Ahmadinejad vs Goats

Presidents says his critics are goats

President Ahmadinejad says those who make fun of his messianic tales are dumber than goats. Also see related column by Ebrahim Nabavi and cartoon by Nikahang Kosar.


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by satanist (not verified) on

how do i feel, what do i say? fuck you and all goes away


Iranian people deserve no better than this jackass!

by farrad02 on

Any nation that sits silent and listens to this non-sense, deserves no better! 

I'm not Monday-morning quarterbacking here! I know the dangers of protest and action against these idiots in Iran. But there is SO MUCH that people can do to undermine this jack ass and his ruling faction!

But the youth of Iran have chosen to do NOTHING so far! Everyone is busy with kos, mashroob, pool va tariyak!

So, they deserve no better than this bastard!



by SSSS (not verified) on

iranian.com, please make a poll about who does/doesn't believe in Emam Zaman. I'm just intrigues, as I suppose many are, about do people actually believe in this stuff.


Comments are just as useless as speech

by Hamed Haeri (not verified) on

Sad to see great Iranian cretivity has been so belittled by such meaningless rather incoherent remarks by presumably educated people in the west. May I ask everyone to think before they write. What do we demonstrate by expressing our feeling in the most premitive rather rubbish phrases thinking this may somehow have some constructive effect? When we make these comments then we are closing ourselves to any and all senses that brings hope into view. Please...


AhmadiNejad in the middle of his ArAr reembered his youth where

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

he had sex with Boozghaleh and Sheep.


God protect my country and my compatriots

by Nikkhah (not verified) on

I can´t blieve it is that my country are they iranian? What has been changed did I mess something!
I am so depressed and sad beause I can´t see it rather change it so god protect my country and my compatriots. I am damned raher we are damned to
watch it and we have not earned to be united...


Imam Zaman & Boozghaleh... :-)

by Boozghaleh (not verified) on

Mr. President,
Like yourself, Your analogy is pretty retarded !
After all, Boozghaleh (Baby goat) is a much smarter animal in finding the right path than a sheep! All mountain guides and shepherds are aware of this fact... Only a Goosfand (sheep)like you & your followers are the one who are lost on any path in this world...
Mr President,
On one hand, You are demanding Peaceful Nuclear Energy for IRAN based on aspiration of acquiring modern science & information, On the other hand, You believe in a retarded religious MYTH of Imam Zaman ?
Are you a Retard or a serious Psycho?
In either case, You are a very dangerous person to any peaceful society & to the world security...

You & your die hard followers must & will be chained very soon, GOD WILLINGLY (InshaAllah)... MARK MY WORDS ANTARI...



by Anonymous69 (not verified) on



Imam Zaman...

by ahvazi on


You know Imam Zaman is coming when a "donkey" insults the "baby-goats"!!!!