British Granny Wins Spanish Talent Show (VIDEO)


by vildemose

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Move over Susan Boyle. Paddy Jones, a 75-year-old British grandmother, has won the Spanish equivalent of "Britain's Got Talent" with a stunningly acrobatic salsa routine that has made her a YouTube sensation

Jones, who lives in Spain, appeared on "Tu Si Que Vales" with a local dance instructor named Nico, who is 40 years her junior, and performed a feat of crazy athleticism, regardless of age. Wearing a dark tight dress, she did a series of twists, flips, leaps, and slides that had the judges reacting with hilariously shocked expressions as she blew the crowd away (their faces alone are worth watching.) Jones and her partner received around $15,000 for their victory.

According to the Telegraph, Jones took up dancing 5 years ago after the death of her husband. She has seven grandchildren.

"I'm living proof age is no barrier," Jones told the London Times.



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Dear vildemose,

by Monda on

I totally agree!

I am curious about her background in any physical movement.  That helps you know.  I mean one does not get up one day deciding to tackle these moves, she must have had some training using her body. If you find out any background info on her, please share. 


Dear Monda; She blew me

by vildemose on

Dear Monda; She blew me away.Phenomenal, what a dancer at her age!

Proof positive that no matter your age, when you embrace your inner goddess nothing is impossible...


She is Great!:o)

by Monda on

I saw her in a video I think last year.  I'm glad she's continued to have fun!