
by truthseeker


The iraq war, gulf two, or the rape of iraq and cowboys and indians all over again as it will said many, many years from now. as once again zionists occupied hollywood lies through it's false jewish teeth. as with nine out of ten hollywood stars pro pro israel and the other one a liar. the US entertainment industry SHOWS IT'S TRUE DANGER TO THE WORLD. AS ANGELINA "PHONY" JOLIE goes on tour in iraq lol! watch and learn just how heroic the troops are, as all of the murders and rapes and everything else must have been done by somebody else. as the thousands of troops on the run in canada and else where must just be lying cowards. as all of the returning troops living homeless on the streets must just like the frsh air. as all of the returning troops in mental hospitals and those that have committed suicide must have just not been made of harder stuff. plus not forgetting abu grabia, the hundreds of prisoners men women and children. with so many children being shipped out via us and uk controlled iraqi airports to child sex rings. with the us and uk gov getting it's undeclared cut as always with even some politicans going their for extra activitives. along with death camps prison that still have ovens in them, so the troops get have fresh bread cakes or even pizza. to search and detain played OUT every night and day throughout. which is code for kicking in someones house or apartment door taking the men and boys outside while putting the women and girls in the "backroom" not my words but the word of a US soldier who stands now against the war/rape along with many other veterans. with "and yet still women are being raped in the night" not my words but the words of a fox news presenter. so with that said and done once should ask angelina not the press because they work for the same people as she does but someone. should ask her if the troops are brave, if the troops are heroes would she put on a hijab (not just for a photo op AS PICTURED ABOVE but for real!) get a tan. brad grows his beard out a bit more gets a tan as well. take the kids and go stay there for six months LOL. go on angelina put your money where your mouth is prove me, prove us all wrong!

How can someone so pretty be so cruel!


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more from truthseeker

TimFloyd- American Troop Fallacy

by bomannyali on

Americans join the Us military out of a desperate need, like:

1. money for school

2.find some guidance in life

3. act macho

4. out of love of country  -----very few

After they sign the contract and practically get treated like shit by the US military, they figure IT WAS NOT WORTH IT.

Then given their life conditions and actual LACK OF LEADERSHIP AND CREATIVITY, they figure let me re-sign because

1. they need a constant source of income

2. they have no enterprenial skills and would rather be employed

they figure, they have already done 8 years, might as well do 14 more, and retire with benefits.  TOTAL LAZY FUCKING BUMS MAN. 

THE BENEFITS THEY ARE HOPING FOR IS LIKE $80,000 / year for say an engineer who worked 20 years for the military.

That's it, $ 80,000 and it is taxable. 

They go in looking for leadership- they learn how to become servants

they go in to become macho, they figure how immature they were

they go in to SERVE THE COUNTRY , they figure they get royally screwed out of health benefits and deal with diseases for the rest of their lifes

NO wonder, the US military is nowadays made up of poor White folks and hispanics and blacks.  We know how successful the latter two groups have been in life.

PLUS: they have really uggly haircuts--jeez what up with that.

they get brainwashed in the military. Go Kill, come back, clean your M16 and polish your boots.  With these ridiculous daily routines they keep the soldiers like robots.

Now go clean that M16 that jams and has outlived its effectiveness.  American troops in Iraq working in Humvees actually prefer resistances' AK- 47s made in Russia, China and Iran



Angelina Jolie

by bomannyali on

dude relax, at the very least she has donated more to charity than many other stars combined.

While King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is recieving sex from the followers of Aisha the mother of all Sunni Believers, at least this girl is out and about adopting kids.  May Omar bin Khattab bless all their mouths.

I dont think you understand how money and fame can make a person lose touch with reality.  at least she is grounded, so chill out!



by timothyfloyd on



who put saddam in power!?

by truthseeker on

who put saddam in power. america did! who covered up for him all the time. who sold him the nerve gas and guns. who just like you did with hitler bank rolled him. who knew just like hitler what he was like and what was going to do. who's killed. MURDERED more people then cancer. who has always had secret prisons, rape rooms and death camps. who knew they would be doing all of this before. "oil fields as battlefields" 1972. america must wake up your stolen nation was built by christian zionists by the end-timers to be destroyed so they can have their rapture. zionists jews are just the tricked street muscle just corner street drug dealers. who are being set up to take the blame for all of this. please wake up and take the end timers down before it's to late. uses the truth not violence to do this. please they've just got the harlot in purple, the third temple and then the sudden disaister to go. then third anti-christ will show himself as unlike hilter and napoloen he will not want to rule the world but wants to watch it burn instead! the credit crunch and the rape of iraq and katrina will be his foundation. he's coming for you america. he's coming for us all!

Little Tweet

trashseeker is more like it

by Little Tweet on

You got it all wrong dude. She's doing all she can, what have you done?



by timothyfloyd on


The Phantom Of The Opera


by The Phantom Of The Opera on


The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

Darius Kadivar

For a truthseeker You Only wrote a Piece of Rubbish !

by Darius Kadivar on

Angelina Jolie's A Mighty Heart:


Angelina Jolie & Mariane Pearl Talk with charlie Rose :


And Yet I am no Jolie Fan ...



by truthseeker on

it's true what they say "the devil is the prettiest girl at the party!"


phony jolie in motion once more.