Bill Maher on Sarah Palin

Opening monologue to HBO show


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I agree!

by Liza (not verified) on

I am one of the smart American Voters in Texas for that matter! I'll be casting my vote for Obama/Biden!!



by ch2801 (not verified) on

well he lost the Alaskans, the small town residents, the mothers, families with disabled children and teenagers who decide that they know better than momma. And the miss-leading eupharism---she is anti-pro-choice. Call it like it is. She is anti-baby murder.


That's damn funny! Only relief we get nowadays

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

Anyone seen her speech?
Out of cloud cuckhooland and I loved the introduction from McBush

She knows about mortgage worries.

Oh Whooooooppppppy , we really need an economic idiot as VP of hte most powerful country in the world.

Anyone and I mean anyone who will for the Republicans this time round, as far as I'm concerned is totally genetically/environmentally challenged.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The drug companies also stumbled upon the multiple benefits of aspirin. That's why we see Bayer aspirin advertised and packaged in several "formulas".

Rogaine and Propecia (the hair loss drugs) are actually repackaged blood pressure medications!! If you know any men with high blood pressure, chances are they have more body hair than some Iranians!!!

A friend of mine works in the pharmaceutical business gave me the scoop (his uncle happens to be a Democratic senator, no less LOL)...the stories he has will make you insane with rage as to why medicine is so damn expensive.

If they came across a cure for cancer and AIDS first, cures for everything else will quickly follow. I hope it is sooner, rather than later. 


Good one Kaveh. A fact I

by skatermom (not verified) on

Good one Kaveh. A fact I was not aware of. I had no idea that the drug companies stumbled on this. Wouldn't be great though if they can stumble on a drug that could cure cancer and aids.

Kaveh Nouraee

The Hard Answer

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Components of Viagra were already approved prior to it's marketing as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

These components were previously known to treat symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension, a potentially fatal condition. The drugs act to increase blood flow by dilating arteries.

During testing for these drugs many years ago, one of the side effects that kept "popping up" was the fact that many men starting complaining that their pants were fitting a bit too tight.

Just wanted to "insert" that fact into the thread.


Republicans and birth control

by Anonymoushe (not verified) on

These pregnant teenagers are mostly from the fanatic republican families. you know the ones who don't talk to their kids about sex (or any other SIN), believe that birth control will send you to hell and damnation and are deadly against abortion too. The ones who'd rather kill the doctors and the nurses of a clinic than let some poor woman deal with the consequences of having been raped...

The open minded families don't end up with their kids pregnant as often because they talk to their kids about sex and allow them birth control.

Electing these two for the office will turn the times back into the dark ages. Expect more death, less tolerance, more teenage pregnancy, less money spent on education and health care... a royal mess!


Good one Skatermom

by IRANdokht on

McCain the "pro-feminism candidate" will advocate a man's right to sustain an erection yet not a woman's right to birth control.

yeah he's the "maverick" allright! what a load of....

What bugs me most is the women who advocate for this nonsense, like this ex- miss-beauty-queen! I wish Bill Maher knew about this teenage pregnancy at the time. I would have loved to hear what he had to say LOL


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

She cannot control her household so how can she be trusted with the country? Well, if anyone posed that same question with regards to Hillary Clinton (which they have,....repeatedly), it's treated as though it were some catastrophic faux-pas.

Typical partisan bull.....never holding yourself to the same standards you expect of others.

Maher needs new material...his crap is getting tired.



Here's another little tidbit

by skatermom (not verified) on

Here's another little tidbit to ponder,
Reuters reported "In July, McCain stammered when asked about an advisor's statement wondering why insurance plans cover Viagra but not women's contraception. The candidate paused and looked perturbed before saying he couldn't recall his position. When pressed, he replied: "I don't usually duck an issue, but I'll try to get back to you."
In other words McCain the "pro-feminism candidate" will advocate a man's right to sustain an erection yet not a woman's right to birth control.


her daughter getting knocked

by shirazie (not verified) on

too bad the news came too late for Bill. Her slutty daughter is getting Knocked up is a Republican family value.


