Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

"This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog"

BBC: A surprise visit by US President George Bush to Iraq has been overshadowed by an incident in which two shoes were thrown at him during a news conference. An Iraqi journalist was wrestled to the floor by security guards after he called Mr Bush "a dog" and threw his footwear, just missing the president. The soles of shoes are considered the ultimate insult in Arab culture. In the middle of the news conference with Mr Maliki, a reporter stood up and shouted "this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog," before hurtling his shoes at Mr Bush, narrowly missing him. "All I can report is a size 10," Mr Bush said according to the Associated Press news agency>>>


more from bahram9821

When black kills black in Africa ......

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

.....The game is allways initiated by whites. Also in Ruanda. Belgium amd France, these two mini satans had initiated that crime.
We didn't do anything
No we did not. Greeting

Anonymous Observer

Well, if the shoe fits....

by Anonymous Observer on

Perfect end to a failed presidency....

Although I have to admire Bush for his physical reflexes.  For a guy at his age who dodged the draft and never really served in the military (notwhitstanding the glorious Texas National Guard), he has pretty good "duck and cover" instincts...but then again, he did work out a lot during the past eight years....I guess that compensates for his lack of attention to the nation's security, wars, the economy, world standing, healthcare....etc...  


Darius Kadivar

Anyone Remembers Iranian Farhad Barzoft executed by Saddam ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Food For Thought ...

Farzad Barzoft, British Iranian  journalist, hung in Iraq on 15 March 1990 for trying to report on possible Iraqi WMD activities -Farzad Bazoft was a reporter who, on an invited trip to Iraq, went to a weapons plant in pursuit of a story of all his colleagues were chasing. There is no serious evidence that he was there for any other purpose. He made no secret of his intentions to his colleagues or his hosts. The Iraqi authorities produced no proof of espionage, other than ‘confessions’ clearly extracted from a man under intolerable pressure and fear for his life. They do not stand up to even cursory inspection.  He died a horrible death without a fair trial or appeal…


Farzad Bazoft The Observer's editorial on the Sunday following the killing of journalist Farzad Bazoft by Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 1990.



by YT (not verified) on

Finally one brave Iraqi demonstrates how really nation of Iraq feel about Gift of Freedom (over 100,000 dead, and country in ruins) that Mr Bush and Chaney have bestowed upon this ungrateful(sarcasm) people.

Mr Bush, Chaney Ms. Rice and rest of the gang should be put on Nuremberg style trial for WAR CRIMES against American and Iraqi people.

I have a suggestion for the place of incarceration once they are sentenced, GUANTANAMO Bay.


Have a wonderful day

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Shoe target practice with George W. Bush

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on


What goes around comes around

by پیام on

Like a boomerang. Life is a bitch though.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

You're all wrong. Those shoes contained flowers and candy

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

That was the stuff Cheney was talkin' about. But they are so heathen, those Arabs, that they deliver things with their smelly shoes. We need to start learning the customs now that we're going to be staying there for a while. Ya know?

Hopefully Iraq will be a tourist destination one day. We can go to the old Iraqi museum where all the precious stuff was looted, broken and sold for 60 bucks or prostitute for a night. 




by Professor Danesh (not verified) on

A. List various names given to human's foot wear in farsi language:

1. Charogh...
2. Giveh...
3. Galesh
4. Chackmeh

B. Repeat the same listing in english language

1. Sneakers
2. Boots

C. Explain what is in Woman's psyche that made them all without exception to have shoes and more shoes even if they don't have money to buy underwear

D. Tell the price of most expensive shoes ever sold in the market...

E. Explain why in persian language the term Bare food (pa berahneh) is used as a proxy for backwardness and primitive life style devoid of civilized ethoes... how this term came into the language and became popular...that is what historical events promoted this formation of this concept the way it is meant to mean...

Good luck!


To bad he missed

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

"I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Sun Dec 14, 2008 08:29 PM PST

1. Iran dodged a big bullet with this invasion. Otherwise, I don't know. Also, what if Obama decides to pull an FDR move and go to war with Iran to save America's economy? "

There is a slight danger, but its not that simple. Iran cant be attacked, not by Israel, nor by the US. They know it, we know it. Iran holds to many cards. Thats why they want to starve the country to death first and use the same strategy they did on Iraq. The regime in Teheran wants that just as well, more excuses to be used against the "great satan". More poverty in the country will breathe more uneducated fanatics out.

