Crossing the bridge

Crossing the bridge

Photo essay: Supporters of Iran movement on Golden Gate Bridge

by Steve Rhodes



Light in the dark

Light in the dark

Photo essay: Rally and vigil in Orange County, California

by Bita
28-Jun-2009 (one comment)



Raw at Red Rock

The defiant courageous spirit of the crowd shames me

27-Jun-2009 (22 comments)
I escaped. I left June gloom behind and took to the road, chasing the unknown into the desert. The music is at full blast; a feeble attempt to obliterate the sounds and the images of a world that has gone mad. And now on this balcony of a new fate I stand drowned and raw to the bone, staring at the Red Rock which is glowing in the afternoon Arizona sun. The iPod ear buds deliver the high and low decibels to my core, so that every cell, sinew and muscle is soaked in the music. I feel my hair stand on end. The heat, the rage and the utter helplessness join forces and pound at my heart; fistfuls of deep and dark guilt deliver explosions, one after another, to my soul. The dam opens; tears cascade down my cheeks, drenching my face, dripping on the steno pad where my thoughts scream out of my pen>>>


"Death to dictatorship"

"Death to dictatorship"

Photo essay: Demonstration in front of Iranian embassy in London

by RL Banks
24-Jun-2009 (7 comments)



Iran, Iran, Iran

Iran, Iran, Iran

Photo essay: Iranians in DC shout "Democracy Yes, Dictatorship No"

by Fariba Amini
24-Jun-2009 (8 comments)



Powerful message to the world

Powerful message to the world

Photo essay: Candlelight vigil in San Francisco for fallen protesters in Iran

by Nazy Kaviani
22-Jun-2009 (42 comments)



Honoring martyrs

Honoring martyrs

Photo essay: Iranians in San Francisco mourn those killed in Iran protests

by Nazy Kaviani
22-Jun-2009 (13 comments)



It’s Your Business and No One Else’s!

Remember, you, as an Iranian are in charge of your own future

21-Jun-2009 (10 comments)
Those who care to know about your objection to the 22 Khordad 1388/12 June 2009 presidential election results outside of Iran are well aware of the situation. They also know the response that you have received since it is well reported by all media outlets and video clips you post on-line. As an Iranian-born, child of the revolution, historian, teacher, and defender of freedom I ask you to look only within yourselves to help find the necessary remedies to solve your issue... Neither I nor any other person, irrespective of their genuine desire, can ask foreign powers to meddle into your affairs at this very sensitive time in history. Power to the People and Remember the Past! >>>


In support of the people of Iran

In support of the people of Iran

Photo essay: Iranians gather in San Jose

by kfravon
20-Jun-2009 (30 comments)



Awash in green

Awash in green

Photo essay: Protest demonstration in Irvine, California

by TS
19-Jun-2009 (30 comments)



Democracy NOW

Democracy NOW

Photo essay: Nearly 1000 gather at San Francisco's Union Square in support of protesters in Iran

by cyrus omoomian
17-Jun-2009 (9 comments)



All together now

All together now

Photo essay: San Francisco rally in support of protests in Iran

by Nazy Kaviani
17-Jun-2009 (15 comments)



A complete family

A complete family

Photo essay: Lila Soraya Salari has arrived

by Siamack
11-May-2009 (19 comments)



چشمها را باید شست

این نسل طلبکارترین نسل از زمان آدم ابوالبشر به این طرف است

توی دبستان های سوئد به بچه ها یاد می دهند که پدر و مادر صاحب شما نیستند، شما تنها این سالها را با آنها زند گی می کنید. یعنی که ای گوز! پشم کلاه من و ترا مدتهاس باد برده است. وقتی هم رفت رفته دیگه. بی خودی نشین برای خودت بهار بکار. « درسش که تموم شد برمیگرده میاد همین جا زن میگیره، عید نوروز میاد سر میزنه. میادش بالاخره. خاک وطن آدمو هر کجا که باشه….» همه این حرفها را بدهی یک آدامس خروس نشان هم بهت نمی دهند. بقول آن مرد خدا توی آبادان «… دیگه گوگوش نمی یاد.» حالا برو شکر کن که پیمان خیال استرالیا نداره. ارمنستان که همسایه تان است مومن. توی تبریز بروی پشت بام، نوک کلیساهایشان پیداست! خلاصه خودتو بی خودی سبک نکن. از من گفتن!>>>


Free to express

Kaveh Dadashzadeh: The art of elderly Iranian immigrants

27-Apr-2009 (17 comments)
Today a good portion of first-generation Iranian Immigrants to the US have reached old age. Comparing the conditions of these elderly Iranian immigrants to their counterparts in Iran leads us to two contradictory conclusions: Loneliness and estrangement have hardened their adjustment to the requirements of old age, and compared to patriarchal Iran, the individualistic society of America has lowered their social prestige as carriers of old traditions. In contrast, because they enjoy the same legal rights and social and medical benefits that the American senior citizens are entitled to, the elderly Iranian immigrants can potentially be more creative and active than their counterparts in Iran>>>