Shah on 60 Minutes

Aired on CBS thirty-two years ago (October 24, 1976)

Mike Wallace revealed to the Shah of Iran that the CIA considered him a dangerous megalomanic and an uncertain ally.

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by Zion on

You realize that you calling Zionism hateful does not make it so. It only shows you as an antisemite in closet. The rest of what you say has really no relevance on the subject. But I love how you first claim something and then conclude the same thing based on the claim. That's some proof alright. "Very" logical. lol.


Hate the Evil, Not the Doer

by Hajminator on

zionism is a hateful ideology as it causes death and destruction. It has nothing to do with the Jewish identity. Judaism affirms that people are born with a yetzer ha-tov (יצר הטוב), a tendency to do good, and with a yetzer hara (יצר הרע), a tendency to do evil. Thus, human beings have free will and can choose the path in life that they will take.


So, you can be against this ideology (zionism) and not be an anti-semite.


Ajam !

by Fatollah (not verified) on

I am sure you would, you would join the ranks even in 1343! Why am I not surprised! You are one of those "Doctors" who would kill the patient in the process of finding a cure! Ahhh! I give up! Good day to you Sir!



by Zion on

... is a euphemism for hatred of Jews, devised by European Jew haters in order to give it a more scientifically sounding name. Has nothing to do with Arabs or semitic "languages". Zionism is the Jewish nationalism. Some religious Jews have problems with it because of complexities of Jewish religious issues. Non Jews, who have no such Jewish religious concerns, to be against the nationalism of Jews is an instance of hidden, shameful or hypocritical hostility to Jews among all people. Gentile anti-zionism is Antisemitism in denial. Nothing else.



by Ajam (not verified) on

To Fatollah: I'm sorry, but did you ask me to start again by not blaming the Shah for the 1979 revolution?! Are you serious?! Is this a game that I'm supposed to restart with a handicap?! And what do you mean by hiding behind Mossadegh? Hide from what?!
And taking responsibility for my action?! I was 12 years old at the start of the revolution, and definitely would have joined the anti-Shah demonstrations if I could! How's that for taking responsibility?!


An anti-zionist ain't an anti-semite

by Hajminator on

The evidence is: zionists kill arab people who are semites. They (zionists) are thus anti-semites but aren't anti-zionists! Well, I don't think they are masochists as well...

The second evidence is Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. More semite than him you die, but he's the most fervent anti-zionist I know.


Dear Mr. Kadivar

by Zion on

You are right about the Western media and the way they behave, but can't you see that Israel is in the same situation? You ever watched how BBC reports of Israel? Or what is constantly implied in left media from Norway to Canada? This is not because they thought of Shah as an enemy of the West, but the opposite. That is what these stupid media do to what they consider as allies of the West. The same is true of Israel, but Israel has proven to have better politicians than your Shah, and more importantly being a democracy she is much stronger than the one man show Shah insisted for Iran (By God, it is even in the plot of your story. Aren't these evil nuke scientists there Jews and Israelis themselves?)

You indirectly agree with me when you say that Shah had the interests of his people in mind, but was not a good politician. That is nothing to boast about though. For someone not competent he sure wanted to seem like one, and more importantly denied Iranians the freedom that could have prevented this mess.

Israel is the Jewish homeland, has been in the entire history of the past 3000 years. Israel is a liberal secular democracy that is formed on the hope of coexistence, and Israel has always been a good ally f Iran before this catastrophe in 1979, and even since the time, Israel has remained an ally of the Iranian people and a force against their oppressors that happen to be Israel's deadliest enemies (not a coincidence. Israel and Iran, Jews and Iranians [Whenever Iranians were true to their own heritage and history] have usually had the same enemies and the same interests in history. Believe me, I have studied this. )
We are in this together. Don't do this. Aren't there enough anti-semites here, and can't you see where they are coming from, that you have to add your voice to them? Is this fair?


Well said Mr. Kadivar!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Mr. Kadivar, you and I disagree on almost everything, but you had many good points in your last comment to Zion ... you said it well, you said it eloquently.


Ajam !

