Bush pardon

Bush White House seeking immunity for possible war crimes

President Bush pushes a Bill giving himself and his White House retroactive immunity for possible war crimes since September 11, 2001!


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by concerned (not verified) on

The political system in this country is heading toward a black hole where all other empires and corrupt regimes in the world have fallen into throughout the history. When the voice of one person or one interest group becomes louder than the majority, it's the beginning of the end for democracy and freedom. It reminds me the corruption of the shah, mullahs, and other dictatorships around the world. We Iranians should know better than anyone else.



by tired (not verified) on

The winner and(the truth)is
comment by 8907.The system set-up
is amazing!


Oh They'll pay

by Houshang (not verified) on

Oh they'll pay. They'll pay when time comes, I have no doubt.

programmer craig

Media lies

by programmer craig on

Wow, this guy didn't do much editorializing, did he!?

I don't know what this Bill actually says (he didn't tell us he just gave us his "interpretation") but it's not what he claims. "War Crimes" can only be charged against the actual perpetrator. The individual who commits them. So, Administration officials are in no jeopardy of being charged with War Crimes. It would take a charge of "Crimes Against Humanity" to indict people who weren't directly involved.

This Bill probably grants immunity to interrogators at Gitmo and other US run prison camps, for vilating the Geneva Conventions when they believed the Geneva Conventions didn't apply.

As such, I oppose it. Military personnel are not supposed to follow orders that they believe to be unlawful. If they do, they should suffer the consequences. But it'd be a lot easier to produce outrage against this immunity if the CNN bastard had told the truth instead of trying to be funny and politically correct.


Administration & AIPAC are criminals. Put'em on trial!

by gol-dust on

This administration came to power through a civilian coup! They detroyed and bankrupted this beautiful country and killed innocent american soldiers along with millions of iraqi homes destroyed! you drive a car under the influence you go to jail, but doing all this, nothing will happen to them as long as they are shielded in the name of GOVERNMENT,as does Israel. Two criminals united to destroy the middle east! May they all go to hell!


Too bad Bush didn't bomb the Mullahs!?

by Anonymous"2 (not verified) on

I hope McCain will do 1t!


Clown show

by 8907 (not verified) on

What a clown show...?!