I dont see any difference between Obama and Bush. They both offer the same conditions on the normalization issue. Obama just wants to deliver the terms with his own foreign minister instead of letting the EU do it for him like Bush did. Iran will reject them as they are strategically laughable, Obama with his high faced popularity will stand infront of the UN and say "I tried my best, lets start the mercifull killing" while Hillary wets her panties in the background.

Obama wants to stop dropping 200 000 dollar bombs on Iraqis, and drop them on afghanis and pakistanis instead.

The election of Obama was the election of the greatest con man in history. I hope I eat my own words 5 months from now, but I doubt it.



by Mash_Ghassem (not verified) on

After the shoe throwing incident by the Iraqi hero reporter, reporters in Afghanistan were ordered to take their shoes off before entering the room where W was having a news conference.
W's gaurds were told that the shoe throw is not an Afghani custom, but an Arabic one, but it did not work. They had to take their shoes off anyways.


Iran can have more influence in Iraq .......

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

but preferes irakis themselves would take influence in their country. Such as Iranians have done in their own.
Most poeple use bring most intelligent advises after the SSABU is brocken and the water is lost. Hier is one:
For Irakis it would have been best if they had thrown the Sadam Hossein in 9/80 1away and had founded their own Islamic Republic of Irak.
However: late better than never.


a sample of Iraqi brutality

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Do you mean ABU GHORAIB? Greeting



by William (not verified) on

By the international standards established by the Nurmberg trials, this present American regime consists primarily of war criminals. I pray I may someday see them brought to trial for their crimes, duly sentenced and then swiftly hung. IA.


شانس آورد

امیر کبیر با زیر شلواری توی نانوایی سنگکی (not verified)

آقای بوش شانس آورد که دولت انگلستان فقط با دو تا لنگه کفش پیام خود را برای بوش و رئیس جمهور بعدی آقای اوباما فرستاد که دیگر جرات نکنند به کشورهایی که تحت الحمایه و سر سپرده انگلیس هستند چون ایران و عراق حمله نظامی کند.

ای مگس عرصه سیمرغ نه جولانگه توست
عرض حود میبری و زحمت ما میداری


come on, he was just

by Anonymously (not verified) on

come on, he was just exercising his right to free speech which Bush helped bring to Iraq. fruits of our labor...!!


Good, Now Bush Can Drink Himself to Death

by Ali Sefati (not verified) on

For being the world's biggest F*** up. His goodbye gift as president, the people he said he liberated, was a pair or shoe!

God does work in mysterious ways. People who don't get his ways will pay for it.



by Sia.A (not verified) on

I love it when these kind of goofy things happening in the world of politics.

Perfect aiming...but awesome reaction, I think Mr. President had previous experience, It seems it wasn't the first time he face the flying shoe...or maybe we should ask the first lady?! :)))



Why couldn't this shoe have

by desi on

Why couldn't this shoe have been a Dutch wooden clog?  Great reflexes though.  Not surprised, he's been an expert at ducking, evading and skirting for the last 8 years.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I do feel bad for them... but 2 things

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

1. Iran dodged a big bullet with this invasion. Otherwise, I don't know. Also, what if Obama decides to pull an FDR move and go to war with Iran to save America's economy? <scared!>

2. Saddam was an absolute piece of ship. I don't like the occupation, but I'm glad Saddam is gone. I'll be an honest hippy about this.  

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

In the beginning of the war, Iraqi journalists were targeted

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

and killed. They had families too. They were reporting on the casualities and the lack of transparency, while Fox was getting close access to the appointed media people in the administration. If you have seen the movie 'Control Room' you know what I am talking about. It's a war. What do you expect Bush? You finally feel the heat. I'm glad in a way, but I know this guy's anger comes from a bad place. It must be frustrating.