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Let's try it again. Stop blaming the Shah for 1979 disaster, and take responsibilty for your own actions, just for once! And stop hiding behind the Mossadeq banner! I guess, I try hard to bring new perspective to your horizon! I understand, it can be confusing!

Farhad Kashani

The world and Iran is

by Farhad Kashani on

The world and Iran is still, and will for awhile, pay the price not for removing the Shah per say because he was a tyrant after all, but for replacing him with a barbaric, savage and fascist regime established by Khomeini.


The only way for Iran and world to rectify their mistake is to remove the IRI regime.

Javad Yassari

Dear Darius and Hajminator

by Javad Yassari on

از اینکه با سعه’ صدر و ادب مثال زدنی با انتقاد و تهییج برخورد می کنید از شما ممنونم.  از آقای کدیور مرتبا می آموزم (مخصوصا وقتی با ایشان مخالفم) و فکر می کنم خیلی ها باید از ایشان راه و رسم مباحثه را بیاموزند.  شاد و سربلند باشید.


Divide to conquer

by Hajminator on

There are people here who think that they can hide the sun shinning with their little zionist hands. You want to hear the truth? Hear it by the ONE who passed through it.

Shah himself was the most ardent believer in the foreign intrigue theory. Throughout the entire period of revolutionary turmoil, and later in his postrevolution memoirs and interviews, the shah doggedly pursued a singular theme: foreingers had made careful plans for the collapse of Iran. His evidence was that Iran's mighty military and economic apparatus could not have been so easily crushed without foreign intervention and support. Shah repeatedly claimed that his difficulties at home were the result of a vicious campaign of vilification, disinformation and mudslinging in the foreign press as part of a plot by foreign powers to discredit him and his dynasty.

From the start of political turmoil in mid 1977, and particularly after January 1978, the shah evidently became conviced that outside powers were somehow in favor of a change in the regime in Iran. In his endless meetings with visiting foreign dignitaries, journalists, businessmen and public figures he continually asked the same questions: Why were the foreign press and mass media against him? Why did they not appreciate what he was trying to accomplish for his country?



by Ajam (not verified) on

To fatollah: I'm sorry, but I couldn'e make sense of what you said except that you blame Iranian people's stupidity for rejcting the Shah. I wonder if that's not arrogant, what is?! And what are you talking about? I wasn't the one who used the word naive! I also did not blame everyone, but Shah, so what do you mean by "stop blaming others for our miseries?"! This is exactly what I said to the Shahparasts here! Is the Shah considered "other" by you, or have you confused my posts with those of others here?! Why don't you read them more carefully this time (and I don't mean mine necessarily)?!

To Anonymous Parastoo: I completely agree that we should let go of the past and live in the present and for future. That is why I believe talking about monarchy and his "Imperial Majesty" is as good as kicking a dead horse! I'm not the one feeling sorry for myself and blaming the universe for having lost the greatest thing since slice bread (aka HIM)! I'm glad that Shah is gone and monarchy is obsolete, for it was time for it to join the history anyway. My mention of the personal experinces was to show that there were other aspects of life under the Shah than the rosy pictures painted by the monarchists. And I definitely did not ask for your judgment or your seal of approval on my uncle ! I guess, just like Fattolah below, You blame the people of Iran and their arrogance for Shah's demise! Can't you see how arrogant that sounds?!

Darius Kadivar

Zion Where did your Read me calling Erdman an Agent ?

by Darius Kadivar on

You are simplifying things and making the wrong conclusions. I said he was naturally inclined into seeing the Shah as an enemy of the West and the 70's was ripe with such simplistic conclusions. One simply needs to look at the articles published in the European press at the time from Le Monde to the Guardian and the BBC.

I don't believe in a conspiracy theory in the Shah's downfall but I definitively DO BELIEVE in an Attempt by most Western Leaders of the TIme to accelerate the Shah's downfall. He was an unwelcomed ally due to the West's need for cheap oil. Public Opinion was shaped on the long run to be suspicious of the Shah and certainly the Shah's pride and lack of communication skills helped in the process. He was not a communicator like De Gaulle or Reagan but had the interests of his people on mind. That did not concern the West who just needed him as an Ally in the region as long as the Soviet Union was a Threat. Erdman's novel was simply a cherry on the cake for all Anti Monarchists and Anti Shahis both inside and outside IRan. I was in Iran during the Revolution and this book was one of the most spoken books in town along with Khomeiny's Green Book. 

