Sheila Vossough

Stand-up comic

Sheila Vossough's bit on Iranian men during her stand-up comedy debut at's Winter Solh Festival at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, Dec 7 2007 >>>PHOTOS


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by Sasha on

 "Be  slow to fall into friendships, but when you are in, continue firm and constant."





Sasha and Rosie T.

by Anonymous? (not verified) on

Seize fire. I quite! This is non-issue, just couple of things:

  • Roise T, what is this "Azeri issue", if it is the latest fashion design, my honey hasn’t spend any money on it. I let him know that he can buy it in United Nation store :)

  • Dear Sasha, I am really getting to like your writing. Very pretty. Up to now I was thinking that men are only machine object to make money for the honey to have a lavish life. You see my hobby has kept me so blind that I even don’t know where to buy that intellectual and academic thing. See all my life this honey of mine was teaching me infinity is equal to zero, so I thought, it is more beautiful to say to power of infinity instead of zero. One more thing, my honey told me in corporate America when professional ladies are talking about their honey, they call him hobby, so I am using that word for my honey. :)

Finally: you are good! see you around! :)

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

I don't recall having had any previous direct experience with Azarin until this thread.  You have but I haven't.  So I just want to focus on the issue at hand for now, that is the impending execution.


Rosie T. I know.........:o(

by Sasha on


 I know she is in pain but she is an educated woman and there are better ways of dealing with it.  Just like she mentioned our names here, she could have done the same back on the Islam blog or another blog without being hostile. We both would have been more than willing to help in any way we could.


I personally think that it is wrong to execute a young child. I am against the death penalty. There have been too many cases in which innocent people have been falsely accused, not received a fair trial and then executed.






Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Having just posted that "thing" below, which I'll leave as is, I realized in some sense it's all bs. The woman is in PAIN, a child related to a friend is about to be executed. What CAN we really do? Azarin, I'll send you my contacts privately. If you don't get them because of problems with the website, and you want them, let me know here. Robin

Rosie T.

To all and to Azarin..

by Rosie T. on

Thanks to those who wrote supportive comments.  I have to address Azarin specifically.

Actually, Azarin, when I answered the anonymous poster below, I'd intended to tell her to look at the photo near this one on the comedienne and read about Ali and question why she was wasting her time on non-issues when so many important things were right under her nose.  But by the time I got to reply, Ali's photoas Iranian of the Day  was gone.  So I mentioned the Azeri issue instead, and the mention was ironic as indeed was the whole post I wrote.  I don't consider the Azeri issue to be of primary importance; it came up in Abermard's blog and I stated there that it was a secondary issue in comparison to others which are destroying the country. But the use of the LANGUAGE surrounding it is NOT a secondary issue.

On this website all we have is language and language can often divide rather than unify.  The same problems that cause discord in the Azeri arena will appear everywhere.  Language must always be a primary concern, and on sensitive issues there should be a consensus of terminology within the community. 

What are the "real problems", the "immediate problems"?  Ali's death is a far more immediate problem than most, but it requires a two-pronged approach.  On the one hand it requires people like you to constantly remind the posters of the gravity of the REAL issues and on the other hand it requires people like me who try to make them scrutinize language (again, it's all we have) to be able to find common ground.  No common ground, no unity, no action is possible.  If I can get a certain group of people to see they're arguing over NOTHING and the confusion has to do with two separate uses of the word "nation": so that non-Azeris won't think certain Azeris are separatist because they used this word to mean "Azeri PEOPLE," while these same Azeris should avoid using that word nation in future except to refer to Iran, perhaps they'll stop bickering and have the TIME and the SPACE to face the most urgent issues.

If I just come out and say Ali, Ali, or Atafeh, Atafeh (I've done it, believe me) often all I get back is "Shahis" accusing "Akhoond Apologists" for these murders (Look what your IRI does..cry the Shahis), and vice verse (Look what YOU did to force the creation of this IRI...cries the "left").  See?
So a two-pronged approach is really necessary.  In any case, I'll try to mention the urgent issues more often in my postings, but my postings willl continue to point out language problems and spurious concepts that are causing discord,.  I'll see how it works. You keep posting about the hangings and I'll mention them more often within my usual framework.

