
Foozooli can kill

Militant killed chasing couple

Oh My God! Watch how this basiji -- Mahmoud Tofighian -- was killed while he was he was supposedly trying to "amr-e-be-maroof" and stop ilicit relations between a man and woman>>>


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You are right Bijan.  Not

by Anonymous4now on

You are right Bijan.  Not every killing is a murder.  There are killings in self defense, there are killings of enemy combatants, there are killings called crimes of passion, there are those cases referred to as instantaneous insanity, and then there are premeditated killings or murders.  If an intruder invaded your home and you killed the intruder, it would not be called a murder unless you sympathize with the intruder.  Clearly, there are those here, whose logic is fogged up by their deep sympathy for the Hezb of Allah.  Since all the facts are not available, it is hard to know how much of the responsibility lies with each of the parties here, but clearly the frustration of 30 years of tyranny has enraged people to the point of not fearing for their own lives and taking drastic action.  This poor sod may not have been that intrusive or that guilty but the animosity towards this regime and anyone who represents it, is driving people to extremes.  Tar o khoshk baa ham misoozan.

As others have mentioned, this I fear, is only the beginning of the healing process for the nation of Iran.    


Bijan AM

by MurderNotForHire (not verified) on

You say "If you continued your “zoorgoo-ee”, and I was man enough,".

What does that mean? That it is ok for those who "are not man enough" to encourage those who "are man enough" to kill? There is such a thing as an accessory you know.

Bijan A M

What is so hard to understand?

by Bijan A M on

You blind worshipers of velayate vaghih. Why do you try to twist the subject. For the last time I am going to say it so that a toddler would understand. If you still don’t get it, take it to your master “carpenter” to translate it for you.

If I had the balls, and you,  “the basijis”, came and harassed me, I will ignore you once. If you continued with your harassment I’ll “shoo” you and warn you not to bug me and leave me alone. If you continued your “zoorgoo-ee”, and I was man enough, I’ll hit you to stop your interference with my freedom and rights. My intent is not to kill. It is to protect my rights . If you die in the process, then you asked for it. It was not my intent to kill you.

Ask your “Hojattol-eslam Carpenter”, this does not fit the definition of murder. Is this first grader explanation enough for you to understand?

I am too old now, but, if I had enough courage to do whatever it takes to get my country back and bring democracy home, I would kill without hesitation if I see that’s the only way to freedom. And, my friends I wouldn’t call that MURDER.

I am not going to waste my time any more to dignify your nonsense with another response.

May god save our beloved land   


Bijam A M

by MurderNotForHire (not verified) on

Murder is murder. Will YOU do the same thing? Will YOU kill a basiji if you had a chance? How many basiji are YOU willing to kill if given a chance?


To Bijan A M

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Cut the nonsense, you are really embarrassing yourself. Not only you are justifying murder but you are also making absurd and ugly accusations against anyone who doesn't share your hateful and undemocratic views. When did anyone here approve of the killing of Bahais?! What gives you the right to make such accusations?! When are you going to learn the basic rules of civility in a public forum??

And killing a basiji on the street is not called "resistance" it is called murder. And it has NOTHING to do with the killing of American armed forces in Iraq at the time of war!


Hezbollahis should stop shaming Iranians.

by badhalvaasabani (not verified) on

You people are like disease. We moved here to get away from you but anywhere we go you are just there. I guess we should move to Mars. Too bad that's not possible.

Find your sigheh or wifey from and shoo. Go back to Iran and enshaallah someday you will join your brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia or wherever has the most fundamentalist and backward government that you guys crave for and leave Iranians alone.

Bijan A M

Ayatollah Ali1234,

by Bijan A M on

How can you without hesitation call this a murder, but killing of a Bhaii’ “amr-e beh maroof”? In your distorted logic, killing of a Mojahed or an Apostate (mortad) is not murder, it is savaab. But, when it comes to resisting oppression and standing up to the zoorgoo, you jump on your soap box and claim morality.


I bet that you don’t call killing of a young American serviceman in Iraq a murder. That is resistance, but standing up to a basiji to get him off your back is automatically a murder even if he dies accidentally and there was no intent to kill. No trial or hearing is needed.


If you had the decency to go over my comments objectively, you wouldn’t use the word “shame”. People like you, who blindly support the religious dictatorship, are the ones who bring shame to Iranian.


Stop justifying murder! You

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Stop justifying murder! You are shaming us!