The Shah wrongly felt that Iran could legitimately be considered as part of the WESTERN ALLIANCE JUST LIKE ISRAEL in the Cold War. Netanyahu's comments also echo the same idiotic assumption except that Israel is probably more or less part of the Western World in that it was created upon a Guilt Ridden consciounse of Europe in regard to rampant Anti Semitism. That is also why you guys have found this argument convenient to avoid dealing with the religious aspect of your society but also in justifying your new State and refuse to consider your immediate neighbours as being equally civilized as you are and refuse to understand their point of view under the fallacious argument that you are the Only Democracy in the Middle East. Come On you know perfectly that the creation of Israel was not an easy thing to digest no more than for the American Indians in regard to seeing the White Europeans come and colonize their lands. From that point of View and ONLY from that Point of View What Ahmadinejad said in this regard is not entirely false. Why don't You admit it ? He is an Idiot and entirely wrong as to the solutions he offers but his reaction echoes what most of your neighbours have been frustrated about Israel's Langue De Bois and constant use of the Holocaust to excuse its own political shortcomings. When someone says this to you, you tend to call them Pro IRI. I can do that NOT YOU, because I know my peoples mentality and what Iranians truly think of Ahmadinejad and I certainly don't give a damn to the Palestinian Cause or the PLO after what they did to my country by arming the Revolutionaries and executing our military. BUT you Have NO Excuses in this controversy. You Guys Created Ahmadinejad and not the Iranians at large. Unlike Hitler he had not made any of such outrageous remarks in his presidential campaign so What were the Iranians to do when their President starts diverting them with this Holocaust and Palestinian Issue of no immediate concern to them ? You gave voice to them and made him the Media Monster he became . He Enjoys it too and all that thanks to your misplaced Paranoia !

You Are Showing Arrogance as the CHOSEN PEOPLE which is more a superiority concept and a NATIONALISTIC one than anything else. Religion is about equality in the face of God Not the contrary.

You have created a State based on Race and Religion when both have been the reason's for which your own people have been suppressed for Centuries. So Why not use some of the wisdom that you have inherited from centuries of struggle rather than give voice to the most extremist religious Zealots Like your Masada Worshipers and Orthodox Jews. Isn't that in contradiction with the Secular Democracy Israel is after all ?

And You never write under your full name nor ever said if you ever even visited Iran ?

Take Bold Steps and be accountable for what you write. Then we can speak on equal terms both as Humanists and Democrats. Otherwise I really don't see what makes you any more reliable than those anonymous intellectual terrorists who are rampant on this site ?

Netanyahu may well become your next Prime Minister so make him accountable on such irresponsible and ignorant comments all the more that you guys have the possibility to vote and make your voices heard unlike most Iranians living in Iran.



Dear Mr. Kadivar

by Zion on

As you said, to err is human. You can always admit you were mistaken and let it go. That would be the right thing to do. Digging deeper will definitely not help. See, the Second World War and the Holocaust are extremely complex issues, and many writers and thinkers have addressed different angles of them. As you said yourself, you yourself have expressed solidarity with the victims of the Holocaust. Does that make you a Zionist agent? An American fiction writer who is not even Jewish has also written one work about the subject, does that make him an agent? And my dear man, don't you think it says a lot when the king of a country who tried so hard to sell himself as a strongman politician, and his supporters to this day, feel so threatened by a work of fiction? If you want to know the causes of such an abject collapse, such paranoia is a much better explanation than any childish conspiracy theory?

[As for Netanyahu, I fail to see the relevance. Surely you are not saying he was responsible for Shah's demise? :-) And given the nature of the regime in Iran, destroying systematically even the monuments of the ancient Persia, I think it is fair to say that Iran today represents the exact opposite of what Ancient Persia stood for, especially regarding Jews, and Mr. Netanyahu can be criticized on many grounds I am sure, but being a politician instead of a professor of ancient history is not one of them.]

