Ahmadinejad vs Goats

Presidents says his critics are goats

President Ahmadinejad says those who make fun of his messianic tales are dumber than goats. Also see related column by Ebrahim Nabavi and cartoon by Nikahang Kosar.


more from bahram9821

just a bunch of pea brains who deserve Bush and his criminal co.

by Anonymously (not verified) on

these comments for the most part demonstrate the lack of understanding of Iran politics and the caliber of the readers of this site..i would rather be with an akhoond than these idiots!!!


Fed up!!!

by kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

You are not a captive audiance! If you don't like what you are reading stop reading and move on! Evolve from a muslim to a human being!


Ya ghamareh koss tang..Ya imameh kondeh...

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Ya ghamareh bani knodeh....did you see the light around your balls when you goozed?


Fed up

by A reader (not verified) on

I am fed up with so many hooligans on this site. Some of them should be absolutely deleted. Please, Mr. Javid stop the access of these skin heads on your site.



by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

You had a dream? a very nice one! bUT PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING:
MP: Iran plays key role in APA
Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:47:25, it is happend this morning, is no dream:
Majlis Vice-Speaker Aboutorabi-Fard
Majlis Vice-Speaker Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard has says Iran plays a key role in promoting the Asian Parliamentary Assembly goals.

"Certain Western countries and the US intend to isolate Iran while the southeastern Asian states call for expansion of relations with Iran in all fields," Aboutorabi-Fard SAID ATTEHRAN MEHRABAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT UPON HIS ARRIVAL from a tour of Southeast Asia.
In Reality has somebody else landed in mehrabad international airport. It could be impossibly you? Because he speaks all controray subjects as you have experienced in you dream. so sleep well and have sweet dreams. anyway:
He added that Iran leads in cooperation with the Southeast Asian states in economic, energy, cultural and political fields, as well as dialogue among religions. Because without islam we had no Iran, be sure.
The MP stated that in his meetings with parliament speakers of the Southeast Asian states, the parties discussed developments of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly and ways to strengthen ties among Asian countries. He added that he invited the speakers to take part in the second session of the APA, scheduled to be held in Tehran on November 17-21.
Do you see any similarity between these high intelectual speech with inteligent and reasonable contain and you dreamy dreamy hopefull and nice words? Dreaming from whores?
Aboutorabi-Fard, who is also HEAD OF the APA Executive Council, noted that participants at the second session of the assembly will exchange views on political, economic, cultural and social documents as well as a united energy market.
Would you like to take part on the conference? Of course you get the possibility to find a RAFIGH SHAKHSSI: Dont go to whores, be sensible. The "SISTERS" are generous, not stingy at all. Greeting


Slight Misunderstanding

by Azadi khah (not verified) on

I think what he really meant to say was that "He is related to all the goats on earth !"
Since, he looks like one, anyway ! LOL


Come togehter all you GOATS!

by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

Hier a little number ( 40 ) more "GOATS"! please acknowledge the following:
MPs from 40 Asian nations are slated to attend the second general meeting of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) in Tehran next week.

The number of the representatives of each country will vary based on the country's population, said APA Secretary General Mohammad-Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian.

Each Asian country will have two to seven representatives in the meeting, he added.

The meeting is scheduled to issue several statements on various issues including 'Women's Rights in Asia', 'The Asian Friendship Treaty' and 'The Asian Monetary Fund'.

Cooperation between the APA and the executive branch of the governments of the 40 nations will be discussed during the event.

An APA ministerial meeting will also be held in the first half of 2008 to analyze the outcome of the talks to decide the efficiency of such cooperation, he added.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is scheduled to inaugurate the two-day event on Nov 19.

NOW? who are the real Goats? greeting


Farzandanam, Negaraan Nabashid....

by Emam Zaman (not verified) on

Don't worry.
Soon I will come and save the whole lot of you from Ahmadinejad and his superstitious followers!!
That maybe your only way to salvation as the Iranians themselves have not been thinking straight for a long time now.
Your forever (and ever, and ever,.....)


