Iranian go-go dancer

Southern California



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by random notes (not verified) on

Fully agree with "your brother".

This is not about so-called "independence" or freedom

of "self-expression". It is about making the right

choices for a good life for her, and avoiding mistakes

that would resrict her freedom of choice in her

future, and cause irreversible losses and damages.

This is not "preaching". This is the genuine concern

of her "hamvatans" for her future.

As for "Mohammad Kazerouni", he is an immoral lowlife

who obviously exploited, used and helped to misguide

this naive young woman, in order to promote himself

and his career. He can be sure that this was a

totally counterproductive move, and will have very adverse consequences for him in his "future".


colonel feeling sad for atefeh

by s.h. (not verified) on

what if atefeh had said "shah was a moron". would you have felt bad for her death? or would you talk to her like all the other women/men on this site. you're a laat. don't even bring up atefeh. you dont care about atefehs, you care about your own good, otherwise you wouldn't come on here and bash people and talk about having a "successful business". laat and nothing more. i dont care if you're 80 or 18, your'e a laat and you don't make me proud to be iranian, but i'm sure it doesn't matter to you what others think of you, because you're genius of your laat world


For Atefeh

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

Rosie, I never had the heart to watch the Youtube video on Atefeh but the following is for her killers, there was no way I could have translated it, hope your Persian is good enough


هم مـــــــرگ بر جهان شما نيزبگذرد
هم رونق زمان شمــــــــــــا نيز بگذرد
واين بوم محنت از پی آن تا کند خراب
بـــــر دولت آشيان شما نيز بگذرد
باد خــــــــــــــــزان نکبت ايام، ناگهان
بــــــر باغ وبوستان شما نيز بگذرد
چون داد عادلان به جهان در بقا نکرد
بيداد ظالمــــــــان شما نيز بگذرد
در مملکت چو غرش شيران گذشت و رفت
اين عوعوی ســـگان شما نيز بگذرد
بادی که در زمانه بسی شمع ها بکشت
هم بــــر چراغدان شما نيز بگذرد
زين کاروانسرای بسی کاروان گذشت
ناچــــــــار کاروان شما نيز بگذرد
بر تير جورتان ز تحمــــــــل سپر کنيم
تا سختــــــــی کمان شما نيز بگذرد
آنکس که اسب داشت غبارش فرو نشست
گــــــــرد سم خران شما نيز بگذرد


Kaveh is cheating.... :D

by Rosie T. (not verified) on

or I'm hallucinating....Kaveh, didn't you just move your post up to the top? I could swear I read about the dignity and belly-dancing before. Must be one of the benefits of signing in as a registered user, you get to fiddle around with your posts? I've been too lazy to bother signing in so I don't know, but I am puzzled. Did you do it so that it would be on top and more people would get to read it or was it to add in the paragraph about her boyfriend being a douchebag? If the latter, why didn't you just send in a new post, if the former, I call a foul. I request Atefeh to have her five minutes near the top. She got hanged for exposing herself and she didn't even have to shake her booty. All she did was take off her scarf.
Level playing field,


Go Go Dancing is Not Stripping

by SO What (not verified) on

lol.. this is some good conversation...

just a quick note... go go dancing is not stripping... I think some people here might be getting the wrong idea...

yes this girl dances in skimply clothes... probably wearing almost nothing... but she's not naked... not sure if that even makes a difference...but wanted to make sure u guys knew...

but my thoughts...I think it's great that we got to see this... not all people, Iranians, included become doctors or lawyers... and I think it's great that whoever is behind brings "controversial" issues up... i've never seen iranians actually produce these kind of shows... so keep it up guys...

first the persian homeless, now this...

The one thing I took away from this is that Iranians are not all doctors and lawyers...and whether we agree with her choice, the girl is doing what she likes and wants...

at the very minimum... we now know there are persian dancers in clubs...

I guess maybe what ticks people off is that maybe as Iranians we're not used to seing these sorts of things... but then we also "don't have homosexuals in Iran"...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are millions of Iranians worldwide, inside and outside of Iran, is it really that far fetched to believe that not all of them want to be mohandeses, doctors and lawyers...

and yes, maybe her choice is not one that many of us would take...but SOOO WHAT...
no sweat of my back... she hasn't affected me... and last time i went to a club, I was concentrating on the girls at the club, and not the dancer on the stage...