Bijan A M

Tof-e sar baala…..

by Bijan A M on

Mr. Carpenter (or whatever your name is), with posting the kind of misleading and irrelevant response you just did, you spit on your own face (you know the expression very well).


If you had the decency to have read my earlier post on this thread, you wouldn’t go baalaay-e oon “menbar” and start “rozeh-khooni” with the knid of response you posted.


You have been on this site long enough for many to know your true allegiance to islamo-facsism under the leadership of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad. Therefore, you have no credibility in preaching morality.


May the right passages from Koran, bible, Torah,…..enlighten you and lead you to the path of  democracy  


Some people have it all wrong

by John Capeneter III (not verified) on

Bijan A M said:

"You piece of ?????.."
My reply: A piece of ?????.. can't argue a point.

Bijan A M said that the murder was a :
"a just reaction"

Can murder be justified?

The dictionary defines murder as:

1: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

see: //

And the Bible it is written in Exodus 20:13
"Thou shall not kill".

In the koran it is written in Surah 5:Ayah 32:
"...if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land- it would be as if he killed all mankind..."

This poor chap who was murdered did not deserve such a fate.

I have no family members who are religious shia muslim priests. I do not wear a shia muslim turban. And as I recall, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said at America's IVY League college Columbia University, "There are no homosexuals in Iran". And I walk normally.

All these wierd statements don't address the matter at hand.

The subject is the murder of an innocent individual in Iran for making a citizens arrest.

Deviating from that subject and making personal attacks which have no basis is absurd.

I wish you the best of luck in your next response. Until then, as they say in karaj, "Damet Garm".



by Antony (not verified) on

it is disgusting to see so many comments in support of this basiji pile of filth trying to persuade us to be gentle to our oppressors. Go F yourselves. This thug pile of filth deserved to die and we, as free Iranians, should rejoice this. A shipishoo enemy hezbollahi less, good riddance!


Not quite!

by Anonymous Azadi (not verified) on

Tyranny is deeply rooted in a great portion of the Iranian people.

True but it is a very small portion and they are all leaders and supporters of IRI or left-over islamic leftists waiting in line for their turn in iraq.

I did not justify this person's murder, rather merely explained it that indeed "tyranny has deep islamic roots" which discriminates against all sorts of groups, moslim and non-moslim, man and woman, mulla and mulla'ed. Or divide and conquer as brits understood quite well.


It is a sad day in Iranian Culture

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

Such an atrocity is hard to believe.

The crusades, the enslavement of blacks for 400 years in America, the killing of the native Americans for no reason, the killing of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and now this! the senseless killing of a bearded educated basiji... in "help me God, this village sucks" karaj. Where is justice? Where there is no justice, there is no peace.

Why can't you pervert Iranian couples go home and do your dirty deeds?


To Anonymous Azadi

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

I am sorry but your answers are just absurd.

If you were the judge in this case of murder or if you were a family member of this young man, would you accept this pure NONSENSE (justifying the murder by blaming it on the Arab invasion of 14 centuries ago!!) as the argument of defense of the murderer?!!!!!

The problem with Iran is not just the I.R! It is also all of the people like you who wouldn't hesitate to deny someone justice and justify his/her murder based on your own taste! The problem is that there is not just one Saeed Mortazav, there are millions of them, whether they pretend to be Muslim or secular, monarchists or republican, pro-despotism or pro-democracy...Tyranny is deeply rooted in a great portion of the Iranian people. And we can see the clear example here on


I was always annoyed and

by Khoshhal (not verified) on

I was always annoyed and puzzeled by the ad on this site. I always thought this is not us but it looks like I was wrong they are some customers for it.


Some clear answers...

by Anonymous Azadi (not verified) on

What does the Arab invasion of 14 centuries ago have anything to do with this MURDER case?!!

Everything! Arabs brought us "amre bemarouf va nahy az monkar" which motivated this guy to interfere into something unwelcoming which was none of his business and was punished for his misguided ideology. Had arabs not invaded iran 1400 years ago, this would have not happened for sure!!

What does prostitution, ... have anything to do with it?!!!

Islam brought us legalized prostitution (sigheh) where a mulla should authorize (read the sigheh) and get a cut on it monopolistically! Had it not been for the misguided islam, this would not have happened!

What does ... democracy have anything to do with it?!!!

Had we had a truly democratic system in iran, a street thug would not have been allowed to interfere in other's business on his own. So this guys' death has anything to do with lack of democracy and rule of theocracy!

