خسته بر سنگ سرخ

گریه بی‌ طاقتم امان میبرد؛ کاش مرا میزدند، کاش مرا می‌‌کشتند!

03-Jul-2009 (4 comments)
بیرون زدم. به اندوه این خرداد پشت کردم و جاده را در جستجوی ناکجایی در کویر، سلام گفتم. ناله ساز بلند بود؛ در تلاشی ناتوان که فریاد‌ها و تصاویر جهان جنون را بشویم. حالا، خسته و کمر شکسته، بر این سنگ سرخ زل زده ام؛ بر این محراب پرستشی نو که به مهر خورشید کویر، آتش گرفته است. گوشم از ناله‌های زیر و بم پر میشود، از صدای پر التهاب آوازی که بند بندم را به خویش میخواند و مو بر تنم راست می‌کند. حرارت خشم و حس گناه با ضعف تنهایی‌ همدست شده، بر قلبم میکوبند. چشمم میشکند؛ قطره قطره بارش غمناکش از چهره به دست، از دست به قلم. آغاز تابستان گرم، فصل شور، به کابوس مینشیند. من برین گوشه ساکن به پناه آمده ام. من فراری هستم؛ >>>


Simplistic and shallow

"Sorya M." depicts a primitive, evil, dark Iran that serves only the agenda of war mongers

01-Jul-2009 (61 comments)
During this highly emotional and volatile period in our history “Stoning of Soraya M” is released and what a timely arrival as if Hollywood had possessed a looking glass into the future. At the first glance, a movie that exposes the brutality of theocratic regime and its repressive laws and customs must be welcomed by all freedom loving Iranians, but the whole project reeks of an odious distortion. Presumably, in pursuit of freedom and justice we must embrace any document that exposes the brutality of evil and dark forces that extinguishes life and liberty. But the film makes rather spurious presumptions, and that is precisely the problem with the film; Iran is an arid land dominated by forces of darkness and evil doers>>>


Brutal finale

"Stoning of Soraya M." should renew outcry against not only stoning, but death by any means

25-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
In 1986, French-Iranian journalist Freidoune Sahebjam’s car unexpectedly stalled on the steep, narrow roads zigzagging along Kupayeh’s austere mountain ridges, stranding him in the wind-whipped village. Walking among the sand-dusted brick houses, Sahebjam was accosted by a desperate woman, Zahra, who feverishly related a terrifying true story of a village conspiracy involving blackmail, misogyny, and murder. Zahra told the journalist that she, as a woman in Iran, no longer had a voice and she pleaded with him to “take her voice” and tell the world her story. Speaking into Sahebjam’s tape recorder, Zahra recounts the tragedy of her 35-year-old niece, Soraya, who was stoned to death for the crime of adultery, a crime that she did not commit>>>


Seyyed Ali Shah

An open letter to Ayatollah Khamenei

23-Jun-2009 (16 comments)
In your carefully chosen words, there is no sign of weakness. You were present in 1978, when the Shah gave that awkward speech and you know how it works. Give "them" a finger and "they" will ask for your whole arm. After all, then, you were one of "them". Now you are at his place. You are the shakhs e avval e mamlekat. And you are not going to repeat his mistake. No revolution is going on here. Just a number of loyal people having some difficulty with arithmetic and with admitting their defeat! You refused to give a fingernail! Nothing! Hichee! Rien! Nada de nada! Any sacrifice would only sharpen the appetite of the beast. There is no way for those future schoolchildren to mix you up with Mohammad Reza Shah, that wimp. You got guts>>>


