فاطمه کروبی از بازداشتگاه جدید مهدی کروبی می گوید

by Tapesh

همسر مهدی کروبی با انتشار نامه ای خبر داده که مهدی کروبی در یک اتاق ، بدون حقوق یک زندانی بازداشت است. خانم فاطمه کروبی در نامه به صادق لاریجانی به شرح آنچه در هفت ماه گذشته بر او و مهدی کروبی گذشته ، پرداخته است.

سایت سحام نیوز این نامه را منتشر کرد و فاطمه کروبی در آن نوشت ، در هفته های اخیر مهدی کروبی،  به خانه ای یک اتاق خوابه منتقل شده که ماموران امنیتی هم در آن حضور دارند. آقای کروبی در تنها اتاق این خانه نگهداری می شود؛ آن هم بدون حق دسترسی به روزنامه، تلفن ، ملاقات و هواخوری.

اسماعیل گرامی مقدم ، مشاور مهدی کروبی به صدای آمریکا گفت که به نظر من از این بعد نمی توانیم از حصر آقای کروبی بگوییم چون آنچه که در نامه خانم کروبی آمده ، نشان می دهد که آقای کروبی در سلول انفرادی هستند.



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by MRX1 on

Hope he suffers! Now we are suppose to feel sorry for some low life shiekh omati mullah who has been part of this system from the begining. A man who has been  putting his stamp of approval for thirty some years  and even now yearns for the years of his beloved khomeini! rot in hell with your body mossavi and the rest of the filthy ilk runining the country.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

If Montazeri

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


had become VF Iran would not be such a mess now. His biggest problem was not being a good politician.  He should have kept his mouth shut until Khomeini passed on. Then when he became VF liberalized the system.

This is sort of what Putin did. He pretended to be a good dog for Yeltsin. Once he got power he implemented his own agenda. By then Yeltsin was a nobody and was in no position to oppose Putin. I is called political savvy.

Good nice people generally lack it because they are too honest. That is why Montazeri lost. KGB agents do not lack it hence Putin won. Being too honest is not always the best policy. In particular  dealing with nasty people.

Soosan Khanoom

What a shame !

by Soosan Khanoom on

But is it something new? ..... They had done that to Montazeri for years and he was under house arrest till the day he died.