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نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by Dariush (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 07:12 PM PDTAs I understood some people were having immoral, illegal and maybe criminal acts in public. What exactly they were doing we don't know, but it must have been serious that they were willing to kill for it.
Just because you do not mind prostitutes in action in front of you in public that doesn't mean others shouldn't either. Such actions in public even in your beloved country America will send you to jail.
Should he have been careless like people in New York and Chicago when someone is being raped in public, others pass by?
Could that have been a force a rape, involved an under age, drugs or some other situations?
Often you all criticise Iran for these same problems and crimes being committed in the country, but when Mahmoud Tofighian tries to advice or stop them he becomes the bad guy?
I think you are judging the book by the cover.
He could have simply called the police and got them in trouble, but instead he tried to talk to them and advise them. Those prostitutes have been there before, so if Mohmoud was a mean person they wouldn't have gone there again and again.
I am disappointed of your misjudgments specially JJ calling him a pain.
I do not think living in west or running a website automatically qualifies you as a just and fair person.
It is based of my understanding of his action that I think he would have been one of the brave Iranians who would go and defend Iran back then and in the future. Yes, to you it may be foozooli, but to him it was protecting your namoos. I know this doesn't mean anything to some of you who has been brainwashed by western culture and do not mind their family be taken advantage of, but to him it was important.
I also live among you and hear what some of you do when you travel to Iran and I understand why you don't like people like him, because they stop you from your crimes. I am also against forced hejab, but when some people take it to extreme that will hurt the cause and actions like this will result in lesser freedoms.
God bless his soul,
I don't find this sort of
by suejj (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 06:53 PM PDTI don't find this sort of generalizations particularly relevant.
One of the main principles of democracy is that individuals are to be liable for their personal actions only and are to be judged only for what they do. Not for what other people, supposedly "like them", do.
When you find yourself saying "people like X do this or do that" and conclude that "these people are all the same" and hence "all deserve" a certain harsh treatment, it's a good sign that you are distancing yourself from democratic values.
Let's look at things with more clarity and less emotions.
This young man was part of a governmental organization that many Iranians despise because of it role in enforcing social restrictions. The organization has certain guidelines and rules to respect that are generally acceptable , but more often than not, people who are its members choose to forgo them and abuse their power for personal gains. But this doesn't mean that ALL members of this organization are criminals or deserve summary executions, like in this case.
Many of them are descent people with a sense of social responsibility; Others are deeply religious people who think of themselves as missionaries who must correct social perversions; Others are war veterans who want to preserve what they fought for; Some others are traditionally marginalized people or poor kids who grew up in deprived districts of big cities and only look recognition and respect...etc.
How can we so blindly regroup all these various people into one giant "THEM" and sentence them all to death or harsh punishments?
Don't you think we ought to be more mature than that?
to darush.
by soopoor (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 05:37 PM PDTكار ِ خوب تحسين ميشه كاره بد هم جواب ِ خودش رو داره.آخه مگه اين مملكت قانون نداره؟هركى رفت واسه كشور جنگ كرد بعدش بايد سرش رو زيرِ پتو يه مردم كُنه؟اتفاقا كسانى كه جنگ رفتن يا دارن ميليون ميليون ميخورن يا زندگيه فقير آنه و دل خون دارن يا تو بيمارستان ها دارن ذره ذره جون ميدن،كى وقت دارن ميان سر تو لحاف ِ مردم كنن؟. اصلا خانواده شهدا و بسيجى هايى كه در جنگ بودن فقط دارن سو استفاده ميكنن از موقعيت خودشون.من خودم چند مورد رو ديدم كه يا خود آنها فاسد بودن يا با سو استفاده ها,و توقع ِ بيجا و فضولى ها تو كار ِ مردم،آنچه كه پدر و برادر ها رشته كرده بودند پنبه كردن .اين جوجه اون موقع داشته مو ف ِ خودش رو ميخورد كجاى جنگ بوده؟
چه كيفى بكنن خوانوادش با بيت ال مال
sarekar (not verified)Tue Jun 17, 2008 05:17 PM PDT
ديگه چه برو و بيا يى دارن،چه كيفى بكنن،چه پولى به جيب بزنن.از همين الان مشخص بود كه تو ....شون عروسى يه آيند شون تضمين شد.اون كسى هم كه اين رو كشت،خودش رو بدبخت كرد و يك خانواده يه مفت خور ِ شهيد ِ ديگه رو به جون ِ مردم انداخت.. .
Suejj and Dariush
by Iranian Mother (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 05:00 PM PDTSuejj:
This videoclip has been posted on YouTube. Go take a look and see what kinds of comments people wrote there. When IRI and its agents, people like Mr. Tofighian, have been busy insulting, humiliating, detaining, torturing, and occasionally raping and killing Iranians (as in the case of Mahfeli murders in Kerman), a whole nation is filled with hate for them. You are right. Nobody should celebrate a young man's death. But have you tried getting your 14-year-old daughter out of Mr. Tofighian's friends' hands when she was arrested for poor hejab? Have you seen young people pushed into a green bus by his colleagues because their hair was gelled and spiky? Have you seen young men tied to the fence of Sa'ee Park in Tehran, receiving lashes on their backs in public, while all the time the area was "guarded" by Mr. Tofighian and his co-workers? I have. I have seen the hate and venom of many Iranians against basiji's.
I am so sorry there is little humanity and compassion left for Mr. Tofighian's family by Iranians, the kindest people in the world. But I think I understand the reasons why.