سئوال اينست، چه بايد کرد؟

اعتصاب چنانچه فراگير شود مي تواند ماشين سرکوب را بسرعت فلج سازد

23-Jun-2009 (6 comments)
در شرايط کنوني طرح اين سئوال از آنرو حياتي تر شده که بنابه گزارشاتي که از داخل کشور مي رسد، بيش از پانصد تن از نخبگان فکري و روزنامه نگاران، و عدهً زيادي از جوانان و دانشجويان معترض در داخل کشور بطور بي سابقه اي دستگير شده اند و مردم عادي، گروههاي مرجع اجتماعي، و گروههاي سياسي بيش از هرزماني با اين مسئله مواجه اند که واقعاً چه بايد کرد؟ اين نوشته تلاشي است براي يافتن پاسخي درخور به اين سئوال حياتي. براي شناخت شرايط کنوني لازم است نخست به اهمّ رويدادهاي چند روز اخير نظري اجمالي بيافکنيم: اول، خامنه اي بعنوان ولي فقيه مطلقهً نظام، در دعواي بين دولت و ملت، جانب دولت را گرفت. او با اين کارش، ماهيت دروني خود را بارزساخت، پرده از رخ کشيد و برخلاف خميني که مي گفت من به کمک ملت توي دهن اين دولت ميزنم، به حمايت از دولت انتصابيش شتافت تا به خيال خام خود به دهان معترضيني، که اکثريت ملت ايران را شامل مي شوند، بکوبد. >>>


For Neda ...

Thank you my Neda, my voice, thank you for your Blessings

21-Jun-2009 (29 comments)
I too saw Neda, the brave Iranian young woman who went out on street to show her face and protest and yes I too saw hor brutally and savagely slaughtered by a sniper right in her heart to be taken away from the midst of all that is happening across Iran but more importantly from the friendly warm and secure arms of her father and the rest of her family, along with all the other Fallen Angels. I look at her, see her eyes wide open, looking to the sky, not knowing or even realizing what was happening to her, I feel her eyes, I feel and hear her thoughts, her last silent scream for help and for hope to live. I hear her voice, I see her eyes, see her blood and am hurt, deeply, deeper than ever I could 've imagined, in my heart, in my trust, in my beliefs and in my dreams and in my future and in that of all of us>>>


Persian Jam

Persian Jam

Photo essay: Hypernova in concert

by salim
11-Jun-2009 (3 comments)



A look at my two countries

Extreme right has been in power in Iran for 30 years but this is first time in UK history a Fascist has been elected

11-Jun-2009 (4 comments)
Earlier that day the BBC reported that a “far right, anti-immigrant” party in the UK – a Nazi party in all but name – had won two seats in the European parliament – there were pictures of its fascist leader laughing in victory, not unlike King Cockroach in my apartment. Then there was news of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Its president – as outspoken as he is reactionary – has been locking horns (or antennae) with an ever-so-slightly less reactionary leader whose wife, dubbed the Michelle Obama of Iran, a veiled version, of course, has been helping him along in his campaign>>>


Expression of life in its entirety

Homayoun Shajarian and Dastan Ensemble Concert

27-May-2009 (5 comments)
Traditional Persian music, otherwise known as Sonnati music, has officially entered a new era; an era where creativity and unconventional thought have intertwined together to surpass the limitations of tradition. As his father steps down from the throne, the Prince and soon to be the Master of Sonnati avaz (singing), Homayoun Shajarian, has prepared himself for this moment: to inherit the style of music that has been dubbed by most first generation Iranians-Americans as dull and dreary. He provides a new vision; a hope that Sonnati music, through his youthful heart and voice, will gain its inspiration through imaginative innovation, while maintaining true to its traditional roots>>>


چرا غارنشينی بايد چيز بدی باشد؟

اندر دلسوزی برای ميراث فرهنگی و طبيعی

24-May-2009 (3 comments)
اخيرا" خبری ديدم در مورد دهکده ميمند در کرمان که گويا بخاطر وجود گنج يابان، در خطر قرار دارد (خطری که تقريبا" هر دهکده و منطقه ای در ايران را تهديد می کند). نويسنده مطلب برای تشخص دادن به ميمند، گفته بود که دهکده 12 هزارسال آثار سکونت دارد و مردم آن به دين «مهری» پايبند هستند که قبل از «ظهور» زرتشت در ايران وجود داشته، و حالا بعد از حضور اسلام در ايران، ساکننانش به غارها پناه برده اند که از شر اعراب در امان بمانند و حالا جمهوری اسلامی، که در ذهن دوستان حمله دوم اعراب است، سعی در تخريب دهکده از طريق تشويق غارت گران و «مسلمان» کردن مردم مهرپرست آن دارد. بعد هم ادعا کرده اند که زبان مردم ميمند به دليل زندگی در غارها «دستنخورده» مانده و کلمات «ساسانی» در آن موجود است. فکر نکنم لازم باشد که کسی تخصصی در تاريخ يا زبان شناسی ايران داشته باشد که بتواند مشکلات موجود در اين «گزارش» را ببيند و تاسف بخورد >>>


I am no longer waiting

Why, out of nothingness, I hear this voice?

