The Shah and The Bomb

Shah Defended right to nuclear weapon

A French Interview of the Shah where he claims to Iran's right to nuclear military capability [video with English translation]. Year ? Most probably mid 1970's. It should be noted that the Shah justifies such nuclear military technology for Iran with the argument that his country is not a member of NATO unlike his neighbour Turkey. Also that as a neighbour to the Soviet Union it had absolutely no military protection other than its own military ( at the time one of the most powerful in terms of conventional non nuclear weaponry)


more from Darius Kadivar

To KamranP

by Ali H. (not verified) on

KamranP I hope you are ENJOYING DEMOCRACY now! :)))


Dictators are Dictators!

by KamranP (not verified) on

Shah after all was a dictator. He ruled according to his own and his master's sweet will. It is said that the worst kind of democracy is better than the dictatorship. Lets carry on with our democracy.

Kaveh Nouraee

Hohn? John? Who?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

What you put in parentheses as the Great Iranian Revolution are your words and ideology, Carpenter.

Why would I attack Jimmy Carter? Very simple. Intellectual impotence and gross incompetence, which in the case of the former seems to have afflicted you as well. For Carter or that trash Yasser Arafat to be awarded a Nobel prize only serves to bring the integrity of the prize into question. It completely demeans, devalues and essentially invalidates the work of past winners of this once prestigious and now meaningless honor.

Carpenter, you don't speak for the west, or for anyone else. Your delusions of intellectual superiority are exceeded by the reality that you truly have deep-seated issues concerning your character and judgment that require extreme intervention.

The fact that you have Wikipedia and Microsoft Encarta tagged as "favorites" in your web browser hardly qualifies you to engage in these discussions. You have yet to express any thoughts that are not found in either one of those sites verbatim.

As far as who I write for....the answer is simple. I write for me. These are my opinions, my thoughts. You can agree or disagree. It is physically impossible for me to care any less than I do now with regards to what you or anyone else thinks of me or my ideology.

I have no qualms whatsoever in expressing my disgust with people like you who live here and praise that criminal regime in Iran. You and your ilk are not even worthy of contempt.


Kaveh is wrong and everyone on knows it

by Hohn Carpenter III (not verified) on

Kaveh Nouraee writes: "I am so sick and tired of all of you apologists who think the IRI is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind, while you live in the U.S. or elsewhere in the West in freedom, badmouthing everything that you are so clearly taking for granted."

Yet, it is the same guy who earlier writes:
"It (The Great Iranian Revolution that toppled the evil Pahlavi dictatorship) was enabled by that horse-toothed Jimmy Carter."

Why would Kaveh attack a great western leader who was given a Nobel Peace Prize? Kaveh is very hypocritical. His reasoning is flawed.

The west has already concluded that the Pahlavi dynasty was wrong. The west has already said that Mossadegh was a better man than both Pahlavi's put together.

Who is Kaveh writing for? Kaveh is wrong.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You can keep your worthless mollahs who have done nothing except to shit all over Iran and the people. I see that you have yet to answer a simple question that I posed to you. Your avoidance speaks volumes.

As far as the billions you claim the Pahlavis was never yours to begin with.

In all of the years preceding 1979, the mollahs had neither the requisite brains or balls to overthrow the monarchy on their own. It was enabled by that horse-toothed Jimmy Carter, who so stupidly bought into the bullshit of that half-Indian bastard.

I am so sick and tired of all of you apologists who think the IRI is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind, while you live in the U.S. or elsewhere in the West in freedom, badmouthing everything that you are so clearly taking for granted.


Re: Shah was a spineless dictator who took his orders from

by Anonymous From Tehran (not verified) on

Americans. Americans put him in power and Americans pushed him out when they saw millions of Iranians demonstrating against him. All these nostalgic BS by Mr Kadivaer and Company is not going to change the fact that Shah was the main reason for the ascend of the mullahs to power. He crushed anybody who disagreed with him. He was in bed with Israel and all other dictators of his time.
Get over it. He is dead and gone and his son and family are spending the billions they stole from Iranian people.

Everything is relative in this world hamvatan. This is the same rhetoric used in the 70s to drag inexperienced naive people of iran into the streets to stage the coup of 1979 and transfer the power and wealth of the country to a few country-less god-less people, namely mullas.

This emotional arrogant attitude brought us here and still persists for those who live outside iran and do not feel the daily pain of iranians.

For iranians inside iran, the above assessment may have been valid in the 70s but no more today, as they have seen dictatorship that could never imagine then, brutality that they could never imagine then, looting of the country's resources that they could never imagine then, and injustice that they had no idea that could be brought upon them.