You are a good man Mr, Kadivar and you mean well, as did your Shah all things said and done. You can contribute lot to the right struggle against the tyrants in your country, but being stuck in childish irrelevancies did not help your Shah, and is definitely not going to help any of us in such dire times. You are worth more than this kind of nonsense.
Now let's get back to the topic of this thread. What do you think about Mike Wallace and his friends among the proven apologists of the regime in Iran who are even thrown out of American institutions because of their links to the fascism of our age?


I told you so...

by Anonymous Parastooooo (not verified) on

Sorry for your uncle, and god only knows what kind of man he was. If he was a good and sincere man, then he was badly misguided, not familiar with who the bulk of iranians were, and who those charlatans opposing the shah really wanted.

You are going way back, to 1953 and an unknown face called mosaddeq which had no chance of proving himself one way or the other. However, khomeini also opposed the shah since 1953 and was considered sainter than Mosaddeq and HAD the chance of proving who he really was. So was Doctor Ebrahim Yazdi, a follower of mosaddeq, and the architect of "shah's generals need no trial before execution." We have seen that movie, but I am sorry that missed seeing it.

You might as well go back and blame Alexander the little for the ills of todays' iran, if you think what shah did 55 years ago was in any way responsible for people hanging the first editor of a daily only 1+ year after devolution for speaking his mind. Imperial Japan was built from the ashes of WWII is far shorter time than that. So did germany, so did Spain, Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, even Argentine, Chili, Brazil, even the lousy Dubai. Are you telling me that the shah was worse then Pinochet, or Sheikh or Dubai?

Maybe you grew up in elite part of tehran. But realities of iran, outside that group, were totally different. Nobody was objecting to shah's corruption or Savak (both mostly inventions of his opponents who wanted to take over the country in the exact same way that they did), but the problem of rank and file citizens of iran was that shah allowed music to be broadcasted on radio, girls to go to school, women go out without hejab, TV showing picture of actresses in short skirts, and on and on.

Had shah been the problem, 30 years after his demise 32 million people would not be lining up to vote for either rafsanjani or ahmadinejad in the last election. For those people shah was too good, way way too good. And if you call me shahi, fine, I am proud of it, because that shah brought in the best and peaceful period of the last 200 years to Iran. You owe your education to him, that only a generation earlier was so rare -- literacy when reza shah took over was single-digit and when the shah left was in high 60's percent.

But, as I said, iranians anr arrogant, ungrateful, and jealous, know-it-all, can-do-better, and bite the hand that feeds them the first chance that they get. The proof for all this has been right in front of us for the past 30 years, that even those who hated the shah could live in iran then, but cannot in the absence of the shah.

Responsibility is solely on the shoulders of iranians, they had to be brought to a minimum level of education before placing their destiny in their hands. If you ask uneducated to decide for the country, you get an afghanistan, not a switzerland.

It is 2008, not 1978. What happened to all those who opposed the shah, within and without, why are they all mute nowadays? Because Mullas' rule is what they asked for, and Mullas' rule is what they got.

Colonel Hemayat

Coup of 28 Mordad

by Colonel Hemayat on

It makes me laugh , as Einstein would put it: “Human stupidity
is infinite “ (Note, along with the Universe!)


Plz look up the definition of Coup  , and you will come to know if the Shah ever
did anything by the book, it would be 28 of Mordad when he by the rights given
to him by the constitutions removed that Qajar Piece of crap MOSSADEQ AL

And other funny thing is that I wonder how come a pro-people,
and loved! By the nation ! Prime minister  was kicked out of the office by a bunch of
thugs , and not even single bullet was fired ! NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE






چو ایران نباشد تن مباد


Dear Mr. Ajam!

by Fatollah (not verified) on

you are being arrogant as Iranians by nature sometimes are, regardless! How was life during the cold war in Western Europe? Don't you think, deviation was also monitored in the most social democracies of the World? Who is naive now? Don't you think that the most democratic societies of the West choose Amercian military hardware even though they were/are more expensive, and it fits the American military doctrine, mind you these societis are built upon justice for all, democracy by the people and for the people and peace! And I am not talking about America. People, should apply some reasoning for the way they evaluate the events. Shah of Iran was far from perfect. I guess, we should also acknowledge how stupid we Iranians in fact were and still are!!! And stop blamig others for our miseries! As for your father, have you ever asked him whether he was on the take to make a better living during the Shah! Don't get mad, everthing is relative! Nobody is perfect.


