Iranians become Canadians

Canadian public TV report

(CBC): Heartwarming story of an Iranian family that moved to Carbonear, Newfoundland, a remote Canadian maritime outpost, to escape the hijab and live in freedom


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you came to canada because

by Anonymous666666666666 (not verified) on

you came to canada because of selfish reasons, that is perfectly fine. i agree with your selfishness 100%. but I hate your family for selling your on country on canadian TV.


To All: The Real Nader Vanaki Speaks Out

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

There is no posting on this page under my name. But look at Babak R who somehow managed to reply to a non-existant comment! Nice going Kouroush Sassanian. Next time at least post some of your twisted views before you reply to yourself. I am laughing now. What a moron!

Just read my postings and you can tell the difference between rationality and demented psychotic ramblings.


Iranians flee their country!!!!!!

by Strange Time (not verified) on

With Koroosh and Persian/Iranian Empire, we had all other non-Persians/Iranians joining us. Now, under Islamic rules in Iran, Iranians must flee their country and leave families behind.


Dirt bag Vanaki

by Babak R (not verified) on

Mr. Nader Vanaki, you are not a nice man. How dare you are using such a disrespectful words against this family. Whose pet bull are you and why are you so bloody belligerent? Your reaction towards this family is unacceptable. Please be nice and stop judging others. Are you calling an innocent mother and her child whores? You must be insane and a total maniac that thrive in hating and casting others with outrageous terms. Quit being a bloody monster that you are.


Good luck living single

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Good luck living single personality in Canada. It's really horrible not being able to listen to the same music in your car. That is unacceptable.

At least come up with some more terrifying reasons like they would hang us in the public if we stayed.


Lovely and ...

by Mitra saba (not verified) on

Wish you all happy, relaxing, and fear free life in Canada. Enjoy your freedom and may all that you have dreamed about become reality and according to your wishes. Follow your dream and don’t let your heart get lonely. Have a great and most prosperous life in Canada. You have chosen a better country as your new home and feel good about it. Canadians are nice people.