TOBE KARDAM, I am born again Muslim, forgive me.

TOBE KARDAM, I am born again Muslim, forgive me.
by عموجان

Trick or Treat.

Did I scared you. I love my self, why should I change it took my Basijiha 30 years of killing to get me here now I am having best time of my life. We Mollaha wouldn’t stop till Iran and Iranian are vanished. 


more from عموجان

Ok, here couple of small one

by عموجان on

I was going to put them on but i wasn't sure it would take away for Devil Mullah Shipishi. now is like Dracula Mullah Shipishi   



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If it were me, I'd draw fangs for the teeth.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction" --Blaise Pascal