Tribute: 1971 Persepolis celebrations

Takht Persepolis
by Takht Persepolis

This is a link to the Offical Myspace Tribute page of the 1971 Persepolis celebrations. This is part of a project I and a group of Iranian historians and aristocrats work on. We edit historical pages for historical Iranians on Myspace. This is done partly as a means of quality control, ie to prevent others from puting up defammatory profiles, partly to link up those still alive from the 1971 Persepolis festivities to those on myspace, in order to commemorate this legendary event. If you check the page you'll see Carl XVI Gustaf of Sverige, Constantine II of Ellas, Sofia of Espana, who attended the event, are linked up there. Also several historical Iranian myspace pages are linked up there as well. Please put this on your site. Also, myself and others chose to remain anonymous in this project.




by Ario Barzan (not verified) on

Elitist families such as Ghavam, Teymourtash or Farmanfarmaian might, at some point in time, have fallen out of favor with the Court for whatever reasons. They can write books about their ordeals, as some of their children have done so already. Brining their cases to a chat room……….well…….is somewhat below the very moral conclusion they wish to
Attain or portray. In a court of law, victim and villain have both rights to say their pieces. Our history, its recent one, has been a bloody one. Worse than its physical damage, it is the devastation of our psyches.

Very respectfully,



by Ario Barzan (not verified) on

Iranian girls becoming prostitutes in Dubai is a subject worth historical, social and political examinations. A powerful man’s wife sleeping with another man, even if true, is nothing new and not worth a discussion, except for those who are infatuated with such matters.



I am sure that you agree

by Ario Barzan (not verified) on

I am sure that you agree with me that people’s sexual practices are their own businesses, at least in free and secular societies; unlike in IRI’s society, which it becomes serious a state matter. At the end of the day, it does not matter who was or is sleeping with whom.
What mattered was that Iran had a strong and thriving middle class, enjoying life’s goods and to the higher-than-other countries luxuries. Whereas today, 1% of population controls
99% of the country’s wealth, and the other 99% of population have to hold two or three jobs to make ends meet.



To: Ms Raffie

by the daughter of somebody (not verified) on

I simply cannot believe your exaggerations, the same way I cannot belive the IRI.
It is obvious and known by all that such things did exist, and do now too, with a silghtly different format nowdays, but please don't think people are really "that stupid"!
Along the same lines I could say I saw it with my own two eyes x.... in bed with y and z.... while the spouse..... was sitting there watching, drinking vodka-lime and ...... with 3 others, on 17 different occasions!! -on such such dates!!
Obviously hearsay can be presented by anyone as fact on any given day!
... and don't go accusing me of being pro this or that, I am only pro a secular, free IRAN!


Also, Ms. Raffie

by Arion Barzan (not verified) on

With your in-depth knowledge, will you tell us about and unveil the business and economic behind-the-scene mafia-style control in today's Iran? To name a few can you tell us about Total Oil Company and practices in which they were awarded contracts, or the Norwegian Oil companies, or Tehran's Metro Project?


Ms. Shiva Raffie

by Ario Barzan (not verified) on

Will your sharp, fact and fiction bluring, pen be an honest one to expose the Rafasanjani Empire and all its sub-Mafia clans, as pointedly?


Re: Cyrus

by jamshid on

Calm down. Take the "shahi" thorn out of your eyes to lessen your pain and misery. It will do you good.


Jamshit and the Mola pedophile

by Cyrus- (not verified) on

of course he and his clan are pedophiles, so are Zahedi and every saltanat talab.
I don't mince words.


Re: Cyrus

by jamshid on

I always find it a genuine and distinguishable honor to be called names by your and your likes.


You told me about an article. How interesting! There is also an article in the same magazine dar saale 1978-79 that debates whehter khomeini was a pedophile or not.


boro peyda kon.



by Cyrus- (not verified) on

Jamshit ;
to dige che ozgali hasty?? ye nafar ye comment be farsi neveshte , to barash javab be englisi minevisi??
hala omad o ishoon englisi balad nabood , khob in have zoor zadi bara chi?
Hala ageh harfaye ishoon ro dar morede Ardeshir Zahedi Ashghal gahbool nadari , majale NewYorker ro ke ghabool dary?
dar saal 1977-8 ye maghale chan safei as Ardeshir Zahedi hast ke dar oon as party ha va kesafat kari haye Ardeshir Zahedi neveshte.
Ardeshir Zahedi Karmand zan sefarat Iran ro dar ekhtiar Henry Kissinger mizareh bara tamame shab.

boro peyda kon


Re: ختر قوام السلطنه and شیوا رفیعی


Your article was truely a peice of art! Art of comical writing. I have a few depressed friends in Iran, and I will send your WHOLE article to them for a good mood uplift. They need it!