Who cares who bought in the shah, who cares whom he was in bed with, as long as that served the people more than what was about to happen. Is it any better to be brought in by a murderous country-less ayatollah than americans? Is it better to be in bed with an oppressive religion than far-away israelis who have not done us a fraction of harm that islam and islamic republic has brought upon iran and iranians? Do you believe than an evil from within, simply because it is in the name of islam, is much better than give-and-take with a country that you live in and take full advantage of what it has to offer to its residents?

I am sorry but you obviously do NOT know the mullas well and neither do know about the hard principals shia islam that blame shah for the coming of mullas. We were so lucky that the so called revolution happened in 1979 rather than in, say 1921. Had it happened in 1921 with mullas in power we would be a copy of afghanistan with no hope at all, with our girls wearing burqua instead of scarfs.

Here is an example of what islam/mullas are doing to iranians, what shah never did so openly.

This happened few weeks ago. Maybe it will help you know islam and islamic republic better and take a more realistic attitude in view of the kind of monsters that shah had to deal with.

Gasht was cruising streets for bad-hejabs. Two guys with thick black beards parked their car at a street corner with one in the driver seat and another leaning on the side of the car gazing at the passing girls.

Two girls approached the car from the sidewalk, talking to each other. One girl, maybe 18 or 19, had sneakers on with manicured foot nails, modestly but fashionably dressed. Her pinkish manteaux covers her arms up to about 10 centimeters above her wrist and her fashionable manteau has loose sleeves.

The Gasht leaning on the car approached her accusing her of being not modest. She asks "why?"

He answers: your feet are showing, your nails are polished, and your manteaux arms are short and loose.

The girls tries to argue when the bearded guy grabs her left arm telling her that he should take her in. She tries to free herself while begging. He tries to stress her lack of modesty.

The guy says: "listen girl, your manteaux sleeves are short and loose" while trying to insert his free right hand into her sleeve.

Suddenly the girl screams with pain and slaps him hard with her other free hand and when freed falls on the ground squatting with pain while holding to her left breast.

The girl screams: "this bastard reached my breast from within my loose sleeve... this bastard pinched my breast..."

The people gather and start beating the guy in defense of the girl.

The guy started to object saying that: "I represent the islamic republic, you are all under arrest... I represent the supreme leader, I can do whatever I want... I represent the president and must arrest bad-hejabs... I represent islam and must prevent unislamic behaviors..."

People start chanting, using the language of shah's period: "Pahlavi avenue does not need islamic gasht... Pahlavi avenue does not need supreme leaders rapists..." while beating the guy.

The guy hardly escapes, jumping in the car and speeding away.

Yes this is what islam and islamic thugs were cooking for us. They all belonged to the jail permanently and any defense of them or their religion is treason, not only against iran and iranians, but also against any sense of humanity and morality. These people and their religion are evil and ONLY people in iran who have to deal with them on a daily basis and face arrest, rape, imprisonment, and murder on the flip of a coin know that shah's failure was to allow these people to fool people with an endless pile of lies (which some still believe, but even IRI itself does not claim to its truthfulness anymore) and take power and culturally destroy our beloved country. This is not iran that we see today, it is 30 years of islam and islamic republic in practice that would have happened the same way that it happened when Omar run over iran and burned the library on madaen and any mobed that he could get a hold of, when Ali was caliph and murdered people of istakhr (proudly referred to as a testimony of his shoja'at in shia texts), when the fanatic shah shoja ruled Fars (and spent all his time either praying to god or murdering people he considered unislamic), when Fanatic shah ismail ruled in iran, and when khomeini with endless promises of freedom, justice, and free water and electricity and buses came to power - all lies.


Reply to Fatollah and Shemrooni

by t (not verified) on

"Ghorbooneh dahanet". Iranians asked for and deserve this regime. "Khoshi zade bod zir deleshoon" and they thought they deserve more. Otherwise, why are they not on the streets now demonstrating against the IRI's brutality. They are afraid of being killed or busy making ends meet. They weren't afraid then, because they knew the Shah was not a killer and they had free time on their hands.

