دستگیری دو آمریکایی ایرانی الاصل در تظاهرات جنبش تسخیر وال استریت

by Tapesh

تعداد زیادی از دانشجویان و جوانان با فراخوانی در سایتهای اجتماعی دست به اعتراض نامحدود بر علیه سیستم بانکی‌ و اقتصادی آمریکا در نیویورک زدن. پلیس تظاهرات کنندگان رو محاصره و با خشونت اقدام به دستگیری اونها میکنه. تا کنون بیش از صد نفر از معترضین بازداشت شدند.


more from Tapesh

Did I hear someone yelled

by jirandoust on

Did I hear someone yelled allah-o-akbar?:)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Disenchanted

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Hopefully your house will be worth more by then but as we learned recently that is not guaranteed either!

I am not holding my breath :-) If it is worth 2/3 what is it I will be fine. Already got it at a 20 % discount over two year before. But since I bought it has only dropped about 1%. I should be able to afford a hut in Nicaragua!



Dear VPK

by Disenchanted on


      I agree with your sentiments. Hopefully your house will be worth more by then but as we learned recently that is not guaranteed either!

      As it was discussed on another thread Obama has panicked that he is going to lose Jewish vote because they have the impression Obama is not supportive of Israel enough! That explains the UN performance and this latest leak in NYTIMES that US has given Israel bunker busting bombs etc!

     I think if Obama wants to sure up his reelection bid instead of appeasing the ever demanding Israeli lobby he is better off listening to James Carville advise:

     "There are certain people in American finance who haven't been held responsible for utterly ruining the economic fabric of our country. Demand from the attorney general a clear status of the state of investigation concerning these extraordinary injustices imposed upon the American people"

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Disenchanted

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


All the protests against WS won't do any good. I got robbed by them many times. As a US tax payer; with my 401-K and other ways. Then I had it; will leave what I got there and no more.

I finally got me a house and am paying down the mortgage. Once my kids go to college; the mortgage will be mostly paid. I will sell and move. Either to Iran if IRI is gone or to South America if not. My limited funds will carry me a lot further.

The WS will suck out all the juice out of America. Chew them up then spit them out. That put an end to the empire and to  WS as well. They are like a parasite that does not know when to stop. They will kill the host and then die of starvation.


Live stream video from protest on Wall Street

by Disenchanted on


        The world is watching!


"To serve and protect" The Wall Street!

by Disenchanted on


       Police thugs are the same, be it in Tehran, NewYork, Bahrain, Syria or Egypt!

     There is no such thing as freedom of speech when it comes to protesting the Wall Street theft! Check this video! Police pepper sprays some girls for absolutely nothing!

G. Rahmanian

White House Economics Team!

by G. Rahmanian on

Dear Viledamose: Here's what Paul Krugman once said, “Did all the senior members of the [Obama] economics team have to be protégés of Robert Rubin, the apostle of financial deregulation?” White House relies heavily on Wall Street for its lies. As I have said before, Obama owes his presidency to the financial institutions. Had it not been for the economic catastrophes caused by such institutions, Obama's election would not have come about so easily. The funny thing is that two and a half years into Obama's presidency, Ben S. Bernanke claimed, they did not know the scale of the financial damage. The question is: If that was the case, how did they decide on the amount of money needed to save Wall Street from total collapse?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have already said this on Amirparviz blogs nevertheless is worth repeating. America is run buy gangsters who do not care what happens. They are going to milk the economy until it falls over. The result is unpredictable and depends on how people react. One way or another the empire is going to fold. There will not be money to keep the bases going. It would have all been stolen by Wall Street. It all started 30 years ago with the "election" of Reagan. Guaranteed by the hostage deal.

First it was the unskilled workers. Then unions and now skilled middle class. It will end with the collapse of the American empire. No other nation is going to stick its neck out for Wall Street. By then of course they would have robbed the nation dry. 