Mahmoud Tofighian was not celebrated here for the freedom of Khorramshahr. He wasn't born then. Mahmoud's father's generation of soldiers was. Mahmoud Tofighian knew little about the war and his father's generation's courage. All Mahmoud knew was to be an "ideological police," and that does not make him a valiant soldier--it makes him a mercenery.
I am sorry at a young man's death, whatever his job was. But since you insist on honoring him, I should tell you that his short life's achievement had no honor, unfortunately.
Don't be a smart a**. My
by suejj (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:56 PM PDTDon't be a smart a**. My point wasn't the "lawsuit" and you know it. I just wanted to point out that JJ acted irresponsibly by mocking someone's death or provoking people into releasing their hatred on him by choosing this "Foozool..." title. This is just blatant disregard for the victim family's feelings and I find it distasteful.
But if you really insist to know the legal ground, I would have sued him for Intentional infliction of emotional distress or tort of outrage. Got enough? Or do you want me to cite the relevant jurisprudence too?
by Anoyed (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:55 PM PDTONE LESS FILTHY ...BASIJII....SEND THEM ALL TO HELL...
My migraine is back.
by Khoshhal (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:52 PM PDTI can't believe some of the comments I see on this post. Iranian government really cares about justice and cares so much about us bad hejabs and bacheh ghertis. That's all they think about us. They think we are like disease in the their society and don't belong there.
And some people here have such dirty thoughts that all they think about is prostitution and hemosexulity. I wonder how much time they spend on internet for gay porn and call it a research.
Oh yes I defend IRI while I am living here and enjoy the freedom and free porn I can get.
It is not fair to redicule death......
by ebi amirhosseini on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:41 PM PDTDear Friends
I konw we all have our own reseans to hate the Basijis,specially me,who have been beaten, them & still after 20 years,take medication for the pain resulting from that!!.But,he didnot deserve to be killed ( deliberately or non-deliberately).That's me !! right or wrong!?
Thy shalt not kill
by Jahanshah Javid on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:16 PM PDTMahmoud Tofighian was obviously a pain in the ass in public. But nothing he did would justify killing him.
Meanwhile it is very possible that his death was an accident and not deliberate.
We have not heard from those who allegedly killed him.
by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:05 PM PDTاین نمونهٔ بارز آن است که چوب خدا صدا ندارد.
by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 04:01 PM PDTWhat exactly would be the grounds for your lawsuit? I think you watch too much tv. I tell you what, if that guy was your relative, I wouldn't come out and tell everyone.
I really couldn't care less.
by Bi Khial (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 03:59 PM PDTI really couldn't care less. in a civilized country the science would have prevented the conception of this kind of degenerate people.
If one of my relative's
by suejj (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 03:40 PM PDTIf one of my relative's death was mocked so shamelessly and put on display on a website for sick people to come and rejoice over it, I would have sued the site owner for everything he's got.
Take a long look at yourselves and ask "what have we become"?
You are nothing short of fascists yourselves. You are easily dehumanizing a young man to justify his death and easily dismissing the gravity of a murder.
Bunch of psychopaths and haters!
Che koob shod. Khoshaalim!
by Anti-akhoond (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 03:27 PM PDTHamoon behtar keh saghat shod. Harchi basiji kamtar, jahan zibatar va behtar.
I celebrate this.
by Khoshhal (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 02:51 PM PDTSome people here obviously haven't gone through the hell of basij and pasdar. Good riddance indeed. I hope one by one mullas and basijis end up like this son of a bitch. Young man's life my ass.
To Lizards
by Dariush (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 02:20 PM PDTYou see lizards, yesterday you praised him for his sacrifices to save khorramshahr and Iran, today you celebrate his death.
You are bunch of prostitutes just as the ones in Iran who killed him. No wonder you defend prostitutes and homosexuals and criminals. I am willing to bet the animals who killed him are your relatives. If you had power in Iran you would be hundred times worse than IRI.
Regardless of the Basiji action
by Abarmard on Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:51 PM PDTMurder is not cool.
by Anonymous46 (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:49 PM PDTMore terrifying than this guy sticking his nose into other people's business are the people who are openly rejoicing his death.
so what...
by mahmoudg on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:23 AM PDTThis is what Islamic idelogy produces; a bunch of morons. As I say one less "khar" to have to deal with when liberation comes to iran. in the hopes that a few thousand moreof these Basiji "khars" would come to the same fate as this idiot.
This post is of extremely
by Reza55555 (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:20 AM PDTThis post is of extremely bad taste. And these sick people who so morbidly rejoice over the death of this young man need to get treated by a competent psychologist as soon as possible.
I don't care who this guy was, or what his political ideology was....This whole incident is simply tragic to anyone with a shred of humanity. You people need to open your eyes and stop judging others so blindly.
May God bless his soul.
Who gives a rat's a**?
by Feeling Nosey Today? (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:06 AM PDTHe got precisely what he deserved. Good riddance and may others like him join him in short order. You can argue that all these basijis need mental counceling and a dose of reality. They truly believe that they are chasing camels in 7th century Arabia.
pushing people has its downside too
by IRANdokht on Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:33 AM PDTit is sad but from what I saw, he had gone too far feeling self-righteous and meddling in other people's business. it was a matter of time before someone pushed back and apparently this last time, someone did just that!
May All Basiji and Islamic
by abc (not verified) on Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:30 AM PDTMay All Basiji and Islamic Fundamentalist receive the same fate!
قتل نوجوان 13 ساله بدست مزدوران رژیم در ايوان غرب
The recent murder of a 13 year old boy by the Basijis in Ivan-Gharib, Iran:
Nooshe joonesh!
by Nader on Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:03 AM PDTThis is what you get when you play god.
Freaking backward got what he deserved...