Kaveh has good points

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

I say we fuck up the boyfriend, we all seem to agree on the fact that the bf is a scumbag loser.

Let's rough him up, any one knows him? I will personally finance the hit.


I don't know this girl

by Shazdeh Khanoom (not verified) on

I don't know this girl personally but as a woman and a wife , I have been raised and expected to pursue education, family values, and decency. I would never allow myself to judge this girl and I totally respect her because she might be a nice girl after all. If I had a daughter like her, I would have loved and supported her regardless of the profession she chooses for herself and I am sure that many families are like this. Doorood



by Rosie T. (not verified) on

Areh, hemayat mikonam!
Colonel, Atefeh wasn't retarded, she just grew up kind of wild because her mother died when she was very young and her father became a junky after that. She basically had no supervision and was marginalized in her town. She had a lot of psychological problems, but she wasn't retarded. The judge condemned her to death because she took off her rusar and threw it at him in the courtroom. She was very high-spirited--like you!

Here's a link to a video:





by Anonymous1980 (not verified) on

this girl is a typical o.c persian girl. doesn't care about anyone other than herself. heaven forbid, what would happen if her bf broke up with her?? where would she sleep at night??

merryam, as u like to call yourself, do whatever u want to do, but i am sure you knew how people were going to react for the most part by choosing to make this video of a "day in the life of merryam." HAHA

if you wanted more attention you got it. you seem like one who loves attention and craves it. that's why you're a go go dancer isn't it? i mean you said so yourself, when you said ur bf won't watch u dance, but EVERYONE else at the club has their eyes all over you! LOL

to be honest, when i opened up and i saw the thumbnail that said go go dancer, and there was a side shot of this person, i swear at first look i thought it was a guy. possibly a transvestite...then i saw the video.


Also, This one it is serious

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

In all honesty,


I would rather see Iranian girls become strippers on their own free will than commiting suicide because they were raped by Iranian Police ((this young doctor in Hamedan) or getting hung by the judge who raped her ((The case of the retard girl Atefeh)) and so on........


Now that I am thinking about it, it makes me mad, go Maryam, shake that ass all you want, your sisters in Iran are second rated citizens. Shake it untill every motherfucking muslim beard has fallen off!!!

Who is with Maryam, who is motherfucking with Maryam???


It is her Life

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

It is her life, peroid.

It has been many years, but correct me if I am wrong, Go Go dancers are strippers right?


I think most parents would want class, education, prestige, culture,decency,etc for their children. As Iranians we want that for our children twice as every one else. God, we tear ourselves new assholes so that our children will become doctors, lawyars..... and they usually do become doctors and lawyers and once in a while they become strippers and we become ashamed.


I think even for example an Irish family would n't be too happy if their daughters dropped out of the law school and became a stripper. But then again the shame for us is twice as others.



It is her life, the world needs stripper as it needs astronauts. I would n't want my daughter to turn out like that, I would n't want my son to marry a stripper, and I do know how to bring a child up so they won't turn out like that.

As for judging, I won't judge her, I hope she will be happy and healthy, generally bar girls and strippers will live unhealthy lives.


But, I do judge the boy friend, the guy is obvouisly a low life peice of shit, and don't make me laugh with that supporting shit, he supports her cuz she sucks his dick, God look at his nose job, his tattoos and his picking up techniques, it screams low life. I piss on Iranian men like that, even the half breed ones.


OK, guys, this what we all want, we all would like to bone her but we would not want her to be our wives, daughters, mothers, or sisters right? LOL. It is not just us, it is other guys too.It is a guy thing.


now, I am going to finish this one nice and clean cuz I know Rosie is reading and I promised her to be a little good boy.



If I were her I'd rethink my

by Anonymous-sis (not verified) on

If I were her I'd rethink my priorities once more....
I know you've already got one set of parents and you don't want to hear anyone preaching...
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, all I'm doing is trying to make you see a future which could lead to ... a somewhat nasty place if things go the way it goes for the average or even above average go-go dancer!
My sweet girl,
some years ago the younger sister of a friend went along those lines... let me tell you the "picture" ain't pretty these days!
"Girls just wanna have fun" doesn't work in the long run!