Stuck in the 70s?!

by Ajam (not verified) on

Dear Anonymous Parastoo, I'm not sure if your diatribe piece bellow contains genuine questions or just rhetorics! Nonetheless, I believe it deserves the benefit of the doubt and needs to be responded to with a degree of seriousness albeit, there are some phrases that do not make sense to me such as "nativity" and "bloody Yazdi intellectuals" which I doubt could make a considerable difference anyhow!

I grew up in the 70s (started school) and am product of the Shah's school system. I remember my parents some times have discussions in a whispering voice which I knew were about political issues. For some reason I had the feeling that the word politics had unknown connotations and consequences that fell beyond my comprehention! I had an uncle who was imprisoned after 28 of Mordad coup -- just for publicly supporting Dr. Mossadegh in his workplace. I remember him avoiding the mention of politics when he visited us and, again, talk in whispers with my father about politics when alone. Once I asked my father about Mossadegh and was told not to even mention his name, especially outside home and in school! I also remember my brother, who was a university student at the time, detained and questioned by SAVAK for having receied books that were deemed illegal!

At the same time there were places for youth to socialize and have fun as long as they did not engage in politics. And when they did, as a I heard my father admonishing my brother -- again in whipers: "don't do it, it would jeopardize our family, look at this personX (a relative who was arrested by SAVAK), her entire family is under surveilance, their phone is tapped... do you want the same thing to happen to us?"

Naturally, the younger generation, as they come of age, they want to participate in the political process as well as social to help determine their own destiny (as they try to do under the IRI today), and shutting them out of the political process would only lead to radicallization of their potential, which in turn, could lead to events such a the 1979 revolution. Of course some like yourself may find it necessary to keep the unruly elements "under tight leash," but isn't that what IRI is trying to do?! So, if such treatments are condoned by you, then it leaves whom they're implemented by as your main objective! Can't you see the irony?! Shah set up the stage for IRI (e.g. Evin and Gohardasht prisons, censor bureau, one-party rule of Rastakhiz...).

In fact if anyone is to be labled as stuck in the 70s, is the Shahparast bunch who still can not snap out of the wet-dreams of "golden Civilization!" What the monarchists (whether intentinally or not) fail to see is that not everyone was as content under the Shah's rule as they were. And they go to any length to blame anyone and anything (i.e. leftists, intellectuals, "Arabparasts," Britain, Carter, Jews...) just to avoid dealing with the Shah's collosal blunders leading to the events that brought the "...7th-century mulla from deserts of arabia..." to defeat him!

Well, I'm not sure if you get my point, for I normally do not tend to resort to insults and diatribes to try to make a point!

Colonel Hemayat


by Colonel Hemayat on

Israel began  destabilizing
Shah just as soon as Iran made peace with Iraq, Israel was concerned that
Saddam would turn the guns around on Israel. I remember his majesty stating his
view on the Crash of 79 as: “I have been good to Isralies  I wonder why they have formulated this book”.

ONE of the motives of the so called 1979 revolution was to destroy
the two strongest NON-Israeli armies of the Middle East.

Israel thrives and survives on tension and the enemy of the
state scenario just like IRI. Take that away from the zoins and you will see
how many Jews give a damn about Israel!  

Kadivar is right moronic Americans always look for super bad
guys and James Bonds, read all the Shah’s Men, it is laughable, it starts with
a code name!

As for his Imperial Majesty  I can only say:


آریامهر عکس تو را از دیوارها زدوند تو بر قلب تاریخ ملتت حکاکی شدی



by Ajam (not verified) on

As a matter of fact, in all fairness, Nathanyahu is not saying anything that our resident monarchists and zionists would not aprove! The difference is in semantics. It is Iran of today that he compares with 1938 Germany! Had he wrapped it in the usuual rhetorical package such as IRI, "Islamofascist" or "Mullahs," it would've been nothing new!
I find him more honest and straight-forward than other zionists in his propaganda rhetorics, for when the bombs are dropped, they are not dropped on IRI, "Mullahs," or "Islamofascists," they're dropped on Iran!


