پاسخ بی ربط یک آخوند در مورد حق زن در زندگی در اسلام

by Tapesh

پاسخ یک آخوند درباره حدیث "غیرت زن کفر است و غیرت مرد عین ایمان" از امام علی و اینکه مرد حق دارد نسبت به زن غیرت داشته باشد اما این برای زن مجاز نیست و مرد میتواند چند زن داشته باشد



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It all boils down to ...

by jasonrobardas on

 double standard for men and women....

 This Mullah is just another filthy, fascistic,  misogynistic, diabolical element of the religious propaganda machine . His job is to advocate women's submission and to encourage their acceptence of the male dominated sytem


the sad thing is not what

by Bunyip on

the sad thing is not what this madar jendeh is saying, but the masses who sit down, listen and believe his kos-sher



Ghave Speech

by jmyt17 on

Wondering how these Ghave growing and where they learn and what they learn.Ghave keep it for yourself and your family.