Concerners Iranianl,ive and let others live

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Whatever you call Iraqis,vicious cruel,desert dwellers, lizard or snake eaters,we need to leave these poor folks alone.They had suffered enough with 8 years of war with Iran and half a million casualties and now with this invasion they are even suffering more.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

This is so suspicious. I wouldn't put it past Bush to plan this

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

He craves sympathy now more than ever. He is freaking out about his crappy legacy and having a darkie throw a show at him would bring both sides to his favor. Where was the protection? Aren't people supposed to save him? Even the secret service doesn't want to get in the way anymore I guess. Not worth it.... LOL


Collateral damage

by Hajminator on

The guy had the courage to express his discontent. It's very brave of him if you consider that there were 10 security guards in each square meter.What's unfortunate it's that he missed W. For the goodbye kiss, Bush deserved to take two stinking shoes in his mouth.

Behnam Khazar

Mr Yassari

by Behnam Khazar on

No intention to be condescending or sarcasting and it was a term of endearment.  As a matter of fact on many occasions, I tend to agree with Irandokht.  However, you have to remember that we can and should be able to disagree with each other like civilized people without insulting each other. 

This forum should be more than just a place that we agree with each other, congratulate each other on 2,500 years of civilization and put "water melon" under each others arms. 

I give you a clue, if I ever say "Dokhi Dearest" (like the movie Mommie Dearest!!), I may be condescending.


All the racists come crawling out of their holes

by Niki on

To "concerned Iranian", i doubt you are either concerned or Iranian, but you clearly don't know your history. Among the other hatred you spew, you say that "they have just recently moved into the cities." Well, if you  check any history book, you will learn that Damascus, Baghdad and Sana, among other cities in the "desert", are among the oldest in the world.

The other guy on this thread who is making openly racist and hateful comments, i don't have anything to say to you, but I'm somewhat surprised that the moderator let them go through. I suppose the positive side of publishing such comments is to let people see their authors for the embarrasing and ignorant fools they are. 



The Shoe Thrower Should Have Been Trained by Obama !

by ./. (not verified) on

Obama is a great thrower of basketball. This fellow should have come to Obama for training before doing his bid. I would put the picture of this Iraqi Hero on stamps and mail it around the world. Iraq has proven not to be the safe ground for invaders. It is full of heros like this shoe thrower.


The Reporter isa sample of Iraqi brutality

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

For years the Iraqis have been killing each other and others. I am talking about the period before Saddam Hussein. These people (and I mean these people) are desert dwellers. They have just recently moved into the cities. You would not want to be near them in a place without protection. They are vicious, and cruel.They have no sense of civility. They are not like people from the civilized world. Please don't send me letters saying that somehow Americans are not civilized. Well
, .belive me they are a lot more civilzed than most of the people from the Middle Esat, including Israel. Here is a man (George Bush) who has spent hundredds of billions trying to help these vicious people, and this is what he gets as a thank you. I know, you wll say that he was there for one raeson only. But yiur really need to grow up and realize that ther re more than one reaaon for one's actions. I have rarely met an American who was or sounded evil, and who wished bad things for others. In Iraq, you can dimply walk down the street and you will see many who wish everyone , including Iranians to die so they can live. I look forward to the day that most Iraqid become civilized. But I am sure that will be a hundred years from now.
As asdw note,if the Iranians were tyhe ones attacked by Zmerica,raqis would help to dtetroy Iran. Do. stop being such a bleeding heart for these vicius people.

Javad Yassari

To Behnam Khazar

by Javad Yassari on

Your addressee's user name is IRANdokht.  Nowhere on this thread nor anywhere else on this site has she ever been called by the nickname of "Dokhi."  As for addressing her in an endearing term such as "Joon" when you are clearly in a disagreement with her, I hope you are not being condescending to her.  If you stick with arguing your position clearly on this thread, you will be endearing more users than IRANdokht.


George W: Mr. journalist I would eat you shoe if

by Anonymous 123 (not verified) on

George W: Mr. journalist I would eat you shoe if you think USA would leave Iraq any time soon so Iran can have more influence in Iraq and tilt the balance of power to their favor in Persian gulf region.:-0)

Arash Monzavi-Kia

Now, why would anyone throw shoes at such a fine human being?

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on