Az bikh arabi?

by Anonymous Parastooooo (not verified) on

Ajam Jaan: you are very naive; you forgot to take your mind with you to 2008 and left it behind in 1978. You forgot to see the movie that we have been seeing for the past 30 years. That nativity and forgetfulness and arrogance of i-know-it-all and i-can-do-better brought us here when leftists were screaming that all ills were due to the shah and only if he would leave, marx and lenin and mao will come to the rescue and save us all, and when islamists were screaming that all ills were due to the shah and only if he would leave, mohammad and ali and chahardah-massoom will come to the rescue and save us all, and when intellectuals were screaming that all ills were due to the shah and only if he would leave, we the national front intellectuals will come to the rescue and save us all. And we all know where all that expertise took us, because none really knew iran and iranians and the nasty characters amongst us that had to be kept under tight leach, that even the half-decent shah was way too decent for those people. Once the shah left, they all bowed to a 7th-century mulla from deserts of arabia and screamed: roohe mani khomeini, hezb faghat hezbollah, rahbar faghat roohollah... I wonder what happened to all those who knew the full cure for our ills only if the shah left.

I wonder what group you belong to? Islamist, Leftist, or intellectual; and what recipe YOU have for iran THAT can work to repel mullas AND rajavi clan AND bloody yazdi intellectuals.

Kheili parti Ajam jaan.

Haft shahre eshgh raa attar gasht,
To hanooz andar khame yek khomrehee.


What is a Zionist doing on an Iranian site

by Mariam S (not verified) on

As usual, every topic is changed into a subject about Jews and Israel. I dont know why we Iranians are putting up with this pathetic Jew who keeps commenting on every topic and changing it into some kind of topic about Israel.

I suggest that we all just ignore him or her.


Am I missing something?

by Parthian on

How did Jews, arabs, ethiopians, Netinyahu got in the middle of this conversation? This is not even the bit where Shah talks about the jewish lobby in the United states.

As for CIA, one has to wonder how they "sketch" these psychological profiles knowing full well that such task takes lots of face to face, personal time, and diagnosis. Their profiles are probably like their intelligent report. Having said that, they are correct in their descripiton of the Shah as a megalomaniac, and arrogant. They are however wrong to label him as brilliant, he probably was brilliant in wasting the nation's treasures, and womanizing, but that is about it. Gutless, selfish, and absolutely insecure! Every time he had a prime minister slightly smarter than himself, he would remove the guy, and replace him with an imcompetent court jester (i.e. Hoveyda). No surprise the so called 4th strongest army in the world was incapable of putting down a rebellion by a bunch of tazi thugs. I am sure history will judge him in similar fashion to Darius the III, the person who lost Iran to an occupying force, and fled his throne. Shame, truly shameful.


sisters and brother, cousins or so!

by xxx (not verified) on

The funny thing is that All Jgroups....Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and even ethiopian jews are all very very closely related geneticaly to Palestinians. The only difference isn't genetic but cultural. Brothers and sisters killing each other over borders when the entire planet needs to be moving towards ONE united earth, ONE united people, ONE united future without any borders anywhere.


i agree natanyahu is a

by amir1111 (not verified) on

i agree natanyahu is a bastard and in fact almost every israeli who lives in usa and works in silicon valley are bastards as well as they discriinate against persians working in same companies with higher qualifications.

i had a friend who hated arabs when he moved to usa then after working with baqstards he changed his mind and siad wow my god the cousins of arabs are worse. maybe they are the real bastards.


I wonder...

by Ali J (not verified) on

i wonder why this man, Mike, didnt ask any similar questions to Ahmnadinejad? Perhaps the islamic government brainwashed him before the interview??? Or perhaps his "human rights" beliefs had vanished... i dont know honestly. I wonder though were all the reporters who blamed the Shah has a human-rights-hater, have gone? where are they now?

