Thoughts in a Hijab

"My cultural and personal identity"

YouTube intro: "This youth-produced film tells the story of a young woman who recently moved to the US from Iran, and her decision to continue wearing the hijab although no longer forced to do so."


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She looks ugly without a Hejab!

by Shahrokh T (not verified) on

That is why she is wearing it. Have you walked in a streets in Iran steering at the women with Hejabs. They look more pretty with Hejab than without having it.
The rest is story!!!


P.S. I am keep thinking when the Iranians through the akhonds out, there is going to be many people whom take off their clothes and walk nude for days in the street of Tehran!!!


Wearing jeans is part of her cultural identity too?

by Anonypishi (not verified) on

She has to do it right; wear a chador then we are talking. She’ll do fine acting in those independent movies. See you on IFC.
Mardome Iran khol shodan.


Mini Skirt

by shirazie (not verified) on

I think she replaces the pants with a Mini skirt..she will make a fashion statement.

loosen up sis. you only live once and it is only 40 years. the rest is down hill


It is Not a sign of strenght

by t (not verified) on

I disagree with the comment from Alborzi that it requires an independent and a brave personality for the likes of Sahar to continue to wear a veil in the West. To the contrary. Sahar is young and subject to her family's pressures and desires. She is giving into them and wants to make them happy. She is not a free thinker nor independent. Now, if she were 40 years old, highly educated, financially independent and free from family pressure and still making that choice, then I would label her action as "independent". For now she is a slave to her family and has not yet discovered what she really wants. I don't think that mother of her's will ever let her discover her true self.


Hijab and Culture

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

First of all the mother is wrong when saying Hijab will protect her daughter from losing her cutltural identity

second, they are not wearing the hijab right, almost half of the hair is showing

third, I think the mother has caused a greater damage to her daughter, that kid one day will realize how much screwed up she is, and requires a life time of therapy to fix her

Thank you to Party Girl to showing us another IRI propaganda.

I recommend to all Iranian women to save their virginity and wear hijab because that protects them from losing your virginity, then they become excellent PR for IRI.


Hejab does NOT represent the Iranian cultural

by t (not verified) on

The premise and rationale of why she is wearing the veil and hence the title of this documentary is flawed. The hejab may represent this girl's family and personal identity but it does NOT represent the Iranian cultural identity.

Iran is made of Zoroastrians, Jews, Bahaiis, Christians and Muslims, and prior to the 1979 revolution was a secular country. And, although most Iranians are Muslims, the greater portion of the women population in Iran voluntarily did not wear the veil prior to the veil being forced upon them in 1980. Even today, most of those women only wear a veil outside of their homes because it is mandated.

Given Sahar's mother wears a veil and her backward comments, you can see she comes from a religious family where that is the way they have been brought up. Sahar's mother naively thinks the veil sheilds her daughter from corruption and maintains her modesty (nejabat). Her daughter's reputation and virginity is all that matters to the mother. Because in the world of Islam that is the only thing of value a woman has to offer.

At least Sahar has the option to follow her family values and continue to wear the veil in the US. In Iran, a woman does not have the option to not wear a veil.


Personal choice is not a cultural identity

by desertlion (not verified) on

Sahar obviously has a strong personallity and has not let the western atmoshpere influence her. However, I disagree that wearing hejab is an Iranian culture. It is a religious culture.


They are brave

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Its brave to do it. It requires an independent and
a very brave personality now . There is so much stereo typing of them that is unbearable. I see the alternatives at my son's schools and its a never ending race to the bottom, there is so much narcissistic personality that it has become norm. I know that I would have not ever finished HS if I was sitting next to these almost nude (really with the low cut jeans) girls. Their hejab is normal in the last century in countries like greece and Mexico, now we are in the narcistic century.

AmirAshkan Pishroo

Dear Party Girl

by AmirAshkan Pishroo on

She knows quite well that the pursuit of her cultural identity is at odds with her gender identity, with her feeling of being a young woman.

In any case, this was quite an impressive video clip. Thanks.