Nation Building

by Dr. Prof. Abol Danesh, Owner (not verified) on

The Grand Mehrabad Landing
After I landed in Tehran
The reporters came to me and they said
Sir, now that you are the head of the state
What is your plan
To rewamp Iran toward the greatness
Please cut down on the bullshitting
Only to give us a clean and clear straight answer
For we have heard it for the past 28 years
Of bullshitting
And we are truly sick of it to a point of convultion
I said: It is very simple
Iran first , Religion last
On the list of priorities
Now direct me to my presidential palace
For I need to make few phone calls
The most important of which
Is to ask Mr. Reza Pahlavi
To assume the only ceremonial role of King in Iran
For Iran without King never!
Even only if he is only the ceremonial figure head
Then the reporters asked me
Sir, what would be the topic of your first tour
Around the country?
And I answered: Of course the state of whore houses & their conditions

AH Danesh
Copyright ©2007 A.H. Danesh

Jeesh Daram

مرگ بر انگلیس پس چی شد؟

Jeesh Daram

ملاحظه میفرمائید که وقتی در آن مقاله عرض کردم که تمام شعارها قبلاً در سفارت انگلیس تهیه شده و بعد دم در میدهند بدست مردم، حقیقتی است.
توجه فرمودید، که یکنفر جراًت نمیکند بگوید مرگ بر انگیس. وگرنه صحبت سر بودن با نبودن امام زمان نیست، صحبت سر آنستکه آن مملکت باید در سرماهای ده های آینده نفت اروپا را تاًمین کند، و این تنها با تشویق در جاهلیت مردم تاًمین خواهد گردید.
آمین یا رب العالمین:
ما که شما را جای بد نمیبریم!


این هم اصل مقاله:




..........Listen to this guy

by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

this guy is accompanied by even more guys. Important personalities from international public life are listening and learning from him.Please acknowledge the following:
Foreign Minister of China Yan Jiechi arrived in Tehran on Tuesday - it is today - at the invitation of his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki.
This is the first visit to Iran of Yan Jiechi after he took office in spring. of course one visits the best friends first.
Iran's Foreign Ministry has announced that the Chinese minister's visit to Iran is in line with the two capitals exchange of views on major political, regional and international issues. TOW CAPITAL EXCHANGE of VIEWS, know what that means?
As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China has always voiced its clear opposition to imposing unilateral sanctions against Iran. because otherwise ahmadinejad`s Help for china would be sanctioned, right? the worl needs iran. Iran needs undoubtedly the world minus the western world with cowboy manner.
Beijing has consistently stressed on finding a peaceful diplomatic solution to settle disputes over Iran's peaceful nuclear activities.
In coming norooze holidays celebrate the iranian nation the beginn of energie production in Bushehr. in the Nuclear plant there? Now is every body convinced and happy? Greeting

Darius Kadivar

Khomeiny Ey Imam REEDY Beh EEN GHIAM !

by Darius Kadivar on

He should look towards the moon for advice everyday ! ...


Ya Hazrate' Abbas

by Agha Mostafa (not verified) on

Khodavand Hame' Maha Ra Hefz Kone'. Az In Taraf Ahmadinejad, Az Oon Taraf In Bush Kos Khol. La Ellahe' Lallah


Bacheh Akhoond

by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

never the less: mr. President had conquered the devils. In next Noroozeholidays goes Busher on line. Energieproduktion you know. It would have been surprising if the President were not attaked so sharply in these days. However in "IRANIAN" is nothing sacred. and it is good so. Greeting.


Goats, Iran and other subjects

by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

I wounder how could "goats" make devils escape 1978/79 from Iran? However we know the myth of mother Goat and its three kitzes. she rescude them from Wolf and brouth them home again. that goat will be alive for ever in the Myth. These "Goats" - they are 70 Milloins on number - goats will exist permanently till reappearing of mahdi(s). If no mahdy exists so can the permanence of these "Goats" Inshalah never end. Most wolves are allready dead Thanks God. Greeting


A female donky?

by Faribors Maleknasri M. D. (not verified) on

did it helped? what you did with the female? Greeting



by Kamangir on

My goodness!


You find some of us Iranains on this picture

by * (not verified) on

You find some of us Iranians on this picture:




by Anonym (not verified) on




by Anonyed (not verified) on


........JUST REPUBLIC OF IRAN..............


We had a female donkey

by An Iran-Iraq War Veteran (not verified) on

that we used to spend a lot of time with! We used call it Imam Zaman.