By then skilled workers would be making their way to greener pastures. India will be one and if Islamic Republic goes Iran would also be a possibility. But any way days of American empire are numbered. Thank Wall Street & robbers barons.



Great comment by G.R. and Arj

by Bavafa on

Very saddened and outraged by the brutal behavior of the police which one often time sees in the streets of Tehran or Syria but would hope never in the land of freedom and democracy

As I was saying to one of my red blooded American friends last weekend, I believe this country is doomed if it does not change course drastically and very soon.  The theft, rubbery and lack of accountability that has been going on specially in politics in the last couple of decades has truly made a jungle out of this system and it cannot continue if it wishes to remain the most powerful/desirable nation in the world.

 Wall Street is the defacto White House and it is ruining this nation.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



La Mazhabesho bebor.

by comments on

My memo:

Many years ago there was a fight between Basijis-like-people and one of the Iranian political group supporters in Iran.  Since Basijis were in majority they arrested many of the group supporters.

I exactly remember an old Basiji man shouting to cut the La Mazhab of one of the group supporters.

Police vs. police


 GR: The unofficial

by vildemose on

 GR: The unofficial unemployment rate is 18%.


White House Report: Unemployment Rate Above 6 Percent Until 2016


Reform requires the consent of the corrupt

G. Rahmanian

If I Only Believed In Capital Punishment!

by G. Rahmanian on

If Only I Believed In Capital Punishment, I would say the state should do with Wall Street criminals what the Chinese do with their corrupt officials. Put them against the wall. But I don't believe in capital punishment simply because I think it's an easy way out for the bastards! I think the best punishment for Wall Street criminals would be taking away what they have acquired through fraudulent means. But fraudulence is part and parcel of the Wall Street dealings, without which financial institutions' survival has become unthinkable. And the state is there to protect such fraudulent gains by maintaining "peace and order." We shall be witnessing more of such protests and most probably widespread riots in the US, in the years to come. Best estimates put unemployment rate at higher than 10% until the year 2017. 2012 will be even worse than this year. That's when the real riots are expected to erupt.


Club Fed!

by Arj on

These kids are being arrested and treated like criminals for merely protesting a system that has utterly failed them, while those who caused the global financial crisis not only remain scot free, but are rewarded and trusted with an additional trillion dollars as "stimulus package" to share as extra bonus among their CEOs! All the while these kids, their parent, ordinary people and their future generations are left to foot the bill as they're fighting the foreclosure of their homes!

Here is an example of Wall Street's reaction to these protests: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PiXDTK_CBY

Mash Ghasem

لیبرال های فاشیست ،آنارشیست های استالینیست و هنرمندان فقیر بسیار

Mash Ghasem

مثل اینکه لیبرال های فاشیست ،آنارشیست های استالینیست و هنرمندان فقیر بسیار چاق، از قلم افتاد؟

آب و باد و مه و خورشید و فلک در کارند
تا "موجهای طولانی توسعه سرمایه داری" ما را بنمایند!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kondratiev wave

//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kondratiev_wave ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to The Sixth Wave: How to Survive in a resource-limited world?



بابا این پلیس


بابا این پلیس های امریکا هم که دستکمی از بسیجی ها ندارند

Sahameddin Ghiassi

کمونیست کاپیتالیست رهبران فاسد مذهبی و غیر مذهبی مایه فساد

Sahameddin Ghiassi

 ماهمه کار میکنیم و آنان غارت آنان میلیارد میشوند و ما بی خانمان

Mash Ghasem

"وال استریت" مرگ به نیرنگ تو ، خون "جیسون احمدی" میچکد از انگشت

Mash Ghasem

"وال استریت" مرگ به نیرنگ تو ، خون "جیسون احمدی" میچکد از انگشت,  او!

اون یکی ایرانی الاصل کجا بود؟

خبر مرتبط: //iranian.com/main/news/2011/09/24/arab-s...