If your intention was not comedic, if your intention was to trash the shah's regime, then I have two suggestions that would help you improve your goal:


1. Being used to deceiving naive villager types, you think that you are dealing with the same type of people here on this site. Solution: Cut down on the use of words such as "harzeh", "fesaad", "ravabete namashroo", etc... These deceptive and clerverly placed words simply won't work with your audience in this site.


2. In your overexitment, you insereted too many lies and fantastic over exagerations. This will render your deception attempts ineffective. Solution: Cut down on the lies and over exagerations. Bring them down to a level which would be more believable for your audience.


I am not inventing these suggestions. They are taught by leftists and Islamists (who are more advanced than you). You should follow their suggestions, otherwise your article will just be used for comic relief, and I am sure that was not your intention.


فرح و زاهدی

دختر قوام السلطنه (not verified)

فرح و زاهدی
اردشیر زاهدی، پسر فضل الله زاهدی از گماشتگان هندی انگلیسی که برای اجرای قرارداد 1907 تقسیم ایران توسط انگلیس و روس از هند به جنوب ایران فرستاده شده بود. در سال 1919 زمانی که طبق قرارداد وثوق الدوله امور ایران به دست انگلیس سپرده شد برای فضل الله شناسنامۀ ایرانی تهیه شد و در زمان به قدرت رسیدن رضا شاه توسط انگلیس و ادغام ارتش هندی انگلیسی در ارتش ایران فضل الله زاهدی تابعیت ایران را گرفت. ابتدا از لقب بصیر دیوان استفاده می کند و سپس زمان تغییر اسم ها در زمان رضا شاه تبدیل به زاهدی می گردد.
فضل الله برای اینکه اصل و نسب ایرانی بگیرد مانند پدر هویدا که فلسطینی بود، با خانوادۀ اشرافی پیرنیا (خدیجه پیرنیا) وصلت کرد. اردشیر زاهدی در 1307 به دنیا آمد. او تحصیلات ابتدایی خود را در هند شروع می کند و در سال 1313 رابندرنات تاگور شاعر و استاد فلسفه هندی در آن مدرسه به او و سایر فرزندان صاحب منصبان انگلیسی تعلیم و تدریس می داد.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال 1325 دبیرستان اسلامیه بیروت را به پایان می رساند و سپس به آمریکا فرستاده شده و پس از دو سال فوق دیپلم کشاورزی را از کالج کشاورزی ایالت « یوتا » آمریکا دریافت می کند و پس از مراجعت به ایران با نفوذ پدرش، مدرک او معادل لیسانس شناخته می شود.
وی از زمانی که در بیروت به سر می برد به واسطۀ پدرش با سرویسهای اطلاعاتی غربی به خصوص انتلیجنس سرویس مربوط وی گردد. او در اردیبهشت 1331 به همراه مرتضی امیر ارجمند (همسر آینده لیلی امیر ارجمند) به استخدام وزارت کشاورزی درآمد و با توصیۀ انگلیس در پست معاونت و خزانه داری « کمیسیون مشترک ایران و آمریکا برای بهبود امور روستایی » در اصل 4 ترومن قرار گرفت.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال های بعد از کودتا و صدارت پدرش در کنار او بود و پس از برکناری فضل الله زاهدی از پست صدارت و فرستادن او به ژنو به عنوان سفیر شاهنشاهی، اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت سرویس های اطلاعاتی غربی در تهران ماند و در سال 1335 دختر محمد رضا شاه را به نامزدی او در آوردند و در آبان ماه 1336 با شهناز ازدواج کرد (البته این ازدواج با برنامه ریزی و حسادت فرح دیبا در سال 1343 به متارکه انجامید و حاصل آن یک دختر به نام مهناز بود).