I can also promise you you'll continue to find me on  silly blogs about stand-up comics, and grinches, and "quizzes", and so on, because like Sasha, I too need a breather.  But if you check out the last quiz on USO and read up the thread, you can see where this "breather" often takes me....and I go there whenever I have to and I don't care whether it was supposed to be "fun" or not...

Finally the reason I post as much as I do is that I have a job that gives me a lot of free time and also I'm hyperverbal, so I'm a very fast thinker and typist.  But I certainly DON'T post everywhere...if I even read 20% of what's on this site let alone post on it, that's a lot... So given that the actual number of my posts is quite finite, perhaps you could've tracked me a little before mischaractering them.  I have written SO much on human rights issues in Iran, written about them until my fingers were falling off.  I understand you're under an enormous amount of stress, Azarin, because Ali's execution is so PERSONAL to you.  Please don't take it out on Sasha and me. Take care of yourself, the next few days are not going to be easy.

PS  Why did everybody assume I have no Iranian man in my life when  said I'm doing "field work"? 


Salam Ariana joon

by Anonymous2 (not verified) on

Salam Ariana joon. Feker mikoonam kheyli khoob javabe in khanooma ra dadi. Aghlesh nemiresse. To raast migi. Asslan nemishe. Kheyli funny hast ke kassi in harf haro mizaneh.
Asslan nemishe. Shayad ma bekhahim do research royeh all aghayoon such as kharagi, irani, faransavi, almani.. who is she, ke begge don’t research, I have the patent! kheyli khoob javab dadi.
Raast meggi. "to power of binahayat" yanie che, in besavaad maloomeh has no education. Faghat, ye cheese ra mistake kardi. You know in iran vaghti we feel close to someone, we make the name khoochoolo. Therefore it is not that bad ke esmaro khoochoolo karde. Shayad khodesh ham doesen’t know ke be in two ladies feeling close. Anyhow tu beeshtareesh ra rastmeggi. Felan khodahafez Arian joon.


Nazanin G. read my mind :o)

by Sasha on

 Actually my next blog is on the Salad bowl phenomena you mentioned. How eerie, you read my mind.  It is just taking me longer to write. I am doing some research on the subject to do a good blog.

On the Iranian men blog:

It might take a year to complete the research on the "Iranian man." :o) After all they are very unique. Ha ha ha





blog on Iranian men

by Nazanin G. (not verified) on

Dear Sasha,

You have a very sweet way of writing the material. I have read couple of your writings. Although in your assimilation blog you are not making any reference to salad bar phenomena, but still it is sweet. I love to see your blog on Iranian men. Please keep this in mind; I am sure you can use the discussion for your final paper! :)


Nazanin G. ..........Thanks!!!! :o)

by Sasha on

 We will be sure to let you know our conclusions when we complete our research. Hey! Maybe I can one day talk Rosie T. into writing an article or blog on the findings. Ha ha ha  She is a much better writer than I.


I must say I like your short and sweet comments. I am also working on my debating and longer post writing on this website. Taking it one day at a time.


Best wishes :o)








Dear Rosie and Sasha

by Nazanin G. (not verified) on

Dear ladies,

Please continue your effort for enlightening Iranian community on different aspect of life. I am looking forward to see the conclusion of your research on Iranian men.
With all do respect, this lady "Anonymous?" is out of touch with the reality by telling us to look at the Iranian men as a gift of God. I am getting the feeling, she is one of the dolly dolly superficial Iranian women who spend her whole day in the shopping mall, or kitchen, and then in front of mirror for entertaining her honey bunny. In return she gets that bogus compliment of being "Independent in Thought", and "Logical". Let’s people live in their own fiction world!


Dear Azarin

by Sasha on

 I just love it how civilized people always begin with the Dear for the purpose of civilities before they guilt you or show you their self righteous indignation. Now, remember you are the one who calls out my name and I simply respond due to civilities of course. :o)


Now, I really do mean the following and I am not trying to be a smart ass about it. I do admire your work in trying to inform people about the atrocities being committed in Iran, in where you are guilty until proven innocent and your chances of getting a fair trial are almost zero. I at least know about this because my parents left such a country so that their children may have better opportunities.



 Now, to the next subject you stated "But it is not very easy to add so many comments, considering my full time job and my other writings and my kids and my house chores, etc."