She is an examplar of

by open minded (not verified) on

She is an examplar of Iranian morality, ethics, virginity and culture living abroad.
Dear Nazi (I don't know your name), you did a very good thing to leave your scoundrel parents who forced you to study stupid law texts and spend your precious times in degrading centers called colleges or universities, to become someone honourable and sangin in an 'unknown' future.

What about here and now? Why should you give a damn to the obscure tomorrow where you can make money and love now, enjoy your youth by dancing ninash nash for many worthy and honourable gentlemen in high esteemed cultural centers called bars and discos!

Shake it dear daughter and break it hard, strip it wide open and let them enjoy your unlimited talents and elevated manners.

I just wish all other of our young girls and daughters viewing this page to follow your sublime path towards manifesting hidden talents and latent spirituality of our honourable ancient persian race.

I wish your scoundrel immoral parents would learn a lesson by coming in a night, unknown and disguised to a bar where your are shaking it, breaking it and stripping it, and see with their own stupid eyes that all their efforts for raising you and educating you have not been in vain!
Long live persian spirituality!
Down with scoundrel, ungrateful parents!



by your brother (not verified) on

and for all of you, that are defending this girls choices and saying she is "so called brave enough to choose her own path"... well bravo.

yes, dancing is fine and so is teaching it,but is go-go dancing or using ones body to in a sexually seductive way to make money ok???don't you people have any bounderies??? oh, yeah,we are in america now,so hey we are free to do anything we want because WE ARE FREE... (WHAT A JOKE)

Why do todays youths paths always end up in what most normal people view as "white trash path" or " black trash path"

ok if she didn't want to follow the path her parents had set for her to have a bright future as a doctor or lawyer or something like that , then why wasn't the other option some other respectable paths, such as a composer or musician or helping the poor, or the orphans or things like that???

why, why are we always defending the poor choices that young people if we are all brain washed into believing anything goes.... WHY IS NOTHING A POOR CHOICE? WHY? today go go dancing tomorrow being a hooker.

no one ever wakes up one day and say I'm going to be a coke snorting, AIDS infested , single mother of 4 living in a motel with a crackhead boyfriend who beats me. these thing happen gradually ONE STEP AT A TIME INTO A DEEP DARK HOLE OF WASTED LIFE. life that it's lot, lot easier to get into that out of........

and hey Mohammad (guy who made the tape and put it on the net). I'm sure you are not going to be there when this girl crashes and burns one step at a time. BUT KNOW THIS .... YOU AND OTHERS WHO COULD BUT DIDN'T DISCOURAGE THIS GIRL FROM GOING DOWN THIS PATH ARE ALL GUILTY OF EITHER TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HER OR NOT HELPING HER.

oh, yeah, i know anyone that tries to talk about VALUES & DECENCY on this website will get crucified but, may peace be in all of your souls

Jeesh Daram

She is young and learning

by Jeesh Daram on

Not everyone finishes college at age 24. But she will someday.
I think if she continues to keep her head up and think straight she will find her right niche. For now teaching dance is a great way to earn her some money. Much better than many other jobs. It's an exercise for her as well.

The only concern I have for her and I hope she reads my comment is her second job and the second-hand smoke in those bars. That can destroy her lungs very fast, since she is dancing while inhaling. I hope they are tobacco-free clubs.
More importantly she should be quite concerned for her safety and security in those clubs, lots of weired people hang around go go clubs too.

The bottom line is that I hope she realizes being defiance to parents' wishes does not equate to self-actualization. It only means two less friends to consult with in life. Keep the communication channels open.

Best wishes to her she sounds like a real nice person.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

First of all, I'm not preaching, I'm sharing my observation......what I took from this personally.



This girl is certainly entitled to embark on any path she chooses. I am no one to stop her or stand in her way, nor would I ever place myself in such a position.



Point out where I said she should not be valued. I never said that at all. I do wonder about how she values herself. I truly doubt that she does. In her own words, she says she dances half-naked. She's not doing it for charity. She does it for money. It's not a criminal act, but is it dignified? Is that the only way for her to dance and make money? If she were to be offered more money at another club, which would require even less clothing, or no clothing for that matter, and she took the job, is that an indication of my values or hers? My values aren't the issue, and neither are yours, or anyone else's. But if you think for a second that her parents left Iran for a better life and opportunity for themselves and their children, just so their daughter can have the freedom of choice to dance in a go-go bar, then you're all alone. Freedom comes with responsibility and accountability, whether you like it or not. 