اردشیر زاهدی پس از ازدواج با شهناز، بیش از پیش مورد توجه دربار قرار گرفت او در اوایل سال 1338 به توصیۀ علم نمایندۀ شاه برای رسیدگی به امور دانشجویان ایرانی خارج از کشور شد و با هماهنگی انگلیس بودجۀ دانشجویان ایرانی را مابین مخالفان رژیم پهلوی یعنی کنفدراسیون دانشجویی قرار می داد. پس از برنامه ریزی ازدواج فرح دیبا با شاه به توصیه انگلیس (فرح دیبا در این زمان عضو حزب توده و کنفدراسیون کمونیستی دانشجویی بود) اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت فرح دیبا و علم ابتدا در اسفندماه 1338 به سفارت در واشنگتن گمارده شد و پس از دو سال به دلایل حساسیت شدید دانشجویان ایرانی و واکنش آنها علیه حرکات زنندۀ زاهدی و همچنین نارضایتی امینی نخست وزیر از توطئه های زاهدی در واشنگتن (به گزارش ساواک تاریخ 19/12/1340 : ... وجود آقای اردشیر زاهدی به سمت سفیر کبیر ایران در آمریکا اشتباه سیاسی بوده، این امر موجب تقویت عناصر طرفداران جبهه ملی در آمریکا گردیده است ... ) به تهران فرستاده می شود.
پس از عزل دکتر امینی از مقام نخست وزیری و تشکیل دولت اسدالله علم، اردشیر زاهدی در شهریورماه 1341 به عنوان سفیرکبیر ایران عازم لندن شد و تا سال 1345 در این سمت بود. وی در بهمن ماه 1345 با همیاری علم و فرح دیبا در دولت امیر عباس هویدا وزیر امور خارجه گردید.
پس از آتش زدن مسجد الاقصی در اورشلیم، اردشیر زاهدی که مقام وزارت امور خارجه ایران را به عهده داشت از طرف انگلیس به شاه فقید پیشنهاد کرد که برای به اصطلاح نگهداری حقوق مسلمانان جهان، یک کنفرانس اسلامی از سران کشورهای مسلمان تشکیل شود و در راستای حقوق کشورهای اسلامی و تأمین مصالح آنها به بحث و گفتگو بپردازند. این پیشنهاد مورد موافقت شاه فقید قرار گرفت و نخستین کنفرانس اسلامی با پیشنهاد ایران در شهر رباط پایتخت کشور مراکش تشکیل شد. اردشیر زاهدی نقش اصلی را برای جداسازی بحرین در زمان وزارت خود ایفا می کند.
در این زمان با دسیسه های انگلیس و مزدورانش چون علم، فرح دیبا و زاهدی سناریوی جداسازی بحرین ترسیم و اجرا می گردد.
سال های وزارت خارجه اردشیر زاهدی (بهمن 1345 – شهریور 1350) یکی از بدنام ترین دوران های تاریخ وزارت امور خارجه می باشد. پروندۀ وی نشان می دهد که وزارت وی و معاونش پرویز خوانساری که او نیز به همجنس بازی و هرزگی معروف بود در میان کارکنان باسابقۀ این وزارتخانه تنش هایی را علیه این دو سبب شده بود.
در جلد سوم کتاب « خاطرات اسدالله علم » وزیر دربار در سال 1970، نخست وزیر سابق ایران و از وابستگان استعمار انگلیس، چنین می خوانیم که محمد رضا شاه از علم می پرسد : « آیا تاریخ، ما را (یعنی من را، از قول شاه) در رابطه با تجزیه بحرین خیانتکار خواهد نامید ؟ » و علم پاسخ می دهد: « نه اعلیحضرت، ما (یعنی او، زاهدی وزیر امورخارجه و تنظیم کنندۀ لایحه جدایی بحرین و انگلیس) ترتیبی دادیم که سازمان ملل، رأی بر جدایی بحرین دهد. »
سخنان و بهانه های خیانت آمیز وزیر خارجه وقت که گویی از دهان یک خارجی ضد ایرانی گفته می شد، هرگز از خاطرات محو نخواهد شد اما داریوش همایون شوهر خواهر اردشیر زاهدی، پنج سال پیش از تجزیۀ غیر قانونی بحرین، طی نامه ای به امیرعباس هویدا، نخست وزیر می گوید : « بحرین صرفنظر از موقعیت استراتژیک خود در خلیج فارس هیچ امتیازی ندارد که مبارزه به خاطر دست یافتن بر آن را موجه سازد ... » در صورتیکه مجمع الجزایر بحرین مروارید جهان می باشد و دارای دومین مخزن نفت جهان است و از لحاظ آب و هوا بهشت واقعی روی زمین است.