Thank you for sharing how limited your time is and what a great sacrifice you make but if I recall correctly you mentioned in one of Niki's blogs that you rather pay someone to take care of some of your motherly responsibilities and house hold chores so that you can be free to be a career woman. Personally, I don't care. It is your life and as women we are empowered to do and be who we want.  We all have the right to do and be who we want.


You also stated: "You are everywhere."

It is not humanly or logistically possible for Rosie T. and I to be every where, so we make it count. We only focus on things of interest, important to us or that we are truly passionate about. Some times we go to places on the website that will let us have a few moments of joy and blow of some steam. Like this thread for instance, until people who can't take a joke or are too anal began to attack us. Stuff does not have to be so serious all the time. Don't you get tired of being lady like and proper 24/7 for 365 days out of the year. I know I sure do? I want to have a little fun from time to time. It helps keep one sane in an unsane world.


Azarin:  "If I had your talents, I would have already added comments on every article, even twice. So more readers would feel concerned about Ali and his ordeal, but I don't have your energy or your kind of time. I don't have your perseverance and your courage. I can't take insults and i'm afraid of being so visible. So all I can do is to wish."


Sasha: When something as important as the life of another Human being really matters to someone, you not only make the time but you  forget about being afraid of being visible and you will take all the insults they throw at you to defend their very last breathe. You know Azarin, I actually thought of contacting you about spreading the message to save the precious lives of all those you annnounce but the thing is you have issues about me. The very first time you contacted me was to attack me. Did it ever occur to you to reach out and just say "Welcome and actually mean it"? I too volunteer a great deal of my time to causes that I believe in: Women's shelter, codepink (They are anti-war and against human rights violations), Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation ( I have been training so that I can go on the road to places and speak about it; on my own time and dime), LULAC, etc.


I refuse to just wish any longer. I prefer to go out and do. By the way Iranian women and men are affected by domestic abuse and breast cancer. Unfortunatly, abuse and breast cancer do not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, political views, religious views and socioeconomic status.






Azarin Sadegh

Dear Rosie and Sasha

by Azarin Sadegh on

Hi ladies,


Since a few days I have been trying --so hard -- to add comments on all articles of to remind everyone about Ali Mahin Torabi and his possible execution this week.

It is the least I could do to help a friend and her nephew Ali, an innocent Iranian man. It is the least I can do to preserve my own sanity and self-respect.


But it is not very easy to add so many comments, considering my full time job and my other writings and my kids and my house chores, etc. I am amazed at the high number of comments you manage to add. How do you do it? You are everywhere. You comment on Iranain poetry and "Iran vs the world" Politics. On Iranian cuisine, on Iranian religion and about what is supposed to make Iranian laugh. You both come from different backgrounds and still you look the same; fearless opiniated women (and it is not really an Iranian kind of woman if in your studies you need to know more about them too.)


 If I had your talents, I would have already added comments on every article, even twice. So more readers would feel concerned about Ali and his ordeal, but I don't have your energy or your kind of time. I don't have your perseverance and your courage. I can't take insults and i'm afraid of being so visible. So all I can do is to wish.


I wish that you would have felt more passionate about real issues of Iranians (men and women). So maybe instead of studying different kinds of Iranian man, or the vision of a federal iran with a supposedly autonomous Azerbaijan, you would have written about Iran's human rights violations? About Soghra and Delara and Ali. Who knows? Ali Mahin Torabi could be that second type of Iranian man you are looking for...To study his kind, you need a real sample, an alive one.






Dear Annonymous

by Ariana N. (not verified) on

Now I think you're being, fascinating and god gift should not be used in one sentence! (unless you're writing a fiction!)
This is a quote from your post "they are not an area for you to study", I was wondering if you have patented all iranian men, and if you did how does it work? Do you allow iranian women to study iranian men, is it only prohibited for non-iranian women to study them or nobody can study the at all...cause i was doing a little studying of my own and i don't want to be sued! Talking about exploitation...

The other thing is that I understand the meaning of "to power of binahayat" and the other thing that I also understand is that either you both suck in math or neither of you understands the meaning of logic...cause honey the amount of logic in this post of yours is closer to power of zero!

And hell you're not representing me!
BTW what's with cutting on people names? Is it supposed to be insulting? It is annoying though!

Rosie T.

Exdellent, Anonymous?/Infinity,

by Rosie T. on

that you've volunteered your independent thought and logic.  It is sorely needed.

