The Network - Corporate Cosmology

The Network - Corporate Cosmology
by Tabarzin

Mohammad Ala's article Who is to blame? is one of the best political commentaries to have ever been published on this site because it accurately reflects how the modern world really works.


more from Tabarzin

Ayn Rand is part of this

by Tabarzin on

Her Atlas Shrugged is considered a bible amongst some of the plutocratic global gliteratti because it is very much their own thinking on issues.


Tiger Lily

How sweet

by Tiger Lily on

Fine by me if it's here, just don't want to divert your blog...:)


BRILLIANT movie. Had seen so many clips without ever knowing which film it all came from. Thank ou for that. 

LOVE this quote:

"All necessities provided. All anxieties tranquilized. All boredom amused."


And then they wonder when people riot!


P.S. I tend to, at times, blame the sycophants of the likes of half-baked gibberish spouting Rand and other times the paranoia of Berlin....   



No problem

by Tabarzin on


Tiger Lily


by Tiger Lily on

sorry to butt in, haven't read the article or watched the video yet, but I'm wondering about another issue I have with "the use" of "private/personal property". Perhaps on another blog to enlighten us (although this is related in a roundabout way), please?


Noam Chomsky - Propaganda and Control of The Public Mind

by Tabarzin on


Peter Finch in Network: Mind Control Speech

by Tabarzin on