was not abou the  same characters as those Afghan "Dancing Boys" ?  Although I admire Hafez and he is like a prophet for me, but I still suspects that the "homosexuality" and "bache-baazi" was part of his life as well as many other men of that era.

I believe all those restriction on the women and the relationship between the opposite sexes in Islam, both at that old era in Iran and the today's Afghanistan, is the cause for this disturbing practice.

Still, I'm hopeful that this will disappear little by little and the people will fight this shameful practice. If the Iranian have succeed to win this battle, there's no reason the Afghans won't be able to do so.

ناتور دشت

A good read for May 1st. Rafigh

by ناتور دشت on

This is an old tradition which was fully embraced, and ratified by CCCP, and their Tudehi agents. Rumors have it some Tudehis, started cross-dressing, there. Old habits die hard...they still cross-dress when post a photo on the net.

Thanks for sharing with us. 



by yolanda on

Hi Souri,

    I read the article last is appalling.....these boys are like "geisha"...the only difference is that they are is so sad that underprivileged young boys got taken advantaged like this!

Thank you for sharing!