Not everything is so clear-cut, it needs some pondering to figure it out, which some are incapable or unwilling to do!


To Sarzamine man

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Stop the NONSENSE!

What does the Arab invasion of 14 centuries ago have anything to do with this MURDER case?!! What does prostitution, your friend's long hair or democracy have anything to do with it?!!!

It's amazing how far you people are willing to go to justify a murder just because you don't like the victim! Actually it is not even the victim that you don't like, it is the STEREOTYPE of "people like him" that you don't like , you don't only you deny him justice but you rejoice in his death!! Is that the "justice" and "democracy" and "human rights" that you want to bring to Iran?!!!



I do not call people who use

by Dariush (not verified) on

I do not call people who use unjust force Basigi. I call them zoorgoo. I suggest instead of taking gun and killing each other make friends and try to understand them and they understand your view and discuss issues this will have more affects than killing each others. That is what IRI, MEK and others should have done, but when some people sell themselves to west and create serious problems everything gets out of hands.

Just as you discredit Basigis for some criminals in IRI, you discredit the struggle for freedom and equal rights by supporting the criminals who killed Mahmoud. I don't think this crime had anything to do with well deserved freedom and equal rights, but had to do with freedom for committing crimes.


morality police, a cheap tool for oppressing Iranian people

by Anonymous1326 (not verified) on

Overwhelming corruption has taken over the whole country and Iranian people who are not linked to the system in one way or another are being treated like lowest of low under forces of oppression. They are being monitored and lectured by the most morally corrupt and uneducated portion of society for morality just because they know how to follow a mullah with full devotion. Rulers of the nation in every level, from lowest to highest committ all kinds of crimes and have the most morally corrupt conduct and yet, they have assigned a moral police for people just to control their life.

Expecting people to stay indifference towards this kind of pressure for ever is illogical and whoever joins the forces of oppression out of ignorance or greed for easy gains, leave themselves open to unknown risks from reaction of people to this oppression. If you want to be part of tools of oppression and a buffer between people's anger and your leaders then there will be a price. This is how mullahs use the same old tactic of "divide and conquer" to rule the nation. They use people against people because some of these people are easier to buy. but if you sell for easy and effortless gains then you should be aware that there may be risks and consequences.

It is sad to see that mullahs have become successful to turn the people against each other and solution certainly is not to kill one another but to stop and think. This thinking is much more needed from the side of those who genuinely want to have a morally clean society. A basiji monitoring people on the street will have no positive effect on morals of a society. Even hundreds of basijis will make no difference. basijis are hired by mullahs to be used against people at the time of need and nothing else.

Interestingly enough, this nasiji gets killed while, in his own mind, fighting moral corruption but at the same time scandals of financial and moral corruption among leaders and members of Islamic ruling system have filled the air.



by 135 (not verified) on

ﺍﻯ ﻛﺸﺘﻪ ﻛﻪ ﺭﺍ ﻛﺸﺘﻰ
ﺗﺎ ﻛﺸﺘﻪ ﺷﻮﻯ ﺯﺍﺭ
ﺗﺎ ﺑﺎﺯ ﺁﻦ ﻛﻪ ﻛﺸﺪ
ﺁﻦ ﻛﻪ ﺗﻮ ﺭﺍ ﻛﺸﺖ



by Sarzamine man (not verified) on

common on, cut your nonsense, we have been all the victims of the same act by these backward Islamist in Iran, nobody will buy your nonsense anymore, I bet 99% of people here have been kicked, slapped, tortured by these retarded Basiji not because they were rapping but only because they were listening to music or talking to their girlfriend. Whatever you do or say can not cover up the criminal acts and tyranny of these animals to Iranians, they are all in the surface and every single Iranian knows that. And you are talking about him stopping prostitution?? are you serious or do you think we are all aghab monde ?? they are the reason of prostitution in our street in the first place, are you comparing U.S to Iran ?? it seems that you have not been in Iran recently, 100 times more than the prostitutes in U.S, Islamic government is selling our girls to Arab countries, a lot more are selling themselves in street of Tehran because of the misery that the same people have brought to us, did Iranian got anything else other than misery by your Islamic government ?? shame..