نکته ای که بیش از هر چیز تأسف بار است این است که مثلث فساد علم، فرح و زاهدی، دربار شاهنشاهی ایران را به صورت فاحشه خانه ای بین المللی در آورده بودند، هرگاه سران فاسد رژیم های دیگر هوس عیاشی می کردند به دربار ایران می آمدند. از جمله زمانی که سلطان قابوس برای عیاشی به ایران آمد، شاه برای ضیافت رسمی وی از علم خواست که برنامه ریزی کند ولی زاهدی همراه با علم به او تذکر دادند : « او بدون همسرش به اینجا آمده فقط به این منظور که کمی به خودش برسد ». بعد از دو روز شاه از احوال سلطان پرسید، آنها گزارش دادند : « هر شب با تعداد چهار تا پنج خانم بیرون اقامتگاه ملاقات کرده بود. نمی توانیم شهادت دهیم بعداً چه اتفاقی افتداه بود، اما به هر صورت سلطان راضی به نظر می رسید ».
وی در زمانی که وزیر امور خارجه بود، مسافرت های متعددی به تنهایی با فرح دیبا به کشورهای دیگر انجام می دهد و پس از بر ملا شدن روابط نامشروع با فرح دیبا توسط شاه از وزارت امور خارجه خلع و با همیاری علم و دوستان انگلیسی آمریکایی او به سفارت ایران در واشنگتن گمارده می شود و تا سال 1357 این پست را در اختیار داشته است. زاهدی که یکی از گماشتگان کمیسیون سه جانبه بود و با سران کمیسیون از جمله دیوید راکفر برای سرنگونی شاه در تماس بوده است.
اسناد ساواک نشان می دهد که در سال های 1346 و 1348 اردشیر زاهدی به شدت در تلاش برای احراز پست نخست وزیری بوده است. او در میان مقامات انگلیسی، اسرائیلی و آمریکایی دوستان زیادی پیدا کرد و با بالاترین مقامات رفت و آمد داشت ولی هرگز به دلیل شیوۀ رفتار سبک و نحوۀ عمل او مورد تأیید برای احراز پست نخست وزیری نبود. اردشیر زاهدی نه تنها به صدارت نرسید بلکه رفتارش با فرح دیبا و گزارشات ساواک در مسافرت های به اصطلاح دیپلماتیک آن دو و نزدیکی بیش از حد آنها باعث اخراج او از پست وزارت خارجه در شهریورماه 1350 گردید. او در اسفندماه 1351 دوباره به سفارت در واشنگتن اعزام شد و در آنجا به عملکردهای سبک و عیاشی هایش ادامه داد. اردشیر زاهدی یکی از هرزه ترین نخبگان سیاسی و دولتمردان رژیم محمد رضا پهلوی بود و به این صفت نه تنها در میان خواص، بلکه در سطح جامعه نیز شهرت کافی داشت. در دی ماه 1356 دو هفته پس از مسافرت جیمی کارتر و همسرش رزالین به ایران وقتی فرح دیبا برای شرکت در جشن بیست و یکمین سال تأسیس انجمن آسیایی به نیویورک رفت و در هتل هیلتون اقامت داشت، همراه اردشیر بود و سپس با او به واشنگتن می رود و مدت دو هفته در آنجا با هم بودند.
Ledeen Lewis. Debacl نویسندۀ آمریکایی در کتاب خود می نویسد: « ... شاه هرگز به اردشیر زاهدی اعتماد کامل نداشت و پیوسته به وی مظنون و بدگمان بود که او ممکن است از برکناری پدرش که قریب به سه دهه قبل اتفاق افتاده بود در صدد انتقامجویی برآید».
طی سال های سفارت وی در آمریکا و انگلیس، زاهدی یکی از چهره های خبرساز مطبوعات غرب محسوب می شد و بارها و بارها تصاویر و گزارش هایی از ریخت و پاش ها و هرزگی های وی در جراید کثیرالانتشار اروپا و آمریکا درج گردید. در این سال ها اردشیر زاهدی با کمیسیون سه جانبه آشنا می شود و به علت دشمنی با شاه با همیاری فرح دیبا کمیسیون سه جانبه را در مسیر براندازی شاه متقاعد می نماید.