You see the problem is that various Iranians website-side are expressing the need to discuss the Azeri issue.  However there is a language problem which has been the seed of much misunderstanding.  It seems clear that the use of the word "Azeri NATION" must be rejected, since obviously Iran is the member NAITON of the United Nations, and this word polarizes people.  So what should we call, for purposes of the current discourse in English, the hypothetical entity of a semi-autonomous Azerbaijan within a FEDERAL NATION of Iran.  The world "republic" comes to mind, on the USSR model, but has serious problems when you think of for example the Federal REPUBLIC of Germany.  Same problem as with "nation."  See?

What are your thoughts on this matter? 


Anonymous? Actually...........

by Sasha on

 Actually we are very much different women and have uploaded our  photos for all to see. Sorry, to read that you consider  a man a hobby which  means he is only a pursuit or interest  in which you enagage in for relaxation. I on the contrary believe that a man is so much more than a hobby. He is someone that should be valued for who he is, and thinks. A man should not be valued for what he can give you financially.


According to my female Iranians friends  (which are many) you would be last woman on earth that they would select to represent them. They too believe that a man is more than just a dollar sign. If you were truly happy you would not be posting such toxic comments.


However, this is a country were Freedom of Speech exists. If you want to continue dwelling in your own toxic waste by all means feel free to do so. I on the other hand intend to pursue my intellectual and academic pursuits.






Sasha and Rosie T.

by Anonymous? (not verified) on

sash and roz, both of you or one in both!, tanks fur curectin my grammar! Listen to me, "INDEPENDENT THOUGHT", and "LOGIC" is my specialty. My hobby is sitting next to me and saying I have them to power of benahaayat! (If you can understand).

You see that is the first problem, lack of understanding Farsi. See my dear; I have done my research that is why my honey is sitting next to me. I am the representative of all Iranian women ( because I said so;) ). I also know Iranian men are fascinating, but and amma they are not an area for you to study. They are gifts of god to be appreciated. Have your freedom to maneuver here, back and forth until benahaayat, I promise yu wil bi heer for ever :)

Rosie T.

To Anonymous748567903598

by Rosie T. on

1)  Sasha and I wouldn't have our own "man" under any circumstances because we don't intend to have a menage a trois. If you want to insult someone, you SHOULD watch your grammar.  Makes the insult sharper and cleaner, you know. 

2)  Who is this "us" you claim is getting sick with you because of Sashan and me?  Is it the other 748567903597 anonymous posters on this website? Please be specific, list all names.

 3) Since you feel sick send me your address, and I will post you a barf bag directly.  (My contacts are on this website...see, Anonymous #Infinity?)

4) After you are done vomiting,  please read my post on the roots of discord due to ambiguities of terminology within Azeri political/cultural discourse (under Abermard)  and let me know your thoughts on the potential usefulness of the word "republic"

Warmest regards and get well soon,

Robin Jayne Goldsmith


Anonymous? You think this is sick?

by Sasha on

 You think  this is making you sick? You should read your own thinking:

Anonymous?: "do some research on your own man."


I have a News Flash for you dear. Men do not belong to anyone. Actually individuals do not belong to anyone. They are not an object to be owned. Individuals regardless of gender are not commodities and have the capacity to think for themselves which means they can make their own decisions. I know how shocking the ability of "INDEPENDENT THOUGHT" maybe to you but you will get over it.


Rosie T. and I just find the Iranian man a very fascinating area of study. :o)  So complaint all you want because dear we are NOT going anywhere. So, get used to it. Freedom of choice, thought and Happiness is the American dream or so they say it is. :o)





Rosie T. and Sasha

by Anonymous? (not verified) on

Please get back to your own roots and do some research on your own man. You two are making us sick!



by bored iranian dude (not verified) on

This joke has been said in every category of "man" from whites, to blacks to hispanics, its funny, but not original.


What? I need to know.............

by Sasha on

Rosie T. and I need to know what the second type of Iranian man is. We are conducting some very important research on the "Persian Male". Ha ha ha


You know Rosie every time we get closer to completing our research something like this happens. :o)







are she speack english?

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

what is the rung with this women she moving around and holding hard some things in her land like holding man?????

Rosie T.

Where is the sequel?

by Rosie T. on

I need to know what the second type of Iranian man is. For my anthropological linguistic field work on "The Persian Male."