Some people here also talk about democracy and passion and hatred, what are you guys talking about ?? Why do you mix everything ? Should I just send them flowers or love letter ? what do you think we have been doing for the past 30 years ? exactly as you said, saying nothing to their torture, rapping, stoning, hanging and etc, don't you think that it is time for them to pay for their crime ?? 1400 years of Sokot and sending love and bending to enemies was not enough for some people ?? Did Arabs with their Hossein, Ali, Akbar names after Nahavand war sold 10,000 Iranian kids who lost their parents in the war as slaves in Madineh and all we did were even naming our kids after them, don't you think it is time to stop that, don't you think it is time to stop sending any love letter to our enemy and instead standing firm in front of them?? do you think these people know anything about passion ?? once 4 of the same people were kicking my friend to death because his hair was long, he was begging them to stop but where was the passion ??

My last word : joloye bazy az tafakorat bayad estad hata besorate mosalahane.



by ToofanZeGreat on

response hits the nail on the spot.


Why are so many of you sobbing here?

by Salar (not verified) on

Shahid shod dar rahe nay az monkar, amereh be maroof, rastegar shod!! Hala ham his lati brother will continue his way in lat bazi o shar khar bazi o aziat o azar moshrekin o khat keshi ro sorat in roshanfekrah zed enghelab. No worries! let's go yeh doayeh komeil bezanim.

Now he is sitting in heaven with 72 virgins not knowing where to start. Which one of you could dream to even getting close to something like that?


Get an idea

by jamshid on

This is just the tip (of the tip of) the iceberg. There is so much anger accumulated in the people towards this regime. If this regime falls, where would these basijis and their mollah teachers run to? They would be torn apart by the angry mobs.

As I said, this is only the tip of the iceberg. IRI supporters have violated and brutalized the people for too long. They should start getting used to tasting their own medicine.


Look at the level of hatred

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Look at the level of hatred and venom in the comments of the "wonderful" Iranian people in this forum rejoicing the death and justifying the MURDER of a young man!! It is ugly and disgusting. And the title chosen by Jahanshah Javid is just sick.

I am sure that the same people who are making these ugly comments about the death of a young Iranian man, would scream in OUTRAGE had published the picture of a dead American solider in Iraq with a similar title!!



Ebi jaan, I think you are a

by F-49 (not verified) on

Ebi jaan,

I think you are a very fine young man.

Why were you beaten by them?

I'm sorry to hear you're still on medication for the pain.

I don't believe he should have been killed either, but I would have liked some kind of effective gooshmali so he- or the likes of him, would learn a lesson not to interfere in every aspect of all people's lives.


Some lessons have high price.

by Anonymous Azad (not verified) on

The simple lesson is "mind your own business" or "you are neither smarter nor more morale than anyone else" or "what goes around comes around". These simple lessons are never learned by islamist until they pay a very high price for it.

Ayatollah Khalkhali in response to innocent killings said: "if they are innocent they will go to heaven after death." This is where that islamic medicine came back to haunt an islamist.

So according to ayatollah, this basiji wins either way: if he is innocent he goes to heaven, and if he is guilty he goes to hell next to his beloved khomeini and khalkhali.

Kouroush Sassanian

30 years of oppression leads to

by Kouroush Sassanian on

30 years of oppression leads to the death of the oppressor!  More to follow, inshalah, rahmatoulah, vy vy jafar sadegh!

Bijan A M

Would it be unfair…

by Bijan A M on


 to look at this as a micro-revolt?..... Would it be labeled as murder if masses had come out and slaughtered every Basiji or government agent to take back their country? That will be called “revolution”….and in a revolution, everything is fairgame…..By no means my point is to advocate vengeance or vigilantism in a land of law. But in a land of fascist oppression that civilized law has no meaning, it would be unfair to call this reaction a murder.


When people celebrate this action, it is not rejoicing the loss of life but admiring the courage of those who stood up to oppression, the courage we don’t have as members of the masses (inside or out)…..     


protecting your namoos

by Iva (not verified) on

How in the world Gestapu police in iran a.k.a Basij become the first defense line in protection of people's namoos?!

Iran is a police state where dress code, relationships, food or in other words, everything is dictated to public and who is there to enforce these barbaric laws? Gestpu police or Basij forces.

In this incident, a civilian got fed up and backed up his car causing gestapu member to be crushed to death. Now, I like to know what in the creation was the Gestapu dude was doing behind the car, wouldn't this SS member be next to the driver door "encouraging" the occupants of the car to worship idol "Lah" and discourage talks between members of opposit sexes?!

by the way, Basij members of 28 years ago were volunteers who were used to fight moslem Arab invadors from Iraq ... that organization transitioned into SS/Gestapu police of today after cease fire between External Arab invadors and Internal Arab invadors. in other words, this SS member ideology is not same as his forerunners.