Darius Kadivar

Zion Stop Getting Paranoiac ...BLAME Your Netanyahu ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Mistakes are only human. Ok he wasn't Israeli, thanks for your correction but he was involved in Swiss Banks and one of his novels was the Swiss Account:

The Swiss Account (1992) is credited with helping to put the World Jewish Congress on the track of the gold, art and other assets taken from Jews during the Holocaust and later culminating in the historic settlements by Swiss banks with families of Jewish Holocaust victims.

Does that prove anything else that he was at worst sympathetic to the Jewish Diaspora and Israel like most intellectuals in the Western World and for good reason ? The Sad reality of the Holocaust and the Western World's sense of guilt for that horrendous crime that is denied by the current Islamic Republic and its leadership.

Now you get paranoiac because I mention the fact that Crash of 79 was a book that cause major damage to the public image of Iran and the Shah during the Pahlavi Era ? That is a fact !

I don't need to be reminded by your staunch and probably understandable support for Israel foreign Policy that news regarding Israel can equally be biaised by some commentators. My Grandfather was in German Prisons during WWII and my Father got a French citizenship in France quite quickly after the Revolution when we decided not to return to Iran thanks to a French Jewish Friend who had connections with the French government and had spent great times in Shiraz at our house and was deeply greatful to my father for his medical opinion on some health problems he had at the time. But Even this Jewish Friend at the time of his visit to Shiraz was also Very Anti Shah at the time because of the Same book Crash of 79. Is that a Coincidence ? The Shah was compared to a Hitler like Maniac wanting to conquer the world. FAR FROM THE TRUTH !

So do accept some accountability when in turn your own government or press makes mistakes or biaised judgments on other regimes. Your idol Netanyahu is one of the most hypocritical Jews I have ever heard in Israeli Politics ? 

Has he EVER MENTIONED The Children of Tehran saved by IRANIANS DURING WWII ?  Or CYRUS THE GREAT Liberating the Jews and allowing them to return to Israel  ? NO NEVER ! he is an IGNORANT IDIOT or a HYPOCRITE who ignores History when it fits HIS WARMONGERING Arguments ! He is not better than Ahmadinejad in my book! 

Netanyahu IS A BASTARD POLITICIAN and Nothing Else ...

Iran is Germany ? COME ON !



And that is that the Israelis Created AHMADINEJAD by making a whole issue out of it as if Israel had never heard such comments from Muslim Leaders before.

AS FOR YOUR DEMOCRACY it was imported into the Middle East. It was not A  "GRASS ROOT" DEMOCRACY Like France or America conducted through Revolution or social mutation. It was imported like COCA COLA by People who drank Coca Cola or ate Apfelstrudel. It was created by Europeans or American Diaspora Jews who wanted to create their own state overnight and got the greenlight of the World trying to define itself in the aftermath of one of the bloodiest Wars in History.    

The Whole Issue of the Arab Israeli Conflict and why it never acheived a peaceful solution is because of the BLOODY COLD WAR and the fact that YOUR country was a Pion like any other Country in the region divided between East and West and geo strategic questions that jeapordized its survival. Instead of making peace with the Palestinians you turned them to enemies on arguments that they were manipulated by the Soviets which was partially true because of the PLO terrorism. But to continue with this COLD WAR RHETORIC is OBSOLETE TODAY. As Much as Those who claim Iran is a Super Power like China during the Nixon Era.

So before giving Moral Lessons Like Saint Theresa Clean in Front of Your OWN DOORS !





Pulling the rug from under his feet?

by irani 123 (not verified) on

I heard that he was becoming too rebellious close to end of his regime and that did him .He forgot who put him there in first place and started biting the hand that was feeding him and he got slapped.


Made in England revolution!

by An Eye rainian (not verified) on

The Shah had too many opponents and the best future form of government for Iran was a fanatic religious government and then it came Khomeini.He fulfilled several tasks.He rallied people behind himself to made the Shah ran away,over populated Iran to make her a consumer,was a barrier for Russia possible influence in Iran and indirectly helped with the collapse or USSR.