Iranians become Canadians

Canadian public TV report

(CBC): Heartwarming story of an Iranian family that moved to Carbonear, Newfoundland, a remote Canadian maritime outpost, to escape the hijab and live in freedom


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That Voice

by A B (not verified) on

The wifes voice is killing me.....annoying


and so it begins......

by Kameron (not verified) on

Now the poor girl will spend the next 2 to 3 decades of her life being pressured by her parents that her highest ambition should be marrying an Iranian doctor.


They are just bunch of

by Sonbol Tala (not verified) on

They are just bunch of PUL's. Pathetic Ugly Losers. Better be out of Iran than in it.


Sham on you Haji -- mojee janghi

by Anonymous Canadian (not verified) on

Read what -Canadian eh- said.
The same thing with me, Canada is my second HOME.

You're a BIG LOSER who wasted you time in Canada doing NOTHING.They are educated and happy and look at you
SUCH A LOSER. You're just jealous, that's all.

You're a SHAME for Iranian community In VANCOUVER,British Columbia!!!!


Send us a postcard when you

by Icia (not verified) on

Send us a postcard when you move to sunny California.

I hear Westwood,LA is a nice place for Iranian to live.


here what you need to know

by hajiagha on


I am not thinking negative are life here is negative, system in canada government every things first choice go for white Canadian, this family landing in bad place is so cold windy, and there is no job there they bring people like him to working in fish factory is painfully job, soon after years they will be give up and move out and another's victims and another's victim, government of canada using immigrant as slaves, you should be here in Victoria where I live  in past 5 years we had so many development so many new building and housing but non of the go for immigrant or poor or low income all of them sold to white retirement canadian are was working for government racism and discrimination here is so high, is risky  to move here mostly for family guy, better this people try stay in Iran and hard working , buying nice car going to north in Iran buying big house have fun life is all about to be happy not moving in strange place , cold , dangers, with crime's and racism why you support canada are you have immigration office to rip off the new comers take money from them and sending them to salvation army?I am artist, good handyman, painter, good mechanic, good guy no crminal record hard working man but I can not pay my dill's is so expensive, here . is strange place canada when one bedroom apartement in 5 years jumpinbg from $600 to $1500 we have so many land all of the belong to fucking british Queen not us to move and live there do not trust this fucking CBC this guy's piter news man he make $1000 an hours he is millioner man


I have been living in

by Canadian eh!!!! (not verified) on

I have been living in Toronto for 18 years, got a good job, didn't get a divorce, raised two wonderfull kids, who both have Iranian names, respect their parents, go to school, they don't deal drugs, they play hockey and enjoy their youth. I'm proud of being Iranian/Canadian, if I had to choose again, I'd choose Canada again. It's a wonderfull contry if you start from the right point.


To: hajiagha

by Anonymous she (not verified) on

you always nagging about Canada, saying comments that's not true.
Of course Tax is hight, weather wise is cold, and ....

BUT it gave me and my family FREEDOM,Justice, peace,... which we couldn't have in our own country IRAN.

We both know you can't get a visa from USA easily and the only country which give you visa is CANADA!

even though for the cities with harsh weather, but that's the only chance.

so Baradar

Can I ask you 2 SIMPLE Questions?
1-how come you didn't stay in Iran and BE PROUD and WINNER ( YOU called them LOSER)

2-Why you 're not moving to USA???


Hillary??? is that the best

by unkown-person (not verified) on

is that the best name they could come up with? I also dont understand how changing her name would help her at all. She will now grow up thinking of her homeland and culture as unimportant and a total waste.
The family looks so desperate to become canadian that they are willing to do everything and anything to speed up that process.
I do think they will eventually regret some of the decisions they are making now.
I am not saying they shouldn't experience the freedom they are seeking in canada but they can have their freedom and still be proud of their background.


Best Wishes to the Beautiful Family

by iranians_should_stop_the_hate (not verified) on

My heart goes out to this nice family. I can relate to everything they went through and are going through. They are very hardworking and I wish them great success. Take care of each other!


it's realy sad what the IR

by Anonymous-haha (not verified) on

has made its Muslim citizens to endure


Mr. Vanaki: Thank you for

by Odent (not verified) on

Mr. Vanaki:

Thank you for you prompt response. Is a typographical error similar to misspelling a word? I think much has been made about cyber posts and emails and whether they should have perfect spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Thank you again.


Good for them!

by Milan (not verified) on

I love Persians who are secure and happy with their own family, even in a seemingly desolate land. They don't need to be buzzing around 500 Persian families and restaurants to be happy!
Best wishes!


Wish the family all tha best...

by Kurdish warrior (not verified) on

So the family’s case is different from others. They are not escaping the IRI because they feel threatened to get killed or be put in prison so what. They went to Canada for a better life. Good luck and wish them all the best.


more information about Canada

by hajiagha on


I was living almost all over the Canada , and I know better as any one what is going on here

