اصلاحات و تجـدد دینی و فرهنگی در اسـلام

اصلاحات و تجـدد دینی و فرهنگی در اسـلام
by مسعود از امریکا

ای محمد، تو تمدن اوردی، بر این اعراب وحش
     تو ارام کردی، بس اصلاح جستی، بر این اعراب وحش

این اعراب، بسی بت پرست، به قبر بکشند هر دختر را
     امدی تو، ای برادر، بس فرهنگ اوردی، بر این اعراب وحش

در قرون وسطی، بر ان تاریکی غرب، همه چیز بس دگرگون
     اسلام نجاتش داد، احکام ارسطو، و فر هنگ افلاطون، بر این اعراب وحش

لیکن ای دوست، بس خرافات، و عقب ماندگی، بر دامن این دین
     بس تجدد، و اصلاحات، نیاز است، بر این بزرگ دین، بر این اعراب وحش

چون پیروان عیسی، خود را اصلاح کن، ای بزرگ دین
     بس تجدد اور، و بس پیشرفتگی، ای دین محمد، بر این اعراب وحش



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The Key to how Islam is to be reformed is in the Quran.

by faryarm on

The Key to understanding the reformation of Islam, is in a more through, open and unprejudical discussion of what God promised and what The Holy Prophet Muhammad stated in The Quran.

The desperately needed reformation and renewal of Islam,that you mention, is not something achievable by the mind of a man or a woman, since Divine wisdom is not acquired, but given by God.

The wisdom that was given to Muhammad, by God was not something acquired; 

The wars between religions, the division and the creation of sects have been precisely due to men trying update religion. on their own accord, leading to imperfect , self serving interpretations that have obscured and abased religions, in thiscase  Islam as a Religion of God;  the kind of corrupt, cruel and backward mockery they call Islam in Iran today.

The Key to understanding the reformation of Islam, is right in the Holy Quran itself.

Unfortunately,The self serving Shia establishment, to preserve itself in power has been, very selective in its interpretation of the Holy verses,

Choosing instead to ignore the Divine Will, and resist any attempt to its power and authority. 

Some however, when confronted with these verses, became convinced that indeed, That God has from the beginning of life Has revealed Himself and His teachings to mankind,; That Religion needs to be renewed by God Himself.

The Key to understanding the Divine Plan for the renewal of religion and mankind is to understand not just the meaning of the verse Khatam Al Nabieen, but other revealed verses that promise and point to the coming of other revelations.


I should also add that, it is precisely this kind of information and discussion that is forbidden in Iran by the powers that be.

This is a most important and relevant discussion affecting not just the future of our county, but a noble move to reassure our youth who are turning away from God and Religion , what they percieve to be no more than dogma, ritual and superstition, because of the rampant corruption, injustice and criminal character of the ruling  Mullah.







مسعود از امریکا

CUE (not verified)

The antelectuals here probobley dont see the need for or the hope of this thing happening. Thats why theyr busy with the good stuff.

مسعود از امریکا

فرشته جان

مسعود از امریکا

مرسی برای توضیح کاملت در این مورد - من هم امیدوارم که دوستان ایرانی، به خصوص خواهران و برادران مسلمان ما، در این بحث شرکت کنند - قربانت!


Dear Massoud

by Fereshteh Homayounfar (not verified) on

As an Iranian woman, I agree with you wholeheartedly that Islam is in desperate need of Reformation. As you indicated in your piece, Christianity went through Reformation several hundred years ago, which ultimately led to the Rennaisance.

This pattern is pretty typical with all religions: When they first come about, they are full of fresh ideas and vigor. However, once the prophet dies, and the religion becomes more and more institutionalized, then the original zeal for the religion is lost. Superstition creeps in, and corruption becomes more and more widespread.

As you may know, Islam came about over 600 years after Christianity. Therefore,it is about time that we Muslims go through the necessary Reformation, and hopefully, have our Rennaisance, as the western cultures have had theirs.

I hope more people would engage in this discussion. This truly is an important subject for the Muslim world in general, and we Iranians in particular.

Thank you for the post,

Fereshteh H.

مسعود از امریکا

اصلاحات (Reformation) و تجدد (Renaissance) در اسلام

مسعود از امریکا

اصلاحات (Reformation) و تجدد (Renaissance) در اسلام