شیوا رفیعی از پاریس
سازمان زنان مبارز ایرانزمین



by maziar58 (not verified) on

wooah !! with your numerical expertees( OSTORLAAB) you ought to be graduated from (SHANGOOL- MANGOOL) forget ALBORZ....


Yaadesh beh Kheyr

by SAVAKI (not verified) on

Yaadesh beh kheyr, ye rooz dar khedmate timsaar boodim farmoodand heyf ke Alahazrat dastoor dadeh boodand dar jashnaaye 2500 saale faghat sharaabe faransavi az zirzamine Maxime Paris serve konand va ejaaze nadaadand Canada ya Pepsi ya Kooka beh mehmoona bedim vagarneh har chi botri khaali giremoon myoomad mikardim to koone in bach kooniaye maadar jendeh chapee ya eslaami ya mosaddeghi ta digeh gohe ziyaadi nokhoran. Heyf bood oon botri sharaabaye groon ro bekonim to koone in khaarkossdeha. Ajab timsaar ensaane sharifi boodand.


I can only name one leader

by Kamran Ramyar (not verified) on

I can only name one leader WHO WOULD HAVE CHANGED IRAN had he been allowed to: Our beloved Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.

As to your comments about entertaining second hand foreign goverment officials/ Ex heads of states/ freeloaders/ whatever......I, as an Iranian, have always been ashamed of these dastardly acts Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and his henchmen committed but in the final analysis, life goes on. We must remain optimistic about Iran's future and our Iranian brethren.

Kamran Ramyar


"To all those who have a

by 1Anonymous2 (not verified) on

"To all those who have a problem, I say please name one more leader in Iranian history who changed Iran as much as Shah did".
Alias, I think you're speaking based on your personal preference and not based on actual history. My comment is not politically or religiously influenced and nor is it about Kourosh and Iran's ancient national heritage. One observation (right or wrong), the shah was out of touch with the people and the country (people would have preferred and need roads, electricity, schools, etc.).
And on that celeberation, the timing of it the budget and the way it was run for a bunch of second class international governmental freeloaders to be flown over and to be wined and dined and to ridicule and fill up, and also while the Iranian people and nation were kept out of partiticpating, never mind.
"Aasoodeh bekhaab, ke maa ....


Koroosian ideology belongs to all of us.

by Korooshian (not verified) on

First of all, I also say thanks very much for all these beautiful pictures. Secondly, I second Jamsid that only real Iranians can undesrtand and actually feel the meaning of that celebration. The descendants of the tribal arabs (mullahs and Seyeds), cannot grasp or understand any of this, it's beyond their Islamo-fascist minds.

Lastly, there is only one hope for Iran and that is all Iranians become equipped with koroosian ideology.

Koroosian ideology belongs to all of us.


To CEO: IRI spending millions in South America for what? Safety

by Islam Buster (not verified) on

You say "spending millions each year in South America for what reason I don't know"

IRI Buying escape and run away location there for their safety. There are many Arabs there too.


To Arvand

by Arion Barzan (not verified) on

Arvand, you did not mention Hezbollah....Does this mean that you are an Islamist and support IRI?

If so, please answer the following:

Do you believe that there are 72 virgins in Paradise?

Do you believe a woman's inheritance should be half of that of a man's?

Do you believe that Mehdi is real?


Too emotional

by Questioner (not verified) on

Why some people are so emotional about Pahlavis? Especially now that we have seen the alternative that 98% of people voted for. You should know that the majority of Iranians of revolution were against shah for religious reasons, not because considered him robbing the country or prisons, etc (as they were not really well aware of the extent of those wrong-doings - we are still guessing 28 years later with no hard numbers to back up our guesses), but because he was too progressive (hejab, discos, bars, mini-joups, etc. which they could see and use as a tool of opposition). Excesses of shah were nothing compared to what IR has done to our country. Can't we have a reasoned discussion about them. I witnessed many iranians inside iran recently who were criticizing shah, calling him bi-orzeh, not because of his wrong-doings, but because he handed over the country to mullas so easily. Things have changed for those inside the country, for worse, a lot worse, even though those outside the country are still kaseh dagh tar az ashand. One more thing, iran is very very hard to govern with mullas who believe in ommatte eslam more than mellate iran, and manage to have following amongst the masses. I know I may receive a lot of heat for this, but what if we criticize them, but also acknowledge their contribution. E.g., if reza shah had not been, iran would have almost certainly partitioned. This is not my saying, but saying of those who know of history more than I. Here is another story from iran: people around IR Rahbar eat his left-over food in his plate after he finishes eating, both to show him their loyalty and solidarity to him and as a sign of godly and sacred honor for after-life reward. Do you really think a more democrat shah could govern such people without serious sharing of power and wealth and destiny of the country with mullas, and turning iran into a pakestan or an afghanestan?


To Mama

by Arion Barzan (not verified) on

I respectfully disagree.
It was elevating Iran and Iranians. In simple layman terms, when you showed your passport at the airport you were given respect that you deserved, rather than looking at you like a terrorist.