Why is it that you have a chip on your shoulder? Stop pointing the finger at others for our problems. It wasn't the West that caused you to go to the demonstrations. It was you who went. However, I have to say that the Shah is partially to blame because of his White Revolution and handing out land, rights and the like to the "rayats" who were mostly religious. The rayats started this revolution because, they like you had a chip on their shoulder. As you can see the rayats came to be the IRI (e.g. Ahmadinezad). The "konfedrasionis" were young and thought it would be cool to be rebellious and it was easier to be rebellious against the Shah's regime than their "naneh o aghas". Their dads would have taken out the belt and given them a good beating if they wanted to be rebellious but the Shah wouldn't.


Re: Safa Ali

by ThePope on

Safa Ali-e baa saafaa, His critics were a bunch of lying bastard-peasants with too many complexes who actually spread all the propaganda about Him being a murderous dictator(!). And the funny thing is that still today's "yuppies" really believe all the bullshit spread about Him (just like before 1979's angholab). roohesh shaad



yous are all wrong.

by ah-v-ha (not verified) on

he did not do what the we asked him to do and did not give what was asked to give, so we brok his pot and he fell and died in his vell.


stick to the subject matter!

by Fatollah (not verified) on

stick to the subject matter! Obviously, we are talking about IRI and not USA. USA is another matter, we all know about Bush and his records ...

Safa Ali


by Safa Ali on

Thepope, ya, you're right. It's funny how you and I think he was too soft, but his critics think he was a brutal dictator that killed and tortured millions of people. I think it's because they actually believe all of the false propaganda that was spread about him.


"What would you like to see

by regime (not verified) on

"What would you like to see done to the current regime for all of the crimes against humanity they have committed?"

Which "current regime"? Bush Administration or IRI? In both cases I'd say impeachment.


Some people do not want to

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Some people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions and choices in life! They never will! These people left Iran after the fuck up during early and late 1980's, they tried to live their lives prior to 1979 Iran, but soon enough they found out that they actually have to work for the living! That life was not like the way they had imagined would be in Western Europe or good old "Satan" US of A! koon-goshad tareen of these were the "Chapees" = left and "azadi khahan" and the mojaheds. And as far as the Melli-ion and Jebhe- Melli goes, they sought to appease Khomeynie the son of a bitch and his lackeys! I am sure their daughters and sons are doing well in US of A and they blame the Shah for the lost properties, fortunes and lifestyle they had and enjoyed in Iran during the Shahs era. Hala begeen kar kar englisa bood!

A civilized man does not need to be hard or soft, the history is crystal clear! Come to think of it, Iranians actually deserve IR regime. That is it!


Shah was a spineless dictator who took his orders from

by shemrooni (not verified) on

Americans. Americans put him in power and Americans pushed him out when they saw millions of Iranians demonstrating against him. All these nostalgic BS by Mr Kadivaer and Company is not going to change the fact that Shah was the main reason for the ascend of the mullahs to power. He crushed anybody who disagreed with him. He was in bed with Israel and all other dictators of his time.
Get over it. He is dead and gone and his son and family are spending the billions they stole from Iranian people.


Reply to Shemrooni

by t (not verified) on

Dear Shemrooni, you should save your tears and cry for all the young, old, women, men, children that are killed or maimed on a daily basis by the replacement regime (the Islamic Republic) that the likes of you brought.

Save your tears for the young that died in the Iran-Iraq war. Save your tears for all the young women who are prostituting themselves for the basics. Save your tears for the many more children in orphanages. Orphanages without running water. Save your tears for the homosexuals who are killed. Save your tears for the women who are stoned. Save your tears for the blatant inequality that exists between women and men. Save your tears for the increase of drug users. Save you tears for the brain drain. Save your tears for the discrimination against religious minorities like the Bahaiis. Save your tears for the lack of personal freedom. Need I say more.
I think you need to go back and start another revolution and prosecute this regime !!! See how long you will last. How many demonstrations this regime which the likes of you brought will you be able to attend.

An example of tolerance, the Shah treated the "jozamees" with dignity, the Islamic Republic kills people with HIV.


he was ahead of his time

by zede mulla (not verified) on

it took me 10 years after devolution to know who he was,shame on left ,center,right (so called political parties)that decived us and impose a merdurous regime like islamist mullas on us.
for thoes who thing that was the past forget it!!!!
I'll say we have to learn from the past to make it better for future.
Shah was the graet patriotic who loves his people too.
roohas shad

Darius Kadivar

FYI: Another Comment by the Shah (youtube)

by Darius Kadivar on

Shah of Iran telling his population and the rest of the world:

"We are not the toys of any country including the United States" - National Press Club, 1973


Safa Ali

by ThePope on

Safaa to eshgheh.