She hasn't strayed from the culture? Show me how go-go dancing has any relationship to our culture. Who do you think dances at these clubs, besides Mariam? Girls dance at these places because they think so little of themselves that they think this is all they can do. How many schoolgirls do you know who say, "Mommy! Mommy! I want to be a go-go dancer when I grow up." They all have some kind of self-esteem and self-respect issue.



Teaching belly-dancing? Nothing wrong with that at all. Wanting to open her own dance studio? Bravo, I wish her all the success in the world. We are not talking about norms, here. Nor are we talking about backwards Iranian thinking. Show me any culture anywhere in the world with the norm being parents wanting their daughters to be go-go dancers, dancing half-naked for money. (again, her words and description, not mine).



In the dance classes where she is an instructor, she is paid for her talents and her ability to teach her students. At the go-go bar, she's paid to shake her ass. I almost forgot about the patrons. What do you think is their motivation for being there in the first place? Again, it's not illegal, but show me someone who wants that for their child.



As far as her boyfriend, he's an outright douchebag. Nothing more can be said about him. If this were my daughter, I'd get rid of that loser and make it look like an accident.



There are many of us who are here in this country because our parents wanted for us to have it better than they did. And while this country may not be the best place on earth, it was the best and sometimes ONLY opportunity many of our parents had to make sure we didn't grow up under the thumbs of those worthless mollahs back home. Maybe my sense of obligation, respect and honor to my parents for the sacrifices they made for me differs from yours.


PS To those concerned...

by Rosie T. (not verified) on

about the young lady's psychological problems, I suggest Dr. Farhang Holakuee. I am sure you can get help there. :D

"On the sword of one's sorrow one must dance."

Mohammad Kazerouni

I love all you people who comment

by Mohammad Kazerouni on

I must say that I always love watching our clips on, it always helps me appreciate the respect we, as Iranians, have for other human beings...

First... I'd like to add that I was the man behind the camera on this clip and it was the first project I worked on for Second, I have to add that this was probably one of the most honest pieces that I've worked on and it truly brings the word "reality" to reality tv.

I asked Maryam if she wanted to do the profile for because as a fellow Law Student it did surprise me that she chose to dance instead of finish school... YES SHE DID REALLY GO TO LAW SCHOOL... so for those of you below who like to pass judgment and assume that she is dumb or uneducated think otherwise... Not only did I know Maryam at UC Irvine, where she finished but I also knew Maryam when she attended law school...

Moving right along, Maryam was, in my view very brave and honest in sharing with us her story and her passion for dance.... She was very well aware of the ridicule she would face by people who did not understand her passion nor appreciate her individuality; nevertheless she went along and did the show...

It is always easier to criticize and ridicule others for "poor" choices they have made (according to your own standards) rather then applauding individuals in following their dreams...

At the end of the day, she is honest with herself, and honest with all of you about who she is and what she wants to do...

Now...on a lighter note... I would love to do my next story on all of you... yes YOU... the Iranians on the net, with your many insightfull opinions...if anyone has any ideas please let me know... I'm looking to rent out a venue...and invite all of you to come and join me infront of a camera to share your wholesome lives with others on the net...

Do email me at (yes... I'm also a lost soul... i've opted for the name mike and sold myself and my Iranian heritage away because my given name mohammad is used interchangebly with my Amricai name Mike... actually it's Seyed Mike... but I digress) anyway... i'm looking forward to your many insightful emails about the troubled and backward Los Angeles Youth, or for that matter troubled second genereation Iranians worldwide... oh share



by random notes (not verified) on

Some obvious points:

1. She is very angry/resentful toward her parents/
family: Poor communications, misunderstandings.

2. She is confused.

3. Has low self-esteem and is depressed.

4. Needs a lot of support and caring fom good
friends and responsible family members.

5. Needs professional psychological counselling.
Let's hope she gets the help and support she



by anon (not verified) on

Kaveh is an interesting guy. He preaches about values - we should value shah, but asks us not to value a woman who wants to choose her own path that is different than others. you have the makings of a future dictator of a third world country.

she teaches a class where people sign up by the dozens to come learn her talent. They pay her for her talent. are they bad too? She hasn't strayed from the culture - she is openly protesting the backward Iranian thinking that we have to follow certain norms to be accepted.