One has to question the

by pooneh dokhtareh ashpazkhooneh (not verified) on

One has to question the sanity of a woman who chooses to have a 5th child, when she already has enough of both genders. Especially, if that child has a known disability for which there is a screening test. Especially, if the chances of having a child with DS is very high at her age. I have nothing against people with disabilities. My issue is with Sarah P.'s choices and total disregard for risk.
We are not our mothers' generation! As a competent woman, she should be setting a better example. I heard her 17 year old is an unwed and pregnant. If she can't control her household, why should we trust the country to her? Maybe if she doesn't go around acting like a human baby machine, she would have time for the children she already has.
She doesn't seem smart, competant or reliable.

Mola Nasredeen

How could a good, born again christian mother neglect her

by Mola Nasredeen on

duaghter so the daughter would have sex with a boy or an older man in a dark room or on a couch or on the backseat of a car (could have been front seat we don't know yet)?. Yes I am talking about Mrs Palin. The daughter and the man may have been drinking too. Now she is pregnant and that newborn baby is going to be a bastard already. That's 3 sins so far. Why? Because they fornicated without being husband and wife. 

Now, the question to ask is: what would Jesus do? I don't know but my spritual leader, Mash Mamad would have advised the daughter to become a seegheh to the man before fornication. Once again the superiority of Islam to born again evangelical christian faith has been proven. 

Why? Because no sin would've been commited if she was a seegheh. And the poor new born baby wouldn't be damned to end up in hell and would've had a chance of going to heaven. Vasalam.



by Foozoul (not verified) on

That's why mullahs have invented sigheh. Have fun as much as you can, and don't worry about the "headache" next morning. The low-IQ Americans like George the idiot, the "Dick" head, old Johnny fart, and this pretty cheer leader should learn from mullahs first before bombing them.


The IQ of the average American voter

by John on

Let's not forget that the IQ of the average American voter lies somewhere between zero and that of an intelligent lab rat.

They may yet elect the war-mongering, one-foot-in-the-grave McCain and his cynical choice for Veep, because they care more about the woman's alleged good looks than they do about her absolute unsuitablility for the job and about the blatant hypocrisy of the Republican party.

On Friday Palin was a paragon of family values and a squeaky clean candidate, but today she is a failed mother who will force her pregnant daughter into a marriage that will be destined for the divorce court in a couple of years.  That's a high price to pay for the honour of being elected.  How are she and the Republicans any different from the Mullahs?


I absolutely think that

by skatermom (not verified) on

I absolutely think that Maher's comment on the child with a developmental disorder were outrageous. That was certainly unforgivable. I am glad liberal pointed out the 17 year old pregnant daughter. I wonder when this kid started to become sexually active, 15 perhaps. My husband pointed out, that this is clear rebellion from being raised in a hyper conservative, religious family. If Palen truly is a "family values", hyper christian, feminist, her camp is touting her as being, then perhaps she would have been able to instill some of her values to her daughter. What feminist mother encourages a 17 year old kid to marry the man that impregnated her. That's just crazy. If Sarah Palen and her cohorts weren't trying to shut down all of the planned parenthoods in the nation. Palen junior and her stud would have had access to condoms and some pills.


I Love Bill

by sadroups (not verified) on

He is very funny. I liked him even more when he was on Larry King many months ago. He was saying the Americans should think twice before invading Iran because Iran is not Iraq. He must know some iranians personally because he was saying some real positve things about iranians.


Hey Right-wingers

by Anonymous Slap (not verified) on

You know Mc Cain’s choice of VP is truly dumb. Admit it and if you can try to do your damage control. If not, get lost.


News Goffer!

by samsam1111 on

 ""where he made fun of Sarah Palin's fifth child, the one with Dawn Syndrome. ""

I,m glad atleast some one other the  Arab Jehadists/reformists on this site is fair enough to point out this dude,s sexism & Sick-ism...


And her underage daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, oh my...

by Liberal (not verified) on

So are you telling me Ms Palin's good christian, all American, goody two shoes family is just like any other family? Just like the non-believers or the ghetto people? Another blunder by the McCain's camp.
McCain is a dinosaur in ideology and outlook about US and the world. His time has passed. It's brand new world with brand new problems and challenges and he just aint got it. It goes over his head. He just doesn't get it.