He only had ONE weakness and that was His softness. If only He was just a little bit like His father, Reza Shah Khan-e Gholdor, you know what I mean?!. But I completely agree with you that He was one of the greatest men Iran (Persia) ever had. Or, should I just say: Iran's Greatest king (indisputable,,, in my opinion). Roohesh shaad.


Thank you D.K. (also for the other ones...)


AT LAST ....

by amirkabear4u on

Hear it from the horse's mouth.

I been using this site for one year all I hear from shah's supporters repeating the same boring comments, 'democracy or development'. All this changes had nothing to do with Iran's development and peoples' well being. Foreign politicians do not care for any of this. Glad to say mullahs are going exactly the same direction too.

Love your environment and with or without nuclear power we will be who we are.

Safa Ali

The Greatest

by Safa Ali on

With all of his flaws, he was still one of the greatest men Iran ever had.


And that's why Pahlavis are gone

by Davood123 (not verified) on

American Israeli lobby were the ones who pushed for the US to work to undermine the Shah. They did not want a strong independent Iran and certainly did not wish to see a strong Iranian military.

While some within Israel were more friendly but it was the Israeli lobby in the US that plotted to undermine the Pahlavi regime and drag Iran through chaos.

Of course the ultimate blame is squarely on the shoulders of Iranians themselves.

Who remembers the slogans of the revolution calling the Shah an Israeli puppet???


I hate dictators...

by Parthian on

From left to right to center, I hate all the dictators, although I think history has shown that those on the left are much more manipulative, and murder on a much larger scale. I am not fan of Shah, but I have to completely agree with t on this one. This islamo-fascist government in power is so terrible, so horrible, this guy is actually looks better and better everyday comparatively.


The Shah Grate & To Mach for This Idiot Peoples

by Mehregan (not verified) on

Bunch of Idiot Talking Abut the Man Build Iran & Take Iran to the 21 Century,
Bunche Of Communist & Toodehs & Crap Non Iranian Talking Abut The Men With Full Of Love To Their Khomeini’s Children The People Destroyed Iran In 79 & Now Talking Nonsense & Rubbish,
Moseyed Is One of the Iran First Enemy & Never Care or Concern Abut Iran & His Supporter Same Their Leader Must Go To Hell,
After 30 Years This Stupid People Never Stand Watts the Molas Doing In Iran Just In Empty Brain Talking Shit,
Shame On All Of You & Shame On Jebhe Melli,Toodeh,Mojahedin,Aksariat,Confederasion Plus Evil Mosadegh Head Of Idiot Supporters,

David ET

Velesh konin baba!

by David ET on

The guy is DEAD . Almost 30 years has passed and you are still andar kham yek koochein.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

What would you like to see done to the current regime for all of the crimes against humanity they have committed?


I cried when I saw this video

by shemrooni (not verified) on

for all the young people who were tortured and killed by this guy and he didn't live long enough to be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Here's the link to the one with the English subs:


Couldn't find one with Farsi, though.

Anon500...while your point has a great degree of validity, Mohammad Reza Shah was still our monarch, and it was he who brought Iran forward, more so than Dr. Mossadegh. I share your hope that the mollahs will be gone in short order.

Anon!....I can't say I agree with you. Israel and Iran's relations were much different than they are now. Israel knew that an Islamic theocracy would not be in Israel's interests, considering how neighboring states all would like to see the country obliterated.

MRX, t, Mitra.....well put.



> we iranians are still too damn e-stupid

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

And as someone said earlier, we didn't deserve him. Still today, many iranians in and outside the country do not have a clue of his achievements, all they will respond is '' CIA, Savak, corruption..'' and other unrelated chert o pert.

When I look at the way my family lives in Iran, with their wealth and relative power, it makes me sick. All they care about is the shape of their nose, their cheesy Burberry shirts (don't know why they're so much into that has been brand anyways...) and their SUVs. Pathetic and dumb.

We didn't deserve him. We prefer to export our brains in all continents, and have our girls getting pounded by arabs.

Good job people. good job

p.s : He spoke a perfect french, and I mean perfect. RIP Pedar


The West got rid of him??

by Chamran (not verified) on

The west had nothing to do with him gone. This man ran away because he was a coward and nothing more than that. His time was finished and he died just as he deserved...a man without a country. This man was as pro west as they come. He was nothing more than a CIA agent who removed the Great Mossadegh from power with the USA and British help. So many people on here make him as he was some sort of Martyr...he was nothing more than a traitor who was selling his country out for nothing and killing anyone who got in his way. 


some one

by Abarmard on

Should repost this with a Persian or English sub. That would be a great service.