من اینده این خانوا ده های ایرانی رو بهتر از خودشان می دونم هزاران نفر شان رادیدم مشگلا ت زندگی در کانادا. تنهائی و نبودن کار بدی اب و هوا مقررات لعنتی کانادا . باعث میشه خانم از قدرت زنانه ائی خودش بهره برده و طلاق بگیره و دارائی شوهر رو با لا  بکشه فر زند اینها هم تو مدرسه و  بیرون از خانه  اداب سیگار کشیدن و یواشکی سکس با دیگران روتجربه می کنه اگر من ادم بی چشم روئی بودم تا حالا مثل دیگران تر تیب صد تا شون رو داده بودم اینجا پدر و مادر حق ندارند بپر سند بچه شان شب گجا بوده و تنیح کند زود پلیس می اید و پدر و مادر رو می بره زندان  و خلاصه شما چی می دو نید از کانادا مثل قا نون جنگل  اگر من واقعیت رو بگم  مثل  این. دختر ١٦ ساله رو راضی کردن تو کانادا راحت تر از زن ٣٠ ساله است قا نون کانادا هم سن قانونی سکس را از ١٤ سال به ١٦ سال همین سال قبل تغعیر داد این سی بی سی تلویزیون کانادا و جیره خوار دولت کا ناداست و حقیقت ها رو نمی گویند تا مها جران بیشتر به کانادا امده جمعیئت کا نادا رو به سقو ط منفیاست و مردم بیشتری رو می خواهد  صد دلار بده تو ونکور و... دختر ١٦ ساله مثل هو لو شب میاد تو بغلت می خوابه چشم ابی و سفید بلوند  و قانونی هم هست.  و حشیش و مواد مخدر مثل شکلات همه جا یا فت می شه برای همین شده بهشت ایرانی های بچه باز و خلا ف کار و قا چاق فروش که مر کز ان ها ونکور کا نا داست راست حسینی گفتم  تا شما بیشتر بدانید گیر من زن شوهر دار هم افتاد نکردم ١٧ ساله هم تو خو نه من دست نزدم ..برید دنبال یک لقمه نون با با 


You don't know what you're

by Anonymous6666666666666666 (not verified) on

You don't know what you're talking about. USA and western countries have become great, not because of their Government, but because of the hard work of their people. Governement is simply a function of a socienty. We have a bad Governement because of peole like you, sell outs (me included). If you wish those values (freedom of speech, dress,...), you have to fight for it. You can't wish. so, don't talk crap. the least we can do for the place we blong to is not to bring it down in front of the whole world by going and shitting on iran on TV. that is what this family did. I personly would love to go back to Iran and live their after I'm done with my studies. If i don't go, then it is simply because i'm selfish and I don't give a shit about my people. IF i stay i would respect the USA, and work hard in this country, but I would never talk shit about my oun country and my own people. and Islamic Governement is suitable Governement for stupid people like you.


To Odent

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

Sorry it was a typo. It was meant to say invasion.


Carbonear, Newfoundland! What a boring place!

by N (not verified) on

They are enjoying it now. Give them couple of years and they will be bored out their skull living in butt f**K nowhere Newfoundland! I personally take Iran over Newfoundland. MAGE JAA GHAHT BOOD! These guys will take double/triple personality thing over living in NF. I am willing to bet.


Mr. Nader Vanaki

by Odent (not verified) on

Mr. Vanaki:

I do not mean to get in the middle of your conversation with the posters here, but I was curious about what you meant when you said, "ivasion."

Thank you in advance.


I am not hasoud. I live in

by Anonymous6666666666666666666 (not verified) on

I am not hasoud. I live in a "better" country than Canada. I live in the USA. I am a selfish person too. It is okay to be selfish, if you can't be generous with you life. It is nothing bad. I makes me angry is this couple bringing Iran down on Canadian TV. I say to them, just shu the F.up and now live your life in peace, don't you F. with my country.


Babak R and Kouroush Sassanian are the Same Person!

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

Wow. now we are seeing the evolution of another personality of Kouroush Sassanian, the deranged loner poet. Let's see you two duke it out here. The Ying and Yang are at it now. Kouroush you do have a decent side to your demented soul, too bad you can't attach your real identity to it.

I think it is time for another one of your tongue gashing poems on the Arab ivasion of Iran.


Best of Luck on Your New Life

by Fereshteh (not verified) on

There is a lot of irrelevant criticism posted here regarding this family's declarations. They did lead a double life just as so many still do in Iran. Remember folks - Iran has a government that thrives off of the fear that it generates through the public. However, they, similar to so many of us were among the lucky ones who escaped for a land where personal liberties of dress, speech, and practice of religion are upheld. I wish them all the best in Canada and I wish that Iran too can one day grant those core fundamental rights to its citizens!


free at last

by Single Nude Male (not verified) on

I didn’t understand why I could be naked in my house but not in the streets. I didn’t understand why I could fart in my bed but not in my classroom. I was living a double life. I was filled with hot air. I needed a society where I could leaflessly relieve myself. So, I came to the USA where I can go to a nude beach and fart all day without being harassed by the authorities. I love this country.


To: Babak R.

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

I was merely expressing my views about this family. I only indicated the woman was a whore and her daughter was a whore in the making. This is true! She left Iran so her daughter could call herself "Hilary." This is not freedom. They are selling themselves and sadly selling their daughter. They are morons! You are a moron Babak!


Double personality?!

by Ajam (not verified) on

They apparently fled Iran to save their daughter from developing a double personality, which is quite understandable. But, how is changing her name to an Anglosaxon one (Hillary) is going to help her build an original character?!


another loser in Canada

by hajiagha on


this  Sunday we have demonstrate to support politicians prisoner  jailed in Iran , vancouver front of the art gallry and I be in vancouver to make report move and for support.  any Iranian family are thinking canada is best place better from Iran welcome  for interview front of the camera with me for you tube you must answer to my all question? government of Iran is bad but living in Iran i9s same as others country, stay in Iran please.





Canada Rules! Best country

by Capt. Canuck (not verified) on

Canada Rules! Best country in the world! Good for this family for making the right choice in life.



by Babak R (not verified) on

Your name with your bloody comments was there when I logged in. JJ or admin of the site must have erased your obnoxious comments. Whoever you are, please stop being a piece of shit.


Anonymous666666666666 - Cheset KOOR , Hasood

by Anonymous Canadian (not verified) on

YOU are hateful selfish creature.



by Canadian (not verified) on

I love Canada, it's my second home.
The weather wise it's a bit harsh, but You have inner peace.

God bless your all.