Come Get me


Come Get me
by vildemose
      From San Francisco to Tehran: reflections on a hunger strike as political protest

By Hana Baba

Listen: 4:08 min

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Last year after the Iranian presidential elections took place, a dispute over the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad sparked massive protests. The demonstrators' use of Twitter and YouTube put the protests and the violence that ensued on the Internet for the world to see. Hundreds of journalists and political dissidents were imprisoned as authorities tried to stop the protests.

One of them was 70-year-old Iranian activist Koroush Zaim. His imprisonment sparked a worldwide protest campaign, spearheaded by Zaim's son, San Francisco-based hip-hop artist Turaj Zaim. Turaj hasn't been to Iran since he was six years old, but he sent a message to Iran's leaders by launching a hunger strike outside of San Francisco's City Hall in September 2009. On the twelfth day of fasting, Turaj found out that his father had been released.

San Francisco radio interview on today's U.N. speech September 23, 2010

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Turaj official website.

San Francisco radio interview on today's U.N. speech September 23, 2010

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San Francisco radio interview on today's U.N. speech September 23, 2010

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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Hopefully all the IRI political prisoners will be free soon

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Dear Vildemose, it is so good that you write and remind everyone - thanks.


Dear Mehraban: I envy

by vildemose on

Dear Mehraban: I envy you...lolI had no idea his father actually wrote a 'road map'. Thank you for sharing that piece of info. I would love to read that document online or in print if anyone knows where I can obtain it.


Dear Vildemose

by Mehrban on

Thank you for this blog.  I have read a road map by Kourosh Zaim as to how to move from the present system of the Islamic Republic to a Secular Democratic society.  It is an impressive document.  I am glad that both he and his son are safe.  

Ps.  I read the document in hard print, that is why I can not provide a link. 


Hats off to all brave Iranians

by Cost-of-Progress on

who stand up to tyranny and injustice.






Thank you Mehrdad jan for

by vildemose on

Thank you Mehrdad jan for reading.


My Salute to his father

by Bavafa on

May one day we have no political prisoners in Iran or any where in the world for that matter.

Thanks for writing about this.  We should not let these stories go untold.
