First tale

First tale
by Zaferoon

Four friends are talking.

Kaveh:  "Did you go to see the opera?"

Parisa:  "Yes.  I went last weekend."

Kaveh: "Did you enjoy it?"

Parisa:  "Yes, but it was in German.  I wish I could understand what they were saying."

Navid:  "Didn't they have super titles?  You know, the translated text of the opera which is projected above the stage?"

Parisa:  "No.  That would have been great."

Navid:  "Yes, it's absolutely fabulous when there are super titles in an opera."

Negin:  "Say, did you know that opera super titles were invented by an Iranian?  His name is Lotfi Mansouri and he directed the Toronto and San Francisco operas for decades."

Navid:  "Oh, it was invented by an Iranian?!!!  Let's find fault with it!"



Let's look at ourselves in the mirror.  Share your thoughts.  Join the dialogue. 




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Improvements for, please
Feb 24, 2011
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Was he an Esfahani-Iranian?! Just kidding!

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Everything is sacred.