To: IslamoFacists and leftists...

by jamshid on

I find it to be such great pleasure to find that after almost 30 years, the mere mentioning of the word "Shah", lands such sharp thorns in the eyes of the Islamists and leftists, making them groan and roll in pain. It gives me pleasure. It is the way it should be. I will have it no other ways.


Born Again Shahi;

by Cyrus- (not verified) on

Martike Ashghal , Heyvoon khodeti ba jado abadet, adamaye tarsoo mesle to hamishe zere ziadi mizanan


Only for real Iranians

by Kamangir on

First of all, thanks very much for all these beautiful pictures. Second, only real Iranians can undesrtand and actually feel the mean ing of that celebration. The descendants of the arabs, cannot grasp or understand any of this, it's beyond their Islamo-fascist minds. Long live Persia, Long live Iran.



Payandeh Iran!

by Arvand (not verified) on

Shah was good for the animals who ripped the country off and bailed out with stolen fortunes even before their master's cowardly retreat. Those who still get excited by looking at his ugly pictures are born dumb and born again dumber.
Marg bar Shah va Shahis, marg bar Akhoonds, marg bar MKO traitors, marg bar communists, payandeh Iran!


Shah was too good for the animals he reigned upon...!?

by Born Again Shahi (not verified) on

Deservedly, the inhabitants of Iran are doomed to be destroyed and annihilated with a worse fate which struck upon them after the great Islamo-Barbaric AN-Gholab of 1979. That is, a complete and total American bombardment of the Islamic Republic! Lord, I can't wait for that day! These animals who are ignorantly attacking the late Shah have made no contributions to Iran nor to the world! I bet you they are a bunch of burdens on the taxpayers in America and Europe. Most of these bastards are the nochehes of the mullahs and are on their pay role. Don't let their Persian aliases (e.g., Alborzi, Xerxes, etc.) deceive you!? The true names of these bastards are Muhammad, Ali, Hassan, Hossein, and similar fvcking Arabo-Islamo-barbaric names. If I ever get my hands on these bastards, I will deprive them from consuming oxygen.

God Bless the Shah



by GN (not verified) on

Why weren’t these pictures shown to the Iranian people in the Iranian media at the time? Wasn’t it because even ‘HIM’ was ashamed of himself? He should have celebrated the greatness of Persian history among his people not with a bunch of foreigners behind closed doors. At least, he could have had a modest feast for and with regular Iranians. If ‘HIM’ had cared about his people even a fraction of his loyalty towards his alien masters, his regime would have probably been in place even today. Shame on HIM! and shame on those who still follow his shameful legacy.



by Alias (not verified) on

Thanks for this phenomenal link. I read here again the same rhetoric of why didn't shah give money to the poor. First, this was a PR event. Unlike so many other people, he chose to publicize a seminal point in Iran's history, but at the same time garner some international attention. Shah spent money on the poor. After all these yrs abroad, I can not think of a system which pampered its citizens more than pre-revolutionary Iran. It's youth got free world class education, were handed meals, clothing, amazing educational opportunities abroad etc. Iran was dragged from the middle ages into a position where we compared ourselves to the Europeans and Japanese.
Let's not full ourselves, people of Iran did not rise for democracy. The revolution was achieved by millions who continue to follow cleriks blindly, and who were promised even more privileges from oil revenue. IT WAS THE CLASSIC IRANIAN GREED.
I find it facinating that after almot three decades of absolute regression and irreversible damage to Iran, still people do no look back and honestly say, my god, Shah was indeed in his own right a great leader who has done alot for Iran and its people. To all those who have a problem, I say please name one more leader in Iranian history who changed Iran as much as Shah did.


Must have celebrated even more, but...

by Dreamer (not verified) on

2500 years of resiliency of iran should have been celebrated even more immensely, but not in that fashion. Imagine if his majesty had spent the same money in 2500 ways to help out the 2500 x as many poorest families as possible in iran, and had made 2500 fundamental changes to transform the country into a progressive and decent country with emphasis on social justice, then maybe, just maybe, we would not be here today. Inviting those moftkhors, none of whom had any affection or respect for iran, as we see today, was a waste of resources of the country which belonged to the innocent children of iran.


Surely you must be Joking

by Alborzi (not verified) on

20000000 milllion was probably paid for lights in Pahlavi by itself, but do not fear maybe you meant hex 2000000, which translates to 536870912 for us yahoos who cannot deal in hex like you philsoofs do. Not to be confused with chossphil. Astaghrforellah.