زنان افغان، شاکی از متلک گویی مردان

by Tapesh

در افغانستان، متلک گویی مرد‌ها، در کنار خیلی چیزهای دیگر شیرینی آزادی‌های اجتماعی زنان را تلخ کرده. خیلی از دختران کابل شکایت دارند که هنگام گشت و گذار در شهر، مرد‌ها مزاحمشان می‌شوند.


more from Tapesh
Azadeh Azad

Red Wine jan

by Azadeh Azad on

The reason for men harassing women on the streets is the patriarchal culture in which they were born and brought up. In traditional patriarchal cultures, the public space belongs exclusively to men. When women appear in public as human beings (students without Hijab), they are telling men: this public space belongs to us as well. As these men define their masculinity in terms of domination over women and their right of excluding women from public spaces (streets, schools, etc.), appearance of women in these spaces is felt and interpreted as an insult to their masculinity. Hence their abusive behaviour towards these women.

How to solve it? Criminalization of harassment, plus education. Unfortunately, Afghanistan is an occupied country where only corrupt and ineffective and unelected individuals are in positions of relative power. Those who care about women's situation are perceived as radical by the local government who wants to appease the male population. There are solutions, but they cannot be implemented. So, the present and future are bleak. Very sad.

As for the reason behind the better treatment of women in modern societies, it has obviously to do with the Enlightenment Revolution, industrialization, women's participation in paid labours and services, as well as the feminist movement. Afghanistan and Middle-Eastern countries not only have not gone through an Enlightenment Revolution, but also are being pulled back by a misogynist religion that has not changed for the last 1400 years.

Hope this answers your question.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

نتیجه آن است که در مجموع هیچ جوابی نیست و هیچ راه حلی‌ پیدا نمی‌شود... !

مثل همیشه داستان نا تمام است .


Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

You are too quick to worry! You are not one of those Iranian men in my comment,  and by Iranian men I meant "most." If you think it is not "most" but "some", that is fine with me as well.

Patriarchy has a thousand and one faces!



I think, overall, men in our

by Paykar on

I think, overall, men in our culture and those cultures around us,
are more chauvinist visa-vis women than men in Western countries (It’s
obvious that Western societies are not homogenous within and across one
another on multiple issues, regarding Women’s Rights. Most of these
societies are still in thier infancy regarding gender based equality any

We have not had a break from our patriarchal legacy yet. Changes in gender based attitudes take generations to take hold.

Another point that seldom gets discussed, namely, the total prohibition
of women’s ability to have a choice regarding pre-marital sex, is a
major vehicle for domination and control. This unfair lack of power,
certainly, leads to less respect for women in practice; totally opposite
of what the “pious” supporters of such misogyny claim.


p.s. I have lots more to discuss on this issue, but my posts get too long too often.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

پیکار .. جنابعالی  در چه چیز موردی موافق با عقیده خود می‌بینید ؟!این که همه مردان نسبت به زنان پرخاشگرند و یا اینکه تنها شرقیان این گونه اند ؟ نظر دهید تا ما هم استفاده کنیم .. حال که تأیید می‌کنید ! 



by Paykar on

Dear Azadeh-

I agree with you for the most part, but it seems you are too quick in lumping all Iranian men together.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

کاملا قابل درک است و قابل فهم، عرایضی که شما آزاده خانم فرمودید و بدان اشاره کردید و هر چند که خودمان بیشتر آنرا می‌دانستیم.

من فقط مطلبی دیگر را اضافه کنم که پرخاشگری نسبت به زنان و آزار و اذیت ایشان تنها مختص به مردان شرقی‌ ساکن خاور میانه نیست،با یک نگاه به کشور‌های اوروپای شرقی‌،مدیترانه و تا به شما آفریقا نیز اینجور جریانات ریشه دارد و به شدت آمار آن بالاست. (منظور فقط متلک گویی نیست و بلکه قتل زنان به دست مردان اینان و مسائل ناموسی و غیره..)

من مرید مقالات شما در این مررد هستم..دلم می‌خواست که میفرمودید علت این که مرد این کار را انجام میدهد چیست،ریشه روانی‌ دارد؟ اخلاقی‌ ؟ یا تربیتی و مذهبی‌ ... چرا یک مرد به خودش اجازه میدهد که زن را با چند کلمه به مورد آزار برساند؟چرا زن بیشتر در جوامع قدیمی‌ انسانی‌ مورد ستم است تا ممالکی که ساختار جدیدتری از لحاظ بافت شهرنشینی دارند؟

همیشه سبز باشید .


Azadeh Azad

For Red Wine

by Azadeh Azad on

What do you expect women on this site say about sexual harassment of women on the streets of Kabul? Women in Iran have the same problem. We had the exact same situation under the Shah and women in today's Iran suffer from the same violations in public places and write about them in their blogs.

 Now on this site, if I say the above truth about Iranian men, every single one will become defensive and denies it. Like their Afghan counterparts, most Iranian men are arrogant and chauvinistic. They will react by complaining about feminists or by calling me a female chauvinist. All that because Iranian men, like Afghan men, think that they have the right to violate women wherever they see them. In the West, they cannot do it because they know there are laws against it. So, they use the "Freedom of Speech" and belittle women in their "literary" works. And here I'm talking about the "educated" men!




Red Wine

واقعا جای

Red Wine

واقعا جای ناراحتی‌ است و بس غمناک که زنان اینجوری در آنجا زجر کشاند.

در سال ۲۰۰۸،اکتبر که آنجا بودیم ،خودمان دیدیم که چطور هیچ زنی‌ تقریبا جرات عبور و مررر محلی را بدون محرم و یا چند زن دیگر را نداشت و ما جریان را از راهنما جویا شدیم و ایشان گفت که رفتار و آخلاق بازی از مردان افغان بسیار زننده است در رابطه با زنان افغان در کوچه و خیابان... حتی پسرکان و مردان بسیار جوان نیز در این بین آسیب پذیرند و حال تو بخوان حدیث مجمل !

تعجب کردیم که چرا دیگر خانمهای این سایت به این بلاگ سودمند اطلاعاتی‌ رویی نشان ندادند و مگر این جریان در رابطه با حق و حقوق زنان مهم نیست ؟!

با سپاس فراوان . . .