
by vildemose

Did you know Shariati has a facebook??? He continues to brainwash younger generation of Iranians from his grave.

It boggles the mind.

See it for yourself, read it and weep. It's as if Stalin and Mao and Hitler had their own facebook. Or maybe, they do??? Shariati's radical blend of Islam and Marxism electrified a whole generation of Iranian revolutionaries like Ahmadinejad.

Oh please, spare me... I thought we were over this. I mean, can you believe it, now it's not only bloody communism, it's communism spiced with radical Islam.What else could you expect from the children of doom:

...One must also come to terms with the fact that supremacist puritanism in contemporary Islam is dismissive of all moral norms or ethical values, regardless of the identity of their origins or foundations. The prime and nearly singular concern is power and its symbols. Somehow, all other values are made subservient.



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Anonymous Observer

Thanks for exposing this fiasco Vildemose

by Anonymous Observer on

Anyone who still believes in the grand BS artist, Shariati, should seriously consider a brain transplant.

Anahid Hojjati

Vildemose jan, from your comments, I get that

by Anahid Hojjati on

You will do better than me if you have to talk about this issue with them. Since the 20 year old one is poet, make sure that you introduce her to all poetry that talks about "ekhtenagh" during IRI and tell her that many people who became intellectuals who were influential during IRI, started their path by becoming fan of Shariati. That might help.


Thank you Anahid jan. The 20

by vildemose on

Thank you Anahid jan. The 20 year old is a poet and a very intense individual. I appreciate any help I can get.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Vildemose, It seems in Iran,young people are hungry for

by Anahid Hojjati on

information on anything that is not repeated daily by IRI. Be it Shariati (which I don't think that present IRI talks much about, I may be mistaken), Mujahedin, etc. For some, it can even be gossip type US magazines. They are just excited about anything different.  First you have to determine their level of interest, are they hooked or are they busily liking other pages on facebook too. As far as book against Shariati, I really can't think of one now. Let me think about it.


Anahid Jan: One is 20 and

by vildemose on

Anahid Jan: One is 20 and the other one is 25. That's very young to me. I have no idea how to bring up the subject with them. I don't want to offend them but I'm their aunt...and feel responsible.

Is there a book you can recommend that exposes Shariati for who he was?

I couldn't find any?? Help..

Thank you Anahid jan for your concern.


Anahid Hojjati

I have seen couple FB friends liking Shariati's page

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thankfully neither can be considered young and/or impressionable. At laest one or may be both may have done it for getting inforamtion from the site just because they are curious. None of them seems Islamic but one never knows. I do see why Vildemose would be concerned since the ones liking it were young.


Shariati was full of nonsense

by divaneh on

It is pity to see some people are still trying to promote ideas who have failed and in the course of that failure has destroyed our country. This is nothing short of betraying the new generation. Thankfully the world is much more open and information much readily available as compared to Iran in 1357.


Thank you everyone for your

by vildemose on

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I wrote this piece because I was alarmed by seeing two of my closest and very young and impressionable family members in Iran, "liking" his site. Both are very well-educated and one lives actually outside of Iran but only for a couple of years; hence, my panic....


I agree

by Paykar on

with you about the responsibility of people in educating themselves better. We have to keep in mind that when it comes to Ideaology, it's difficult to change because it's entirely a belief system.

Anahid Hojjati

thanks Paykar for your comment

by Anahid Hojjati on

I see your argument, your reasoning in your comment is good. It is sad that he still has so much influence, but place some of the blame on those who are influenced too. After all they have seen, they are still influenced, so this says a lot about these people too, not just about Shariati.


Dear Anahid. I think you

by Paykar on

Dear Anahid. I think you are being too kind to Shariati. He was instrumental in seemingly "sanitizing" Islam and making it more acceptable to the youths; at the time when the regime was mostly afraid of nationalist and leftist intellectuals, Shariati was tolerated and allowed to go on stage. There were no others similar to him. Those in Nehzat-e Azadi, were secular when it came to politics and nature of the State.

If you get a chance to read some of his writings, you might come away unimpressed, but I remeber hand copying some of his lectures and passing it out to others, when I was very young(although I never believed in god).

He might not support the regime, if he were alive today; but he knew what the clerics were capable of doing. He never opposed them on Shi'ite dogma. Unfortunately, his influence is still great and it should not be ignored.



I heared that inmates of state penitentiaries...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

are increasingly using facebook. But I thought they were imprisoned to serve time, not to waste it! (Tanks to Jay lenno I think!)

As for shariati, I doubt if he himself knew it, that he and his ilk were mere tools of a project with top objective of preventing the spread of Revolutionary communism into oil rich ME, at a time when the communism seemed to be winning from Vietnam to Cuba, not to mention student revolts and general strikes in Germany, France and England and black power movement in USA. 

He and his "ideology" were extremely useful as it turned out, but no more, so I wouldnt worry a bit about that facebook page, I'd be happy with  my local state pentiantiory inmates visiting it as much as they'd like!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anahid Hojjati

I don't think it is correct to demonize Shariati

by Anahid Hojjati on

 Vildemose, I don't beieve that it is correct to demonize Shariati. I have not really read his books and even when he was huge, which was about 1356-1357, I was never a fan. But you are giving too much credit to him. He was product of those years and they were others similar to him. It is not his fault if some Iranains have not moved past him after 35 years. If people don't progress in their ideas, is that fault of Shariati? He had some ideas, let's say all wrong, but what is preventing people to read others and make their own independent judgement. If Shariati were alive, he probably would not even be supportive of IRI. I doubt that he would support the crimes that IRI has committed. Also so many people and non people have facebook pages, lavashak and gojeh sabz also have facebook pages. In this day and age, having a facebook page is not a big deal. Any way, it is best to focus on more urgent matters rather than demonizing someone who has been dead for more than 35 years.



by Fatollah on

what a waste of space in cyberspace

Maryam Hojjat

What a S..T is Islamic Marxism?

by Maryam Hojjat on

Is not the MKO idealogy.  Shame on Shariati & Hope he is burning in the hell.