To all the revolution supporters:-.......Iisten to this guy and

by The Fed Up Iranian (not verified) on

To all those who still believe in our glorious revolution:
Listen to this guy.......and learn your lessons.
There are a lot of people like Ahmadinejad in Iran who believe in this nonsense about Emam Zaman and a lot of these guys are in powerful positions in the government. Ahamadinejad's sort of mentality can easily lead Iran towards a destructive war and no matter what the result, Iran will not come out of it well.
What is more is that these guys couldn't care less about Iranian deaths. They may even look forward to the coming of Emam Zaman in the midst of this massive and bloody war.
And you revolutionaries and revolution supporters my friends, have a lot to answer for as you helped put these guys where they are now. Not me as I wasn't even around then.


Re: AhamghiFesaad and gang...

by jamshid on

Labor camps are waiting for this idiot and all those other idiots chanting alahao akbar in the video... Throught hard labor, they shall forcefully give back to Iranians what they took for 29 years.


Pure Mob in nature

by Islam is poison for Iran (not verified) on

This is fucking dark and savage Islam destroying Iran and everything Iranian. Islam is poison for Iran. Islam has only brought us misery.

To all Iranians: Stop Islamists before they completely genocide us Iranians and Iranian culture.


Khoda Shafash Bedeh:)

by Agha Mostafa (not verified) on

Vay, Vay, Vay. Inam Masalan Raiis Jomhoore' Ma :)


Bush attack on Mullahs because

by hajiagha on


بابا حان از نام شهید و حانباز تاکه سوع استفاده...من برادر شهید ر با لگد از بنیاد شهید بیرون کردن چون رفته بودم وامازدواح در خواست کنم...بنیاد حانبازان ا زمان هم دست رفیق دو ست دزد بود..و حبیبی....بابا بسه ما گوه خوردیم رفتیم حبهه شهید دادیم ......تا شما تو کا نادا قصر چند میلو نی بسازید و ما در عوض تو زیر زمین نمدار ...ویا آوره تو خیا بانها....


Billy goats, nannies and

by kid (not verified) on

Billy goats, nannies and kids!
(Father goats, mother goats and babay goats)
What a jamaa'at!!?
... but the truth be told I'd rather be with billy and co. any day, rather than with this...... "thing", a so-called human being!
Long live the Goats!

Darius Kadivar

Who wrote his speach Galloway ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Galloway is Right Ahmadinejad is not Hitler. He is a Goat.

Who writes this assholes speaches anyway ?? At least even that evil Hitler and his propaganda vizir Goebbels knew something about making speaches to galvanize masses.

Here you don't even see how many people are listening to his narrow minded speach.

And Jesus how ugly are the colors of the poster behind. And the flowers are so effeminate ( in the wrong way). I really never understood the lack of taste and bad use of colour under the Islamic Regime in Iran. Something is wrong with the aesthetics of the whole thing.

The Nazi's at least knew how to look good and attractive ( albeit an evil ideology ). One just has to look at the way Leni Riefensteil shot the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. It was so well orchestrated that it ironically became a reference for all Olympic Games Ceremonies since.

Who wants to see the Olympic Games held in Iran after seeing these Goats and the ugly posters and bad use of colour and a President who looks as if he is wearing a Pyjama ?!?

Pathetic !



I say Ya Imam Zaman every time:

by Me and Imam Zaman (not verified) on

1) I come out of the shower and look in the mirror admiring my massive Keer O Khayeh!

2) I am about to crank a massive goozz after consuming chello Kabob praying for my hemorrhoids not to pop out!?

3) I am taking a massive dump causing the problem in (2).

5)I am taking a piss hoping I don't splash all over the bathroom floor!

6) I read pro-Islamic Regime posts on Iranian.com and hence getting angery at the authors resulting in curses such as keer to koon Imam Zaman.

As you can see, Imam Zaman is very alive within me every day!


Ay Gofti...............

by parsua (not verified) on

Vaghean gol gofti. The people have become spineless. What is worse than your child being killed in front of you eyes? What will you have to live for after that? But They sit mesleh Bozghale! and wait for someone come from somewhere to save them.

Thank you for harfe Hagh