I don't know if you remember Angylina Cyberchik but, the woman was famous for doing nothing but taking off her clothes and posing nude. She also did a lot of webcam stuff. She was Iranian and proud of it. She had more hits to her website than Cindy Margolias who has been creditted as the world's first cybermodel. One day in 2005, she (Angylina) vanished and didn't tell anyone anything. Left a lot of paid customers stranded. Angylina was gorgeous but, what happened to her?
Recently by Yousefi | Comments | Date |
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Person | About | Day |
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Stop hating
by Naderi on Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:36 PM PSTAngylina is gorgeous and has lots of sex appeal. You can tell she's had surgery but, at least she doesn't look like a freak. Some of those women that go overboard look like trannies.
by Doctor mohandes on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:10 PM PSTSouri Jan
Thanks for your angelic Intervention:))
Legion 13:
What is the gate Number and what exactly do you meanby Posterior.... I mean Prosperity and that other thing that you said?:))
damn. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me... In aks maksa dige vase adam havas mavas nemizaran ke... vallah...
che konim
by Souri on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:06 PM PSTpoust mowz o nadidim, liz khordim :)
The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful..... And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:05 PM PSTAs we stand at the gate of the new year, may the light of our wisdom guide us to prosper and endure.
by Doctor mohandes on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:04 PM PSTThank you for taking our points and suggestions seriously and taking action.
Much appreciated. and Happy 2011 to you as well.:))
Souri jan
Nice to see you here :))))
Thank you so much dear AO
by Souri on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:02 PM PSTAnd I wish you a very Happy New Year full of health and joy and ..... Freedom of Speech :)
The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful..... And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!
Johnny Dollar, DM & Souri
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Dec 30, 2010 09:03 PM PSTThank you all for expressing your thoughts. I am a believer in free speech and free expression and you are all entitled to your opinions and thoughts. So, to all of you: Happy New Year!!!
Souri: I do agree with your point that perhaps it's best to say things when the person in present, or at least when there's somewhat of a certainty that the person will read the writings. One does have to be fair and give the subject of the adverse comment a fair opportunity to respond. For that reason, I will try to edit the comment and take out the reference, because I cannot be certain that she will read the comment. Thanks for pointing out the issue.
13th Legion
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:51 PM PSTYou are certainly free to express your thoughts and opinions. Like I said below, I believe in free speech, and encourage everyone to engage in the same, as you are doing now. As I also said below, I encourage everyone to grow a thick skin, like I have done. That is a quintessential ingredient for the free exchange of ideas and for the growth of the foundations of free speech. Again, please feel free to say whatever is on your mind.
Happy new year!
Ooooops! sorry dear AO
by Souri on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:57 PM PSTSorry guys, I came here by accident! I know I shouldn't be here as it seems that "majles mardouneh ast" but when I was just posting my blog here, I happened to read your recent comments.
Dear AO, if I may,
You are absolutely right about the freedom of speech and return back the "favor" to the people. I do agree with you, with the little exception that in my opinion you shouldn't insult or ridicule someone who is not present at the debate and who probably will never come to such blog, so they will never know what you have said about them. In this case, it is not fair because they will never be able to attack back.
You don't want to go on a on-way battle, do you?
I know you are strong enough to face your adversary and say what you have to say in their face, not behind their back....
PS_ what is behind the back? Isn't it the front? LOL ...I'm joking
The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful..... And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!
by Doctor mohandes on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:48 PM PSTYou RARELY!!! IF EVER!!! comment On her blogs?? Are you Freaking kiddin' me man??
I know There are two side to every story and my eyes are sure as hell ain't lying to me when i tell you i have seen you getting rough with on more than one ocassions, Not in any of her blogs last week, and not to take away your right to have your say on whatever the issue might be.
I remember you complaining about being called names a few times, and i understand, I must reiterate here that I do by all means recognize that fact, Thatyou have that right, But what i am trying to tell you here, as Legion 13 also pointed out, Is something totally different. It comes with the territory, but it does not justify you making a specific case, and making a point of creating a situation Where you place a person in a category to which she/he may not belong to.
You are absolutely wrong with what you think should be our new guidlines for practicing free speech. For god's sake, you would not even get away with say that kinda shitt on streets on any given town and dehkooreh In the states. Go ahead, and Try making some random americans on the street, Understand exactly what you mean by "let us do away with antiquated sensitivities" and see what happens.
Cyber space, Shmyber space. Gotta maintain a decent level of respect.
Oh you like and admire Growing a thick skin there on cyber space don't ya? lol . I guess that would be much evident from your openning few lines up there.
21st century internet!! yeah okay!
Annymous Observer, I disagree with some of your points!
by Jonny Dollar on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:48 PM PSTIn general i agree with Dr. Mo. I don't know about the detail exchange between you and someone else, but saying:"you put yourself out there and grow a thich skin...and this is 21 century.." is not right. 21 century should mean that we become more rude? Why can't we politely exchange ideas? We are not a cyber space that involves the world. We are iranians and there is a courtesy and respect we should have here. Are we bunch of LAAT or CHOMAGH BEDAST that we should not care how we can hurt each other's feeling? We are not here to insult each other, we are here to exchange opinions without being disresected. I agree with the policy of this site to engage in personal attacks. We are not enemies, we are iranians with different opinions and political persuation. Let's agree to disagree without insulting each other. Merci HAMVATAN!
"God is love!"