God save America!

by Scared (not verified) on

She has been selected just to get the votes of gun-loving, pro-life, religion-freak rednecks who don't care about anything and anyone in the world but their own flawed ideology. John MacCain himself is an ex-military redneck who is itching to retaliate his days in Vietnam by bombing others. He is so desperate for votes that picks any "good-looking" bait in the street as VP. Even getting a regular job at Wal-Mart requires at least a couple of interviews and background checks. Apparently, this lady has been hastily picked after their first meeting. For God's Sake, she is applying for the second highest job in the world (or even first if the old guy dies)!

John McCain has shown his incompetence many times in the past by his bad temperament, irresponsible comments, and now by this reckless judgment. He is a dangerous man not fit for running this country and the world. Eight years of war, bombings, killings, and misery is enough.

News Goffer

Bill Maher

by News Goffer on

I really like this guy. I think he is one of the most intelligent and funniest men in his business. There were so many great and new lines in his peresentation here. I absolutely loved the way he described the job requirements for a Vice President and the Vice President's job description. I was laughing my head off. Until it got to the end, where he made fun of Sarah Palin's fifth child, the one with Dawn Syndrome. Where did that come from?!! Such an approach does not even fit in the "politically in-correct" category Maher is known to sport. This one was really mean and uncalled for. For a man who can get so many laughs with just a few words, using this line was thoroughly out of line and cheap. I hope he doesn't do it anymore, because I really like him.


they want women's votes?

by IRANdokht on

The smart women, the independent women and the ones who can see through this nomination's agenda and the insult to women everywhere, will not be voting for McCain just because of her.

So the question is, between the 18 million cracks that hillary put in the glass ceiling how many of them were just doing so because they weren't smart enough. Sara Palin will have those votes. 



so funny and to the point

by Jaleho on

but missing three  points on reasons why Palin was selected:


1. The obvious. Assuming the American women to be so stupid that all those Hillary supporters now would switch to ANOTHER woman!They'd get the anti-black racist's vote of Hillary anyway, but they forget that Obama beat a white American just becasue he campaigned on an anti-war platform, Hillary was the WAR PRINCESS!


2.  Remember Dan Quayle? Young, good looking vice of another old Republican candidate who could get some of the women's vote?! These guys really  count on America's superficial values and they are right to a degree BUT only when the economy is tolerable, there's no major war and everything else is hunky dory.


3. The BIG OIL facor which in the US news is understated:



She is the best thing that

by nn (not verified) on

She is the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party - She is strong minded and can stand up to the men's club!!!!!!!!! Good Luck to her!


Ayat'Allah Khomayni, King Fahad and now Sarah Palin

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

Sarah Palin is America's Al-Qaedeh. She is opposed to women's right to choose. She is a member of the National Rifle Association. She is opposed to the Environment and wants to drill alaska. It's not the oil supply it's that there are not enough refineries. She is a complete idiot. She compares herself to Hillary Clinton. American's know Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton. Sarah Palin has been compared to Dan Quayle unfortunately, she is stupider than Dan Quayle. A vote for McCain and Sarah Palin is a vote for Usama. All freedom ends in America if the Republican ticket wins in November. Just like the Iran-Contra Affair, these Republicans say they won't bargain with terrorists and then they do back door deals.


Republicans are in disarray, how else can you explain their

by libral (not verified) on

choice for vice president? What a bunch losers these republicans are. Bill Maher is right on the money. This greedy destructive party has damaged us so much during the last 8 years. The "Idiot" leaves the office and they want to replace him with a dinosaur. And the dinosaur select an airhead for vice presidency. Unbeleivable Idiocy.


He is just another loser midget comic

by samsam1111 on


Looking for supremecy among the kings of Idiots. What a sexist low life. go ask Hugh Hefner to join his bimbo parties like You do all the time..Yuppie $hit!!


He's a genius. I couldn't

by skatermom (not verified) on

He's a genius. I couldn't wait until the new season started. Since when does land mass constitute a huge state. Governing moose and wayward polar bears do not qualify. Liberalism is a menthal disorder? There's something to it only if you have a penchant for winter fresh gum, scope and mojitos:)



by Liberal (not verified) on

Since when being married and having kids are criteria for being successful? Back to the stone age?