گفتگوی اختصاصی با دکتر عبدالکریم سروش


by Tapesh

دکتر سروش به ارائه تحلیل خود در زمینه اختلافات رهبری و رییس جمهور و تشکیل هیأت عالی حل اختلاف پرداخت. این روشنفکر دینی در ادامه به شرائط مطرح شده از سوی آقای خاتمی برای ورود اصلاح طلبان به عرصه انتخابات اشاره کرد و از این شروط حمایت نمود. دکتر سروش در ادامه به جایگاه رهبری آیت الله خامنه ای بعد از بحران دو ساله پرداخت و تنگناهای پیش روی رهبر جمهوری اسلامی را بر شمرد. در ادامه دکتر سروش به بیان نظرات خودش در زمینه شورای هماهنگی راه سبز امید پرداخت و از کلیت مواضع این شورا حمایت نمود و به انتقادات منتقدین این شورا در زمینه اعلام نشدن اسامی اعضای شورا پاسخ داد. دکتر سروش در انتهای این مصاحبه یکساعته در خصوص فشارهای وارده به اعضای خانواده اش و انتقادات وارده در این زمینه و نامه ای که به رهبر جمهوری اسلامی نوشت نیز سخن گفت





more from Tapesh
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Disenchanted Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am all in support of forgiveness. After one pays for their crime. I would prefer none of the above. The truth is it all depends on the situation. If the above was the choice then you are right. But is he the only option?

Why should we limit options to these bunch? When a criminal opponent is too powerful and has a change of heart you get "truth and reconciliation". Because you have no other choice. When the criminal is "normal" then you apply normal justice. 

Why should his victims be left hanging? Do I get to rob a store then say "I had a change of heart". They still throw me in jail! Because the justice system at least in USA does not recognize that as an excuse. I may get a reduced sentence but still something. I support a reduced sentence but oppose any complete pardon. Same goes regarding the hostage takers turned reformer. They are kidnappers and must face trial. Simple as that. 


What happened to change of heart, repent & forgiveness!

by Disenchanted on


       To err is human! People do commit mistakes. Sometimes big ones. What do we prefer? For them to change their ways or continue on the old path oblivious to the truth?!

      Would you prefer Soroush to be another Shariatmadari or Javad Larijani? How about Rafsanjani? He could be easily chair of Philosophy in Tehran university being idolized by the regime propaganda machine. He would be called greatest Islamic philosopher alive and numerous more superlatives. Obviously he didn't choose that path! Don't you think that is something you could admire?! Just a thought...



I know VPK

by MM on

The Islamization of universities, undertaken by Soroush and two other IRI bozos, were disgusting & degrading.  Someone needs to tell the likes of Soroush that a society is not a place to experiment with the 7th century barbaric laws. 

Although, comapred to his other interview/speeches, he seemed a bid more reasonable this time around.  And, Soroush did not start the conversation with a bunch of non-Farsi sentences.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear MM

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


No apology is good enough for his purge of universities. I suggest a class action suit against him by his Iranian victims. He should be made to pay and I mean $$ for pain he deliberately inflicted on those people.


His original name, based on Wiki, is Dabbagh

by MM on

حسین حاج فرج دبّاغ


Did he ever apologyze for his support of IRI constitution and paaksaazi in the universities?

David ET

نرخ روز

David ET

سروش کلاشیست دو رو که نان را به نرخ روز می‌خورد. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Maryam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with you 100%. Just like to know: is there an Islamist who is not a charlatan? The whole Islam is based on charlatanism and lies. Of course the guy is one. What makes me sick is his name is Zoroastrian.

"Soroosh" is one of the Yazdan. But he is an insult to the fine Persian name. He should be forced to change his name to a more suitable one. Like Omar or some other Islamist name.

Maryam Hojjat

This Man is a Sharlatan Islamist who

by Maryam Hojjat on

like the other thugs in IRR must stand on trial in Free IRAN and explain his betryal of IRANIAN people. Then is Jailed or deported to his ancestrol city one of Arab countries.


حاج فرج دباغ و شفافیت


بجای این تحلیل های آبکی و طرفداری از وحوش اسلامیست از نوع "اصلاح طلب" که خواهان تداوم نظام پر برکت تشریف دارند؛ خوب است حاج فرج دباغ عبدالکریم سروش شده راجع به نقش خودش در انقلاب خوش عافبت فرهنگی و "عطری" که پاشید توضیح دهد و اینکه وحوش اکنون دارند کار ناتمام اورا دنبال میکنند.

این دم و دستگاه عریض و طویل "اصلاح طلبان " در هجرت هم که همه چیزش مخفی است منجمله منبع درآمدش برای کلی رسانه های مختلف؛ باید عادت بد دوران حکومت بر ایرانیان را ترک کند و شفاف باشد و پاسخگو.