She's probably happier because of this "180 degrees change", eventhough people like you, who she would probably not give the time to think she's not worthy.


Stat Doc

by Rosie T. (not verified) on

Stat Doc, Are you sure you don't think she's ugly because she had the good sense not to chop off her gorgeous Persian nose like most Iranian girls these days, whether in LA or Tehran?
Have fun with your ratings, doctor. And consider becoming a plastic surgeon. You can make lots of money cutting up women to conform to your criteria.
See you under the knife,


look inside yourself for

by be positive! (not verified) on

look inside yourself for some substance.

the young lady is just fine but are you?
find peace with yourself and leave people choose what
they want. after all God gave us free will, use it to improve yourself!


Who am "I" to judge "Her"?!!

by Sophia not L (not verified) on

Who am "I" to judge "Her"?!!


Not my desired way of

by junior j (not verified) on

Not my desired way of life(im about her age)....... but to each her own!
i cannot judge her. I cannot look down on her. i cannot dislike her.
thats her choice, her prerogative as a human being and a free citizen.
she could be the greatest person w/the best heart, ever!


Jumping to opinion

by hra (not verified) on

It is sad that so many of us jump to form an opinion about someone when only we saw less than 10 minutes of the whole story ... She is a person no matter what we think of the poor choice she has made in her life of career ... all I can say is I am glad she is NOT my daughter.

Kaveh Nouraee

What Can You Say?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I don't know this girl or her family, nor does it makes a difference.



If she prefers go-go dancing in a bar to law school, then perhaps she's lacking the maturity to fully realize the ramifications of her choices. I don't know of any Iranian parents who would fully support (or even partially support) their child's poor choices, so I am wondering how things truly are with her family. I think there is more than what she is letting on, and none of it good. It's sad that there are some people that want to assimilate into American culture so deperately, they rid themselves of every shred of their identity and the customs and values with which they were raised, to go 180 degrees in the opposite direction, lowering themselves to do, I'm sorry to say, as white trash trailer park sluts do. This girl may not be one at all, but why invite the comparison by following a similar path?


Pay attention to how she pronounces her own name at the end. Her name is Mariam Moghaddam and she pronounces it "merryum magottem". Leads me to believe she is ashamed of her background.



Personally, if I were dating a girl in that line of work, I wouldn't watch either. I'd dump her. Don't get me wrong. There's absolutely nothing wrong with dancing, or teaching dance. But to, as she said her own words, "dance half-naked" for money, that's another matter entirely. That's just not the kind of dokhtar Irooni any parents had in mind for their sons to be bringing home.


Fuck all those who do not tolerate other souls

by Punch From Woman (not verified) on

She is a person with different interest. Can you see her heart, passion, individuality, and interest? If don't, this is what I have for you. You are a big fucking idiot backward asshole.

Fuck all those who do not tolerate other souls


ugly go go dancer

by statdoc (not verified) on

wuf, wuf...

wow, could this girl be any uglier. but at least her body rates 5 or a 6.


iranian slut dancer

by razz22 (not verified) on

Wow, what can say about this girl.... i have nothing nice to say about this disgrace to Iranian society.
and i hardy doubt if this person finished high school never mind college or law school (give me a break....)you can see that in the way she talks.
every loose chick who is unable to do anything with their mind, starts to sell her body and then she says, oh yea ..... this is what i always wanted to do... as every little child growing up , says to herself , i want to grow up to be a slut. NO, the reason she is doing this is because of low set of moral standard that her parents brought her up with.

i know this little slut is immune to any insult that is thrown at her. so no point to it. just suffice it to say that she bring shame and disgrace to her family.

and don't get me started on that looser guy she calls boyfriend with that looser tattoo.


Brave Girl

by Nazanin (not verified) on

It was brave of her to be filmed and tell her life story like this. I think the it's interesting to hear young women complain about the same social problems in cali and tehran.... particularly the needless/unwelcome judgements. Personally, I commend her for following her passion and working to be independent.