24-May-2009 (4 comments)
It's sick, it's been sick for a very long time. As I sit here by its bedside,I hear it taking its last breaths. I am waiting. I only recently found out it was sick, but I was told it had been sick for a very long time. I had never seen the signs. How could I have known? It had always been that way, ever since I first met it, it had been sick. It was never well. No one told me. I am waiting. It sometimes goes into a coma and my heart stops beating, stops hoping. Is it really gone?Can this be? But it always comes back, regains consciousness; I keep on hoping. I am waiting.>>>


The Resurrection

"Ehya": A one act radio play

17-May-2009 (11 comments)
Resurrector: So you’ve gift wrapped the body in white linen for me. Did you remember to bring the money?

Man: In the bags next to the stretcher. But please kind resurrector, I’m a few million Tomans short and she’s at you mercy.

Resurrector: Mercy? This is not a charity. That diamond chandelier above our heads is there to tell you just that. Payment in full. Borrow if you have to.

Man: I have, resurrector. My friends are tapped out on what they can lend. My bank accounts are all emptied, and I have no more lands to sell. I wanted to keep one house and the store. It was for her, not me >>>


چشمها را باید شست

این نسل طلبکارترین نسل از زمان آدم ابوالبشر به این طرف است

توی دبستان های سوئد به بچه ها یاد می دهند که پدر و مادر صاحب شما نیستند، شما تنها این سالها را با آنها زند گی می کنید. یعنی که ای گوز! پشم کلاه من و ترا مدتهاس باد برده است. وقتی هم رفت رفته دیگه. بی خودی نشین برای خودت بهار بکار. « درسش که تموم شد برمیگرده میاد همین جا زن میگیره، عید نوروز میاد سر میزنه. میادش بالاخره. خاک وطن آدمو هر کجا که باشه….» همه این حرفها را بدهی یک آدامس خروس نشان هم بهت نمی دهند. بقول آن مرد خدا توی آبادان «… دیگه گوگوش نمی یاد.» حالا برو شکر کن که پیمان خیال استرالیا نداره. ارمنستان که همسایه تان است مومن. توی تبریز بروی پشت بام، نوک کلیساهایشان پیداست! خلاصه خودتو بی خودی سبک نکن. از من گفتن!>>>


Free to express

Kaveh Dadashzadeh: The art of elderly Iranian immigrants

27-Apr-2009 (17 comments)
Today a good portion of first-generation Iranian Immigrants to the US have reached old age. Comparing the conditions of these elderly Iranian immigrants to their counterparts in Iran leads us to two contradictory conclusions: Loneliness and estrangement have hardened their adjustment to the requirements of old age, and compared to patriarchal Iran, the individualistic society of America has lowered their social prestige as carriers of old traditions. In contrast, because they enjoy the same legal rights and social and medical benefits that the American senior citizens are entitled to, the elderly Iranian immigrants can potentially be more creative and active than their counterparts in Iran>>>


In the name of love

Akbarzadeh's love affair with Haydeh

24-Apr-2009 (6 comments)
In "Hayedeh, Legendary Persian Diva," Akbarzadeh familiarizes us with the life and artistic achievements of one of the most popular Persian singers of the 20th century. In the words of conductor, Farnoosh Behzad, she was a singer "whose voice was unequalled in texture." And, in an interview, Frank Sinatra praised her voice. Hayedeh (1942-1990), whose real name was Massoumeh Dadehbala, was born in Tehran, and died in exile at age 47. In his film, Pejman Akbarzadeh shows the various periods of Hayedeh's artistic activities: Starting in 1960s, when she sang her first song in public, but remained unknown, until her discovery by Ali Tajvidi for the "Gol-ha-ye Rangarang" program on Iranian National Radio, followed by her turn to popular music>>>