Anonymous Observer
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:42 PM PSTManufactured "gheirat" and sensitivity!? Sounds to me as the same crap as manufactured freedom fighting and the cry for democracy and freedom that’s all talk and zero depth and back bone in it.
Democracy, a big part of it involves having tolerance for view, opinions and believes that are opposite your own and treating others and allowing them the rights that you would like to be treated and given to yourself! You see its easy to talk the talk, but not so easy to walk the walk in action, ethics and behavior, and it all starts with developing the ability within us to get a GRIP over our foul intentions and big mouths so when the words and actions come out they actually match the same freedom loving crap that we preach 24/7, otherwise we would be NO different than those IRI monsters we so badly despise in our cry for democracy and freedom, this is something the brave opposing youth inside Iran have understood and live by in their struggle while some of us are masturbating with words and intensions in the name of freedom on IC. You want freedom and democracy? Start acting and speaking like to you understand and deserve it first.
Doctor Mohandes
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:34 PM PSTMuch to the contrary, I believe in freedom of speech and thought, and rarely, if ever, comment on her blogs (she had four in the past week or so, and I think I had a brief comment on one of them only). She has the right to say whatever she wants to say. But please check out my last blog and see her unprovoked attack on me. I even ignored her first nasty attack in the spirit of free speech, but then she came back a second time and left another comment to which I responded. So, there's always two sides to the story.
On another note, part of free speech, especially for people who put themselves in a public forum, is to be ridiculed, called names, etc. Again, read my last blog and try to count the names that I was called (I lost count at some point). It comes with the territory. Look at what other bloggers and writers on other forums are called. In fact, for us to truly embrace free speech, we need to do away with our antiquated sensitivities about "your mother and your sister blah, blah blah" (see 13th legion below) and "tohmat" and nonsense like that. You put yourself out there in cyberspace. Grow a thick skin. It's the 21st century internet.
Ananymous Observer
by Doctor mohandes on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:22 PM PSTI am in no position to defend anyone and particularly not NP, But frankly if it were not for you and others poking her around and mess with her all the time, she would not have said what she had said to you. She has the right to her opinions just as you and so many others do on this site.
It is all cool and okay to think all is fair when you put youself out there, But when you think about what really brought about that awkward situation, you may be surprised to know there were quite a few actors involved in there.
and BTW I ain't no chest beater for Her or anyone else for that matter, Just in case you were getting ready to throw that my way.
13th Legion
by Doctor mohandes on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:15 PM PSTNicely put. My sentiments exactly.
13th Legion
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:12 PM PSTThis is a public forum. When you put yourself out there and call people "khod foroukhteh" for having a different point of view than you (as your sister Niloufar who you beat your chest for called your truly recently) then you could expect the subjects of your insults to return the favor.
So, get a grip and lose the manufactured "gheirat" and sensitivity. We're not buying it.
Anonymous Observer
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:03 PM PSTYour story is funny in bazari and ignorant way ;) but just imagine if your mother or sister were blogging on IC and someone would make a comment like that about them, I guess you’d be cool with that to ;)
And some Iranians cry for democracy and freedom of speech when they don’t know what the first thing is to do with it or the RESPONSIBILITY it comes with ;))
She married a visiting "Haj Agha"
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Dec 30, 2010 08:59 PM PSTHe was here on a shopping trip, as is customary for high ranking IR officials. He "sighe'ed" her for one night and fell in love. So, he took her back to Iran, made her his third wife, took her to Mashhad, and poured "aab-e-tobeh" on her head. She is now the commander of the local "Khaharaan Zeynab" patrol in Northern Tehran.
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 07:30 PM PSTI have to agree with you bro, all your observations are very valid ;)I had originally found it interesting that she was a Persian web cam girl, but by far nothing to write your buddy about ;)Happy New Year.
RE: 13th Legion
by NicholasRowe on Thu Dec 30, 2010 06:43 PM PSTHer face looks like a tranny and the body is fake. She's much better than Claudia Lynx. Don't get me wrong. So much makeup and what is up with her lips?
RE: Is she a tranny?
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 06:40 PM PSTNa dude, sorry to disappoint you ;))
Is she a tranny?
by NicholasRowe on Thu Dec 30, 2010 06:32 PM PST?????
She currently works at my local "gentelmen club"...
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Thu Dec 30, 2010 06:22 PM PSTI heard. Rumour has it that she also has a part time job as a blogger on Iranian.com, writing on behalf of islamist regime of Iran.
yea, iranian and prod of it!
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
ha ha ;))-
by 13th Legion on Thu Dec 30, 2010 04:52 PM PSTInteresting, I remember her from the early 90’s she had quite a following, was operating out of Vegas and as you say very sexy the time.Don’t know what happen to her but as is normally the case for such providers I would say one of the following:
1- May have had a goal to make and save x-amount of dollars and then move on and close up shop.
2- May have had a very rich costumer fall in love with her, encourage her to leave the business and married her as this has happened to many strippers and even prostitutes, if you look at Holley Wood you will find many stories like that.
3- The business became saturated with other providers that were also younger and it was no longer a profitable business for her to be in.
I would go with number 2 ;)
Look at that body
by Naderi on Thu Dec 30, 2010 03:00 PM PSTShe is gorgeous!
2 blogs per day
by admin on Thu Dec 30, 2010 02:27 PM PSTHi Yousefi, bloggers here are allowed a maximum of 2 blogs per day.
Enjoy and have a great new year